Wegman, Flo and Wendell
October 5, 2013 9:34 AM   Subscribe

Although best known for iconic photographs of his Weimaraner dogs, artist William Wegman is also a painter. While Wegman's combined the two before, recently painting atop commercial travel postcards, he's just published Flo & Wendell, a children's storybook illustrated by dog photos painted over to tell a whimsical tale. Images and review (LA Times); video (YouTube).
posted by DarlingBri (2 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
It MUST be noted that this is NOT MeFi's Own Wendell.
posted by oneswellfoop at 11:21 AM on October 5, 2013 [1 favorite]

Adorable picture book! I wish he had used more of the "spirited" dog photos throughout the book rather than just at the end with the cooking spreads. So cute. Thanks for this post.
posted by morganannie at 1:39 PM on October 5, 2013

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