“Wanna talk some shit? Call me.”
November 8, 2013 11:49 AM   Subscribe

‘Gangster Party Line’: For Real Men Who Just Want To Talk Smack Are you lonely? Do you feel like talking smack? Do you just wanna talk to a hard gangster? Look no further. The ‘Gangsta Party Line‘ will fulfill all your needs. Hundreds of gangstas are waiting for your motherfucking call, and they’re all talking smack about you right now. The hardest niggas are standing by, waiting to answer your call. For only $4.99 a minute, you can talk to the hardest guys in the game.
posted by jcterminal (48 comments total) 19 users marked this as a favorite
Thousands? Clock?
posted by Iridic at 11:52 AM on November 8, 2013 [3 favorites]

This should be a real thing.
posted by ph00dz at 11:52 AM on November 8, 2013 [2 favorites]

I'm certain that if you go to certain places you can find this service on the street for free.
posted by jenfullmoon at 11:55 AM on November 8, 2013 [8 favorites]

That was the most amazing thing, and I hope everyone sees it. There are so many wonderful parts packed into that 1:42 but I can't talk about any of it because I'm white, and there are rules.

But please watch it!
posted by Poppa Bear at 11:59 AM on November 8, 2013 [2 favorites]

Danmnit, Achewood is leaking again.
posted by The Whelk at 12:00 PM on November 8, 2013 [7 favorites]

posted by neroli at 12:06 PM on November 8, 2013 [1 favorite]

This should be a real thing

I think part of what this is parodying is that all of the ads for "party lines" where you can "talk to sexy singles in your area" are always populated with a bunch of random dudes who get into arguments with each other on the phone because no actual women ever call those numbers. I remember hearing an anecdote from someone who "moderated" one such party line talking about how guys would get pissed off enough that it would escalate to talking about physically fighting in real life, and they would have to awkwardly negotiate an acceptable location to drive to and beat each other up at. So yeah this pretty much exists, just with less honest advertising.
posted by burnmp3s at 12:10 PM on November 8, 2013 [28 favorites]

I fear these gentleman may be unable to provide the sort of stimulating, multi-layered discourse I am seeking.
posted by Decani at 12:11 PM on November 8, 2013 [3 favorites]

I'm certain that if you go to certain places you can find this service on the street for free.

Xbox Live isn't free, actually.
posted by The Bellman at 12:12 PM on November 8, 2013 [24 favorites]

There a Vimeo link for this? I'm leery of signing into YouTube these days since the new comment system seems to delight in tricking people into creating a G+ account.
posted by Diablevert at 12:16 PM on November 8, 2013

Abraz: Bullshit. Who sent you here, boy? Did that chickenshit asshole Raphael send you, boy?

Chance: No. Mr. Thomas Franklin told me I must leave the old man's house. He's dead, you know.

Abraz: Dead, my ass. You tell that asshole, if he got somethin' to tell me, to get his ass down here himself! You got that, boy?
posted by bitslayer at 12:22 PM on November 8, 2013 [2 favorites]

Diablevert, if you use MeFi's inline player it bypasses the age check.
posted by echo target at 12:23 PM on November 8, 2013 [1 favorite]

jenfullmoon: "I'm certain that if you go to certain places you can find this service on the street for free."

What you're paying for is the convenience of hanging up the phone when you've had enough.
posted by vanar sena at 12:24 PM on November 8, 2013 [6 favorites]

I remember hearing an anecdote from someone who "moderated" one such party line talking about how guys would get pissed off enough that it would escalate to talking about physically fighting in real life, and they would have to awkwardly negotiate an acceptable location to drive to and beat each other up at.

You're telling us Fight Club is real but charges $4.99/minute?
posted by justsomebodythatyouusedtoknow at 12:26 PM on November 8, 2013 [3 favorites]

They missed the obvious shot where a couple of suburban 13-year-olds with their new hats on backwards are sharing the phone while talking shit with real badasses!
posted by Artful Codger at 12:28 PM on November 8, 2013 [4 favorites]

"Listen, I came here for an argument!"
"Oh, sorry, this is abuse."
posted by Daily Alice at 12:34 PM on November 8, 2013 [10 favorites]

Why am I being reminded of The Angry Marriage?
posted by droplet at 12:35 PM on November 8, 2013

Where was this when casting calls for the Wire were happening?
posted by jadepearl at 12:45 PM on November 8, 2013

How ya doin?
posted by Kirth Gerson at 12:46 PM on November 8, 2013

Jewish niggas reminds me of Bubala Please. Has that been made into an FPP before? Because it really should be. This one's a classic.
posted by R. Schlock at 12:56 PM on November 8, 2013 [6 favorites]

"Yes. I understand. If I see Raphael I will tell him."
posted by hal9k at 1:16 PM on November 8, 2013

You're telling us Fight Club is real but charges $4.99/minute?

The first rule of Fight Club is Visa or MasterCard, because we don't take Discover.

