March 17, 2017 4:49 AM   Subscribe

Paul and Carl are roommates. There's just one problem: Carl is a "dangerous psychopath with a history of violence." Also, they are llamas. Llamas with Hats. [This tastelessly funny series of animated shorts is probably NSFW.]
posted by Room 641-A (20 comments total) 17 users marked this as a favorite
"What's the red and sticky stuff on the floor of the lifeboat?"
"Would you believe it's a strawberry milkshake?"

(this should totally be posted on the sidebar as the next U.S. Politics thread)
posted by sammyo at 5:37 AM on March 17, 2017

In other words, Carl is every llama I've ever come across.
posted by tommasz at 5:56 AM on March 17, 2017 [7 favorites]

That's what forgiveness sounds like: screaming, and then silence.
posted by I-Write-Essays at 6:11 AM on March 17, 2017 [1 favorite]

"I can't go anywhere with you, Carl."
"That hurt my feelings. Now we're both in the wrong."
posted by Room 641-A at 6:34 AM on March 17, 2017 [2 favorites]

"What is wrong with you, Carl?"

"Well, I kill people and eat hands, so that's two things."
posted by nubs at 6:41 AM on March 17, 2017 [6 favorites]

I'm sorry. I thought you liked faces.
posted by delfin at 6:52 AM on March 17, 2017 [1 favorite]

In other words, Carl is every llama I've ever come across.
As someone who has llamas, this always bugs me. Most people encounter llamas in zoos or petting zoos, and llamas are hierarchical animals. If you feed them, you are subservient to them in their minds. Ergo, if you are doing things they don't like -- such as not feeding them -- they will likely spit at you.

I have had 2 wonderful llamas since 2008, and have never been spat at. They jostle with each other, and they spit at each other, but never at me. I don't hand feed them, and I never let them think they are dominating me.

Anyway, the cartoon is weird and somewhat funny. Thanks for sharing.
posted by terrapin at 6:59 AM on March 17, 2017 [19 favorites]

When I woke today I certainly didn't think I'd be reading a rant in defense of llamas. I feel better for it.
posted by brokeaspoke at 7:36 AM on March 17, 2017 [11 favorites]

They're good llamas, teraphim.
posted by Johnny Wallflower at 7:54 AM on March 17, 2017 [13 favorites]

"It's not a meat grinder. It's an orphan stomper."
posted by DirtyOldTown at 8:06 AM on March 17, 2017 [1 favorite]

(When seeing the meat dragon) *sigh* It's horrifying.
posted by bolda at 8:12 AM on March 17, 2017 [1 favorite]

I came for the dark humor, and stayed for the llama drama.

(That was great , Room 641-A! Many thanks for the share - "Caaaaaaaaaaarrrrrlllllll" is now firmly in my lexicon. I pity everyone in my life, from this moment on... )
posted by Amor Bellator at 9:13 AM on March 17, 2017 [1 favorite]

Substantially less funny and interesting once real Paul leaves and they lose that rapport. Demonic hallucination/mask Carl probably sounded funnier in theory.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 9:15 AM on March 17, 2017 [3 favorites]

I find it highly incredible that this has never been posted on the blue.

but good post!

"that kills people!" is something my friends and i scream at each other regularly
posted by numaner at 9:17 AM on March 17, 2017 [8 favorites]

"Whitey's gotta pay."
posted by doctornemo at 10:22 AM on March 17, 2017

Their entire YouTube channel is pretty funny, twisted, and dark. I particularly like Detective Mittens and the monster ruining the guy's eggs.
posted by msbutah at 11:00 AM on March 17, 2017 [1 favorite]

Hey, this is the same guy that did Charlie the Unicorn. Here's an AMA he did last year.
posted by chainsofreedom at 3:24 PM on March 17, 2017 [1 favorite]

Sidenote: Wow, Metafilter was harsh on stupid videos back in the day . . .
posted by chainsofreedom at 3:26 PM on March 17, 2017

This is briliant. "I was hungry for hands: give me a break."
posted by anothermug at 6:50 AM on March 18, 2017 [2 favorites]

My teenage daughter turned me on to these (and Charlie the Unicorn). We laugh like idiots. She occasionally breaks out into the millipede song for no reason.
posted by kjs3 at 2:54 PM on March 20, 2017

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