Covidiot Spotting: San Francisco Edition
March 9, 2021 4:55 PM   Subscribe

Covidiots struck an Uber driver because... they don't all have masks... When driver asked the 3 #covidiots why aren't all of them wearing masks, one asked does the driver have a spare? He replied he doesn't. Then one started screaming, tried to grab the driver's phone (basically jumping between the seats). He wrestled the phone back, then more screaming. That person later pretend-coughed near the driver's ear, screaming about "Now you got corona!". Driver also claimed that one of the passengers discharged about 3-4 seconds of pepper spray into his vehicle as a "parting gift", even though it wasn't caught on dashcam, as the previous interaction was. SFPD has received the report of assault, and the driver is considering another line of work.
posted by kschang (0 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: That's a shitty thing that happened but it's not clear to me why there should be a post about this. -- cortex


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