The Spirit of Standing Rock and The Never-Ending Indian Wars
January 24, 2017 1:10 PM   Subscribe

The Spirit of Standing Rock on the Move. "People from more than 300 tribes traveled to the North Dakota plains to pray and march in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux. Back home, each tribe faces its own version of the “black snake” and a centuries-old struggle to survive." posted by homunculus (27 comments total) 28 users marked this as a favorite
As an environmental protester now facing greater penalties for non-violent protests than the mining companies face for making entire landscapes toxic, my heart goes out to the First People for the hard road ahead. Stay strong and committed, we need your leadership.
From the Yes Magazine link
Meanwhile, a North Dakota legislator wants to make it easier for ordinary citizens to injure or even kill protesters. Keith Kempenich and six co-sponsors, all Republicans, have submitted a bill that Kempenich told the Bismarck Tribune is a response to frustrated constituents who oppose the anti-DAPL movement, which has at times spilled into public roadways. If the measure passes, motorists who “negligently” hurt or kill anyone obstructing traffic “would not be held liable for any damages.
posted by Thella at 1:25 PM on January 24, 2017 [2 favorites]

Meanwhile, a North Dakota legislator wants to make it easier for ordinary citizens to injure or even kill protesters.

Having been at some of the DAPL demonstrations in DC, the sense that many at Standing Rock feel they have little left to lose was palpable. If I were Keith Kempenich, I'd watch my back - he's making some pretty desperate and determined enemies.
posted by ryanshepard at 1:27 PM on January 24, 2017 [4 favorites]

Looks like I have to get my checkbook out again.

I've donated to the medical bills of two individuals who were wounded previously by police. One nearly had to have an arm amputated. The other nearly lost an eye.

I've also donated to the legal defense funds of the water protectors.

I live in Iowa, and watched this pipeline crap get shoved into our state to no benefit of the state, so my checkbook is the easiest way I have of saying fuck you to these people. I have other ways as well, but I am convinced this pipeline was part of what cost Hillary the general in Iowa. Had she come out early and hard against it, she would have been embraced. Instead it took way too long for the polls to convince her it was safe to go against her donors.
posted by cjorgensen at 1:39 PM on January 24, 2017 [8 favorites]

Just, god damn it.

The continued resistance and unwavering resolve of the water protectors is incredibly inspiring, but I really, really wish it wasn't necessary.
posted by tobascodagama at 2:30 PM on January 24, 2017 [4 favorites]

Amazing. It's 2017, and the government is still working to fuck over the Native Americans.
posted by BlueHorse at 4:16 PM on January 24, 2017 [8 favorites]

Someone asked I follow up here with where I donate, so I am.

I have a friend protesting there, and he recommends following the Sacred Stone Camp on facebook. They will often link to various funding campaigns for legal or medical funds. They also have a website: Sacred Stone Camp. He's an activist with Beyond Extreme Energy and I've funded a couple of his Crowwdrise campaigns (sort of like kickstarter for activists).

Here's a cool story about my friend Jimmy Bett's fiddle.

I often give to legal defense funds (never much, but I still like to kick in). The Standing Rock thing came from a joke on Facebook. Jimmy tried to get me to go to a protest of the pipeline through Iowa. I asked, "Couldn't I just pay someone to do it for me?" and he said, "Yes you can," and sent me the crowdrise link.

He got me to start opening my checkbook for other causes as well.
posted by cjorgensen at 4:29 PM on January 24, 2017 [8 favorites]

And here's why they don't want this pipeline: Canadian spill on aboriginal land.
posted by cjorgensen at 5:03 PM on January 24, 2017 [2 favorites]

My grandmother, born in the late 1800s, was utterly opposed to anyone outside of the family knowing our Blood Quantums. No faith in white people or white law in that woman.
posted by ridgerunner at 10:02 PM on January 24, 2017 [4 favorites]

ridgerunner, a similar situation in my family.
posted by Katjusa Roquette at 9:51 AM on January 25, 2017 [1 favorite]

Where I live we've had protests against the pipeline and four people I know were among a supply convoy to Standing Rock this past summer.

Secretary Clinton had substantial donations from oil companies. She probably would not have done an immediate executive order, but tbh she would not have been that helpful on this issue.
President Obama wasn't that helpful on Native American causes generally. Besides not really stopping these pipelines, he denied clemency to Leonard Peltier, who is at age 71(?) likely to die in prison now. President Obama arguably freed many less deserving individuals before he left office.

Extractive industries on Native lands is a situation which is only going to get worse.
posted by Katjusa Roquette at 9:59 AM on January 25, 2017 [2 favorites]

Today's episode of Democracy Now has several stories about Standing Rock and the DAPL.
posted by homunculus at 3:21 PM on January 25, 2017

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