“...soft power remains an elusive and ill-defined concept,”
April 1, 2017 12:49 PM   Subscribe

Soft Power, National Branding, and the Process of Engineering Attraction (Part 1: Power in International Relations) [Chromatic Aberration Everywhere] “I'’ve been thinking a lot about this type of thing — soft power, how it affects us, how it’s discussed, and what it actually is. And, after a lot of thinking, much discussion (including some with Froggykun!), and lots of writing, I think I’ve finally come up with some answers. Surprisingly, many of them lead back to Outbreak Company — it turns out the scenario the show constructs actually is quite clever on a wide variety of fronts, and could easily be seen as the exact type of critique soft power needs right now (both in content and in form — what better way to criticize the valorizing of otaku culture than as a LN filled to the brim with otaku culture?!) or its exact opposite.”

• Soft Power, National Branding, and the Process of Engineering Attraction (Part 2: National Branding is Not Nationalistic Persuasion)
• Soft Power, National Branding, and the Process of Engineering Attraction (Part 3: Soft Power, K-Pop, and Anime)
• Soft Power, National Branding, and the Process of Engineering Attraction (Part 4: Soft Power, Looking Forward)
posted by Fizz (0 comments total) 12 users marked this as a favorite

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