A roundup of the slow motion coup of the USPS
August 15, 2020 8:42 AM   Subscribe

We are watching the election being stolen, right now Starving the Postal Service of funding is just one tool at the president's disposal to slow or stop the counting of ballots sent by mail. Trump's campaign and the Republican National Committee are already engaged in litigation to prevent voters from easily casting absentee or mail-in ballots. In Pennsylvania, they are trying to block the implementation of ballot drop boxes ― curbside boxes where voters can drop their absentee ballots to be picked up by election officials. In California, the RNC tried to stop the mailing of ballots to all voters, but failed. And the Trump campaign is also challenging a new Nevada law that would mail ballots to all active voters.
posted by mecran01 (0 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Better to put this in the active thread about the USPS and implications for the election -- LobsterMitten


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