Celine Dion can make your computer cringe, too.
April 5, 2002 7:25 AM   Subscribe

Celine Dion can make your computer cringe, too. (Standup comics take note, this tidbit has the inspiration for a real zinger!)
posted by Fofer (7 comments total)
Are there really enough people who would *want* to pirate a Celine Dion cd to justify copy-protecting it?

posted by andnbsp at 7:35 AM on April 5, 2002

I think that this completely expresses my feelings towards the CD, its copy protection, and said person's music.
posted by adampsyche at 7:41 AM on April 5, 2002

She looks like Hedwig in that picture. But then again, I always had her figured for a drag queen anyway.
posted by macadamiaranch at 7:52 AM on April 5, 2002

thanks for the warning coz after i am done down at my favourite store tomorrow, HMV and Miss Dion's album were next on my list.
posted by Frasermoo at 7:57 AM on April 5, 2002

OK, is it just me or does it seem like a really bad idea for the music industry to be alienating computer users? We have our own server at home and it stores our iTunes music library, accessible throughout the house via AirPort. Now our stereo is used mainly for the speakers. We don't want to lose the functionality of an app like iTunes, but that is clearly the direction some music companies are taking.

Thankfully, Phillips is standing up to the pressure. They'll continue to produce their read/write CD players. And they're not allowing the new copy-protected discs to be called CDs, a designation for which they own the copyright. Go, Phillips!
posted by gutenberg at 9:39 AM on April 5, 2002

Yay for Philips. My next monitor and CD player will both be Philips. I support companies who take stands that I like and refuse to fold.

Gutenberg - Isn't it normal for those who are less intelligent to consider those who are more intelligent to be dangerous? The old codgers who run the music industry don't understand how they can turn computers to their benefits... they don't 'get' computers, so they try to prosecute them out of existence. This happened with the advent of radio, as well...
posted by SpecialK at 12:26 PM on April 5, 2002

no real music will ever have this protection, just trashy trite popular music.

who cares?

celine dion can fornicate herself.
posted by Satapher at 10:36 PM on April 5, 2002

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