January 18, 2002
9:02 AM   Subscribe

The future seems to be rushing in at an alarming rate.
(links via Fark.com)
posted by TiggleTaggleTiger (19 comments total)
P.S. - my apologies for the memepool style post.
posted by TiggleTaggleTiger at 9:03 AM on January 18, 2002

You liar! If these links are from Fark, then where's the boobies?

hey! jet packs and doggie abortions. this should be an interesting thread...
posted by ColdChef at 9:08 AM on January 18, 2002

The title attribute is your friend, use it as often as you can :)

Good set of links though, thanks.
posted by riffola at 9:09 AM on January 18, 2002

For those who might feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of links, they are, in order:

A driverless taxi test run
Genetically engineered spider silk that's stronger than steel
Tonga may become a launch spot for space tourists
Solotrek (previously discussed here)
New microbes that live without sunlight or oxygen
An Intel P4 overclocked to 3500MHz
A pub-detecting GPS system in a wristwatch
Someone looking for a dog abortionist
posted by starvingartist at 9:11 AM on January 18, 2002

Pub detecting watch. My dreams have all come true. Very cool post.
posted by eyeballkid at 9:12 AM on January 18, 2002

btw, the spider story is cool - enhancing cows and goats with spider cells so spider silk can be produced from the ensuing milk. The story uses the term "spider-mammals". Makes me think of goats with 8 hairy spider legs creeping around the barnyard. *shudder*
posted by starvingartist at 9:13 AM on January 18, 2002

I dunno, the future seems to be rushing in one second at a time.

Oh, and a memepool-style post of FARK links on MetaFilter? Isn't that a violation of some rule of etiquette somewhere? :-)

(good links, btw)
posted by briank at 9:16 AM on January 18, 2002

howstuffworks had a thing on spider goats. the doggie abortion reminded me of that doggie acupuncture conversation on mightygirl.
posted by kliuless at 9:17 AM on January 18, 2002

I want my flying car. NOW.
posted by solistrato at 9:27 AM on January 18, 2002

Certainly no doggie discussion would be complete without neuticals!
posted by airgirl at 9:30 AM on January 18, 2002

Makes me think of goats with 8 hairy spider legs creeping around the barnyard.

Oh, man. What an image. That's going to be with me for a while. *shudder*, indeed.
posted by mccreath at 9:32 AM on January 18, 2002

"Baa-aah!" *scuttle scuttle* "Baa-aah!"
posted by starvingartist at 9:49 AM on January 18, 2002

New MeFi tagline!
posted by webmutant at 11:42 AM on January 18, 2002

All these links ARE pretty futuristic, except, strangely enough, the one about space tourists. Space travel seems more and more like an antique concept every day. Space travel was the last generation's version of a "wow" future. Now we know that space vehicles are shabby, uncomfortable, incredibly expensive places that yield few thrills that couldn't be more easily accessed through unmanned space vehicles. Space is over.
posted by Faze at 12:00 PM on January 18, 2002

The problem with arachnid-goats is that you'd never be able to catch the bastards to milk them.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 5:13 PM on January 18, 2002

You forgot the 'at' and 'an' links...
posted by y2karl at 5:22 PM on January 18, 2002

The next twenty years are going to rock!

Or suck.

Probably both, actually...but the mindblowing technological advancements recently, some of which T-T-T links to, are coming thick and fast, and the rate just seems to be increasing. Great time to be alive, from that perspective, if you have the money and are lucky enough to live in a wealthy society.

In the immortal words of Big Kev, "I'm excited!" That's why I quit smoking - I want to see what happens.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 6:43 PM on January 18, 2002

Sorry - forgot the Big Kev link for non-Aussies.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 6:53 PM on January 18, 2002

Space is over.

Mind if I time-capsule that for you, Faze? I'll file it right next to (paraphrase), "Everything of importance that will be invented has already been invented."
posted by Ptrin at 6:56 PM on January 18, 2002

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