we have such maps to show you
August 4, 2018 10:55 PM   Subscribe

It's a category violation: both mod and game, both goal-based and open-ended, both scripted and procedurally-generated. It's a boundary violation: a dimensional tram takes players to randomly selected GMod maps. It's a CRIMINAL violation: one of the main goals is to commit larceny and steal every prop and (after an equipment upgrade) solid surface in the joint at the behest of four adorable talking cats. From the creators of Elevator: Source (previously) comes the most unique GMod game mode ever made, for 1 to 16 players: JAZZTRONAUTS! (Reading the entire FAQ is a super-must. There's even more info at their Twitter account. Game has received patches, and more are forthcoming after a short break.)
posted by BiggerJ (1 comment total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
Just scanning through a few videos of people playing, it looks kinda hilarious.
posted by lucidium at 11:54 AM on August 6, 2018

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