Are you a dark dreamer?
October 31, 2013 7:59 AM   Subscribe

Dark Dreamers was a series of interviews with horror writers and directors and other icons. Several of them are on youtube: Clive Barker; Wes Craven Harlan Ellison (1, 2, 3); Richard Laymon; Richard Matheson; Julie Strain (MLYT)
posted by fearfulsymmetry (4 comments total) 15 users marked this as a favorite
What, no Garth Marenghi? Horrible oversight there. Greatly reduces the value of this otherwise excellent effort.
posted by Naberius at 8:04 AM on October 31, 2013 [5 favorites]

Geez, Naberius posted what I came here to post WORD FOR WORD. WTF.
posted by edheil at 11:42 AM on October 31, 2013

Well Garth is definitely there in spirit
posted by fearfulsymmetry at 3:53 AM on November 1, 2013

I missed the bit about "and other icons" and I was so confused by the presence of Julie Strain's name.

I'm going to admit, aside from actually some reading his work (I've struggled with his prose so far), I'd never considered Ellison a horror person.
posted by Mezentian at 7:37 AM on November 2, 2013

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