Demograhics weighed.
August 15, 2002 6:08 PM   Subscribe

Demograhics weighed. More flavor into the melting pot, or more strife as another ethnicity to claim the turf for themselves?
posted by semmi (3 comments total)
i'm lazy, anybody have a guest login or another link for this?
posted by NGnerd at 6:23 PM on August 15, 2002

"A lot has been done to reinforce negative stereotypes since Sept. 11, and negative attitudes are more freely expressed," said Denny, who chairs the department of religious studies. "I'm very concerned about this."

By contrast, his research has made him optimistic about Muslim immigrants in America and their ability to integrate into the society and make it richer.

"Through my research of a dozen or more years, I have seen Muslim communities in America be tremendously valuable human resources," he said.

The report found that Middle Eastern immigrants constitute one of the most educated immigrant groups.

In 2000, 49% had at least a bachelor's degree, compared with 28% of natives.

The median earnings for Middle Eastern men were $39,000, slightly higher than the average for native workers.

And Middle Eastern immigrants were more likely to become citizens than other immigrants to the United States. Approximately 55% held American citizenship in 2000, compared with 38% of immigrants overall.

Interesting. Nice to read some positive facts for a change, instead of hysterical paranoia.
posted by donkeyschlong at 6:33 PM on August 15, 2002

The Center for Immigration Studies -- which as the LAT points out favors limits on immigration -- report is also summarized sympathetically by the WaTimes. The report itself; and the center's own press release, probably the best choice for skimmers. And here is a Reuters wire story on the same report. A related "backgrounder" co-auithored by Daniel Pipes entitled Face of American Islam (linked under the title "Muslim Immigrants in the United States" @ CIS). The Pipes article discusses policy questions rather than demographics, such as the issues of Islamist militants, at least some of whom openly deride their own citizenship and political liberties {timely link not part of study}; so it's not all sweetness and light.

The report gives much attention to positive facts, but the main thrust is a concern over assimilation.

A trend which has been developing, and is documented here, is that up until 20 years ago most Arabs coming to the US were non-Muslims, e.g. Assyrian Christians, or other cosmopolitan Levantines, and assimilated quite well. The last two decades have seen an increase in Muslim immigrants, many of whom continue to be exactly the type of people we would hope would come here: educated, industrious folk with an interest in economic opportunity or political freedoms. There's another, smaller group, though, which is the illiberal, radical side of Islam, and because of ye olde repression by secular governments, they find themselves in the West. (This is the Khomeini phenomenon; he directed the revolution from Paris.) This is the group Pipes is concerned about, although sometimes he's not quick enough to draw the boundaries.
posted by dhartung at 11:31 PM on August 15, 2002

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