Also see: "Miss Cleo, I don't think you really know."
posted by Blazecock Pileon at 1:21 PM on November 8, 2013 [1 favorite]

Really wish they hadn't done the dog thing. It was perfect until it went too "new comedy central unfunny sketch show" with that.
posted by emptythought at 1:31 PM on November 8, 2013 [2 favorites]

Written directed and produced by a white guy, btw. Brent Weinbach
posted by wemayfreeze at 1:40 PM on November 8, 2013

Written directed and produced by a white guy

Really? I'm shocked, shocked.
posted by neroli at 1:49 PM on November 8, 2013 [4 favorites]

Look, I get that this is a satire of call-in lines. But it's still racist. Flagged.
posted by mai at 2:00 PM on November 8, 2013 [6 favorites]

Can someone honestly explain to me why perpetuating racist stereotypes is considered to be appropriate and even funny in this case, but not in so many other places?
posted by cell divide at 2:01 PM on November 8, 2013 [2 favorites]

$4.99 a minute to talk to the hardest guys in the game? Surely this is social commentary about the prison industrial extortion complex.
posted by oceanjesse at 2:44 PM on November 8, 2013

reminds me of Bubala Please

Reminds me of Ninja Say What?
posted by fuse theorem at 3:11 PM on November 8, 2013

Can someone honestly explain to me why perpetuating racist stereotypes is considered to be appropriate and even funny in this case, but not in so many other places?

Because this isn't perpetuating racist stereotypes. It's absurdist comedy. It's possible to watch it, and find it amusing, without thinking "gee, they're right—black people are all thugs and criminals!"
posted by escape from the potato planet at 3:13 PM on November 8, 2013 [9 favorites]

posted by euphorb at 3:22 PM on November 8, 2013 [1 favorite]

no actual women ever call those numbers

A friend and I did in college. Some poor sap got charged $3.99 a minute or whatever to listen to us tell him about the imaginary "dirt farm" we owned (in response to "so what do you ladies do?"). Then he wanted to know where we lived, so we got off the line...
posted by limeonaire at 4:23 PM on November 8, 2013 [1 favorite]

It is funny in a Kentucky Fried Movie way, which means it might actually be racist but this video seems to be enjoyed in YouTube comments by people of all races.
posted by steinsaltz at 4:55 PM on November 8, 2013 [1 favorite]

Pro-tip for white people and others who like to rap along to their favorite hip hop artists but rightfully don't want to say that word: substitute "Nietzsche." It takes a little getting used to, but pretty soon you'll be spittin mad lyrics!
posted by Saxon Kane at 5:16 PM on November 8, 2013 [7 favorites]

Can someone honestly explain to me why perpetuating racist stereotypes is considered to be appropriate and even funny in this case, but not in so many other places?

Because this isn't perpetuating racist stereotypes. It's absurdist comedy. It's possible to watch it, and find it amusing, without thinking "gee, they're right—black people are all thugs and criminals!"

I disagree, I think it's perpetuating racist stereotypes.
posted by sweetkid at 6:48 PM on November 8, 2013 [3 favorites]

I thought it was pretty amusing until the dog, and then it was hilarious.
posted by ThatFuzzyBastard at 8:48 PM on November 8, 2013 [5 favorites]

Can someone honestly explain to me why perpetuating racist stereotypes is considered to be appropriate and even funny in this case, but not in so many other places?

The vast majority of the people actually acting in the video aren't white?

This isn't a bunch of white college kids who think saying the n word is hilarious. That's a fairly major bar to be on one side or the other of for me.

I would even say if it was a white guy walking around a call center full of PoC it would be a lot different. But no, almost the entire time it's not white dudes.

To the people poopin on this, how is it any different than something like key and peele? All those shows have white dudes writing for them. What about stuff like the Cleveland show?

I'm not going to double down and defend this or anything, but it seems fairly far away from "white dudes going lol black/other people of color AMIRITE?" compared to a lot of shit. And quite close to stuff like, as I said, key and peele.
posted by emptythought at 11:12 PM on November 8, 2013

yeah, not sure key and peele would have been ha ha dog n-word, jewish n-word. K and P tend to poke fun of racist shit (like racist zombies) but I am not sure what the object of satire here is but for those call in lines and also men lacking education and who are mostly black.

If, say, one of those character started gently talking to a caller about why they should love themselves and the importance of self-worth, that would be more K and P.
posted by angrycat at 6:02 AM on November 9, 2013 [1 favorite]

Jewish niggas reminds me of Bubala Please. Has that been made into an FPP before? Because it really should be. This one yt 's a classic.

That was hilarious, and it made me hungry.
posted by gladly at 6:40 AM on November 9, 2013 [1 favorite]

Mod note: Couple comments deleted; discussion about "how MeFi is" doesn't go here, and if you have a question about moderation the best way to ask is via the contact form. Thanks.
posted by LobsterMitten (staff) at 9:07 AM on November 9, 2013

*flashes nigga badge*

It's ok everyone, I am a real black person and while I find this uncomfortable, it is also hilarious.

