"I wanted to start with this quote because it just - ugh..."
February 16, 2015 9:10 PM   Subscribe

I really appreciated the explicit link from microaggressions to impostor syndrome.
posted by a snickering nuthatch at 9:29 PM on February 16, 2015 [4 favorites]

Good perspectives. She is aware that people tiptoe around these issues, or worse, get inflamed and annoyed and feel attacked for their white male privilege. One minor point for public speakers vis-a-vis the final portion of this speech. Always repeat/summarize the question from an audience member before replying, because the question is often unheard by most. I'm amazed by how few speakers miss this step.
posted by kozad at 10:01 PM on February 16, 2015 [2 favorites]

It's not really obvious (even though many speakers do do it), and probably if you're relatively novice—she indicates that this is her first time speaking at an event—it's harder to have the presence of mind to slow down and repeat the question before diving right in to answering it. Even though one nice effect of the repetition is to give you a little more time to think of how to answer it.
posted by kenko at 10:11 PM on February 16, 2015 [2 favorites]




Good stuff. Thank you, joseph conrad is fully awesome.
posted by MonkeyToes at 4:46 AM on February 17, 2015 [3 favorites]

Is there a transcript available?
posted by Sangermaine at 7:24 AM on February 17, 2015

Awesome talk, she definitely highlighted a ton of really really important issues and things that we should all be watching out for.
posted by vuron at 7:33 AM on February 17, 2015 [1 favorite]

I don't think there's a transcript available; I tried to find out more about Marni Cohen and it let me to this page (brief bio) at Puppet Labs. She doesn't appear to be on Twitter but that seems strange, I would think she would be.

So, I guess I could contact Puppet Labs to try and find out if there's a transcript available, but I have a feeling the answer would be 'no'.
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome at 9:39 AM on February 17, 2015

Always repeat/summarize the question from an audience member before replying, because the question is often unheard by most.


it's harder to have the presence of mind to slow down and repeat the question before diving right in to answering it

Am I missing something? I thought she did repeat the question.
posted by a snickering nuthatch at 9:56 AM on February 17, 2015

> Am I missing something? I thought she did repeat the question.

She did with the first one, not with the subsequent ones. That's a small flaw in a very good talk, though.

Enlightening and, something that as a white cishet male with good intentions but probably many bad habits I appreciate, directly actionable. Too often talks, both technical and non-technical, outline a problem or point at someone's best practices without giving the audience something they can do to start today. This one was perfect in that regard.
posted by kandinski at 1:24 PM on February 17, 2015 [1 favorite]

She doesn't appear to be on Twitter but that seems strange, I would think she would be.

Sounds like she's smart enough not to be easily found on Twitter, for the usual unfortunate reasons.
posted by aabbbiee at 9:46 AM on February 18, 2015 [1 favorite]

Hi! I just joined MetaFilter so I could respond to this, so if I'm doing this wrong let me know! I'm Marni, my coworker gave me a heads up about my talk being posted here and it's been really awesome to read such positive comments :)

As for a transcript, I totally didn't even think to write one! Which seems silly in retrospect, but I'm working on it now and hope to have one in the next few days (I'll link it here in the comments and on the youtube when available, hopefully it isn't too late).

And I don't have a twitter/linkedin/facebook/social internet life, just my email.

Also I wrote a blog post about my experience giving this talk if you're interested.
posted by MarniCohen at 10:40 AM on February 24, 2015 [13 favorites]

As for a transcript, I totally didn't even think to write one!

It's awesome that you're willing to write one up -- thank you!
posted by MonkeyToes at 12:11 PM on February 24, 2015 [2 favorites]

Phew! Writing a transcript takes way longer than I thought. It's done though. My work wants to publish it as a blog post and I'm not clear on their timeline for that, so if you would like to read the transcript before it goes live on the Puppet Labs blog, shoot me a message/email (marni@puppetlabs.com) and I'll send it your way. Else I'll update the YouTube link with a transcript as soon as it's published.

Disclaimer: I've never written a transcript before so I have no idea how many 'ums'/awkward laughs I ought to cut out, so it's a little messy :)
posted by MarniCohen at 3:32 PM on March 2, 2015 [3 favorites]

D'oh, I should've just linked to the google doc, here's the transcript.

It'll probably get a little more cleaned up before going live, sorry for any typos/inconsistencies.
posted by MarniCohen at 4:50 PM on March 2, 2015 [1 favorite]

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