Half of the books in this bookstore are not for sale
February 10, 2019 6:44 AM   Subscribe

Where Books Meet Black Mecca "If they’re well worn, that’s all the better. I think it tells a story,” she said. “Someone actually went through it and read every word and received something from it and you’re next. It’s like they are almost doing you a favor.”

“I wanted this space to represent blackness and its vastness but I wanted it to be as inviting as any other bookstore,” said Rosa Duffy, a visual artist who opened the For Keeps bookstore last fall.

I've always felt a well worn book told more layers of its story because of the imprints of previous readers. Bookstores that not only allow but encourage reading on the premises are cultural treasures. To specifically arrange and curate such a bookstore and to retain half the books as a library is a trend I would love to see develop.
posted by luaz (2 comments total) 12 users marked this as a favorite
I keep meaning to go check this place out. Thanks for the reminder!
posted by hydropsyche at 9:02 AM on February 10, 2019

this is awesome!
posted by supermedusa at 12:55 PM on February 10, 2019

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