The Road Home
April 10, 2016 8:43 PM   Subscribe

“Treated right, poems don't just ‘work’ on radio, they can rock your world.” The Road Home, Bob Chelmick’s weekly broadcast of poetry and music, is perfect for winding down on Sunday night (and do male voices get more relaxing?). Each month the Road Home website cycles through 27 hours of past shows (playlist). Or listen to the live program on Sundays at 8-10 pm MST via the CKUA website. About Bob Chelmick.
posted by sylvanshine (4 comments total) 10 users marked this as a favorite
In my rush to do my first post, I accidentally buried the "cabin in the woods" aspect. From the iTunes app page: "a mix of music, spoken word, poetry, storytelling and the ambient sounds of life in the Canadian woods. Veteran broadcaster Bob Chelmick produces The Road at his cabin in the boreal forest where birds sing, dogs bark and coyotes howl."

An introduction on Vimeo. Mobile apps are linked from the home page.
posted by sylvanshine at 9:03 PM on April 10, 2016

Thanks for this; I haven't listened to CKUA in ages and this seems like a good reason to tune in.
posted by nubs at 9:13 PM on April 10, 2016 [1 favorite]

CKUA also has an archive of older shows in the hour-long format he'd used for a number of years previously, and these are played at 5 a.m. MDT on weekdays - that's what I'm listening to right now. A great way to start the day.
posted by hangashore at 4:56 AM on April 11, 2016

I will have to check this out. I think well read poetry is a rare and powerfull thing. Sadly there is a great deal of badly read poetry, often by the poets themselves. Its not exactly the readers fault, often its as immutable as the quality of their voice but it is sometimes over emphasis or that sing song rythm that just annoys me. Tastes differ but for me the standard poetry slam theatricality sounds narcissistic and alienating. I use a poetry app and for the poems available as audio the success rate is maybe 20%
posted by Pembquist at 10:53 AM on April 11, 2016

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