Spoon Planet: the largest collection of sterling silver spoons online
June 22, 2016 8:26 PM   Subscribe

"The Souvenir and Commemorative Spoon Planet Museum is the largest collection of sterling silver souvenir spoons on the internet. You will find a huge and eclectic mix of unusual silver spoons for your viewing PLEASURE." Spoon Planet started out somewhere on GeoCities, where it lived for a decade before moving to Spoon Planet dot com, where it retains it's Web v1 charm (and some of it's GeoCities-specific code). But we're not here for the layout, we're here for the spoon exhibits! From advertising spoons and African spoons to Yogyakarta flatware and Zodiac spoons, the site includes silver spoons from around the world and across the decades.
posted by filthy light thief (8 comments total) 12 users marked this as a favorite
Found via a recent question on AskMe, which lead to the Turkish subset of coin spoon collections on Spoon Planet.
posted by filthy light thief at 8:27 PM on June 22, 2016

Let a thousand stylesheets bloom!
posted by Going To Maine at 8:29 PM on June 22, 2016

Spoon Planet

...can be found nestled comfortably just behind Uranus, one presumes?
posted by Greg_Ace at 9:13 PM on June 22, 2016 [3 favorites]

posted by Lyme Drop at 9:24 PM on June 22, 2016

One gets so few opportunities like that one; how could I resist?
posted by Greg_Ace at 10:29 PM on June 22, 2016 [1 favorite]

I came for the Snoop and stayed for the spoons.

My grandmother has a small collection of commemorative spoons from Yosemite, lesser (by her measure) national and state parks, cable cars, California missions, state fairs, tourist attractions, etc. that she uses as demitasse spoons when company comes over. I always loved looking through them when I was young.

Apostle spoons play a role in the latest Bernie Rhodenbarr novel, which I just found out about and listened to on a long drive last weekend, so I was able to feel knowledgeable about one of the exhibits.

posted by ActingTheGoat at 10:42 PM on June 22, 2016 [2 favorites]

I am waiting for the first UK-based Mefite to mention Private Eye...in 4,3,2,1...
posted by MessageInABottle at 2:43 AM on June 23, 2016 [1 favorite]

Part of my joy at finding this site was knowing that there are still some "[Thing] Planet" or "Planet [Thing]" fansites still online. Back in the late 1990s, in the era of webrings and before Google, I remember a ton of sites like "Planet Doom" that were put together by fans of video games and such, and I think some of that naming spread to other fandoms.

I looked for some history or reference to this meme or pattern, but I didn't easily find anything and I gave up.
posted by filthy light thief at 7:27 AM on June 23, 2016 [2 favorites]

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