If you like, you may discuss the various permutations of the word "nigga" and its attempt at decoupling it from being exclusively attached to the people formerly known as colored, to ease your conscience and stimulate your intellect centers.

If "n-word" feels awakward to type, then you use "ninja" or "fine, but bad ass people."

Seriously, what's a dog nigga? and what is it about that particular breed of dog?
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 9:24 AM on November 9, 2013 [3 favorites]

Seriously, what's a dog nigga?

*raises hand*

Oooh! Ooh! I know this! Pick me! Sir! Sir! Pick me! Sir! I know this!

The mascot of the bomber squadron in Dambusters (and in real life) was a black Labrador named, uh, "Nigger."
posted by ROU_Xenophobe at 9:43 AM on November 9, 2013 [2 favorites]

I can understand why some people are uncomfortable with the video. However:

1. At the risk of explaining the joke: I don't read it as satire. That is, I don't think it's taking aim at racism, or black people, or any particular thing. It's just...absurdist. It takes a mish-mash of ridiculous things (the "gangsta" persona, cheap commercials for phone sex lines, little fluffy dogs), and sticks them together in a ridiculous way. Why is it funny? Who knows? It just is. It's an incongruous, improbable, hilariously proportioned thing, and that makes us laugh.

When you're constructing an absurdist object like that, offensive and outrageous elements often work quite well. You don't have to believe them for the comedy to work.

If you have to politicize it, look at it this way: presenting these stereotypes in such a ridiculous context frames them as, well, ridiculous.

2. Depicting something does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of that thing. Art and comedy and are...more complex than that, much to culture's benefit.

3. This video only "perpetuates racist stereotypes" if people view it and then adopt racist stereotypes (or feel that their existing racist stereotypes have been validated). By and large, that's not the effect it's having. I don't think anyone in this thread is responding to it that way, for example—quite a few of us laughed at it, and yet I'd be willing to bet that none of us is any more racist than we were to begin with. Give people some credit.

To be sure, it's a fine line sometimes. People do try to hide actual racism behind "it's just a joke", which is bullshit and should be called out. But it's not always easy to judge intent, especially when you're dealing with something as subtle and subjective as humor. Some folks prefer to err on the safe side, and say we should never joke about certain things. Others find that joking about them can be a helpful and positive way to understand and overcome them. People are different.
posted by escape from the potato planet at 10:51 AM on November 9, 2013 [3 favorites]

Mod note: One deleted; touchy topic already, let's skip the namecalling?
posted by LobsterMitten (staff) at 11:11 AM on November 9, 2013

The vast majority of the people actually acting in the video aren't white?

So it doesn't meet your quota? Would it matter if the writer and director was white?
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 11:42 AM on November 9, 2013 [1 favorite]

substitute "Nietzsche."

I substitute kitty, its awesome.

Trinidad James – All Gold Everything

kitty kitty kitty
Don't believe me, just watch
Don't believe me, just watch
Gold all in my chain, gold all in my ring
Gold all in my watch, don't believe me just watch

This ain't for no fuck kitty
If you a real kitty then fuck with me
This one for the hood kitties
Hipster kitties that shop at Lenox
Dark skinned, light skinned, Asian and White kitties
Hypebeasts we know aboutchea'
Don't buy shoes unless they popula'
posted by Ad hominem at 11:57 AM on November 9, 2013 [1 favorite]

I'm certain that if you go to certain places you can find this service on the street for free.

I don't pay real men for smack talk, I pay them to step off.
posted by orme at 5:05 AM on November 11, 2013 [1 favorite]

I don't think it's taking aim at racism, or black people, or any particular thing. It's just...absurdist.

I don't think I agree. It's like... Remember the prototypical Charles Atlas ad from the back of comic books? Skinny nerd gets sand kicked in his face by bully, bully walks away arm in arm with hot girl. Skinny nerd does Charles Atlas program, comes back, beats up bully, wins love of hot girl. The Fantasy of the Alpha Male in three panels.

A typical late night phone ad present half of the Alpha fantasy: Sexy ladies are waiting for your call, lads. You too can walk away with the hot girl. This YouTube video flips the script, using the style and tropes of a party line ad to advertise the other half of the Alpha fantasy: beating up the bully. You too can prove you're man enough, the hardest motherfucker in the game, just call me now. It's selling a power fantasy instead of a sex fantasy, and if it is absurd it is so because by swapping out power for sex you reveal the silliness of the whole deal...the dudes in the video are stereotypical avatars of toughness just as the chicks in a real ad are avatars of sexiness. In that respect I think the object of whatever satire there is isn't the dudes in the video so much as the implied viewer.

Killed that joke with a scapel, maybe I really should have gone to grad school for comparative lit...
posted by Diablevert at 8:46 AM on November 11, 2013 [1 favorite]

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