Gone Fission
January 30, 2023 3:20 AM   Subscribe

Hello, Monday, it's dear friends. Hi, yes, I'm totally awake, and I have a short quiz for you. How is this thread like a neutron?

Give up? They are both free of charge! Also free, this pretty little time-waster that makes a lovely digital fidget toy: Fluid Simulator by Amanda Ghassaei.

Enjoy your free thread!
posted by taz (65 comments total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
Tech of the day: amazing Soviet mechanical space navigation globe instrument.

History of the day: How pirates stole the US metric system:
In 1793, French scientist Joseph Dombey sailed for the newly formed United States at the request of Thomas Jefferson carrying two objects that could have changed America. He never made it, and now the US is stuck with a retro version of measurement that is unique in the modern world.

The first, a metal cylinder, was exactly one kilogram in mass. The second was a copper rod the length of a newly proposed distance measurement, the meter.

Jefferson was keen on the rationality of the metric system in the US and an avid Francophile. But Dombey's ship was blown off course, captured by English privateers (pirates with government sanction), and the scientist died on the island of Montserrat while waiting to be ransomed.
posted by TheophileEscargot at 3:28 AM on January 30, 2023 [23 favorites]

Thank you for this thread and the Fluid Simulator by Amanda Ghassaei. I had no idea what to do and then I moved my mouse for some other reason and ... magic!
posted by Bella Donna at 4:20 AM on January 30, 2023 [1 favorite]

Using a copper rod as an official ruler reminds me of learning about invar, which I first read about in Pratchett’s The Thief of Time, and which I originally thought, of course, was some kind of fantasy metal. But no, real thing! Although not invented until 1895, so too late for the invention of the metric system. Also, arguably, anachronistic for a Discworld book, but that Discworld book in particular did not really concern itself with such trivialities, for plot-relevant reasons.
posted by notoriety public at 5:08 AM on January 30, 2023 [3 favorites]

They are both free of charge!

A neutron walks into a bar. The bartender looks up and says "No charge for you!"

A cation walks into a bar, distraught. "I've lost an electron!" it says. The bartender goes "Are you sure?" and the cation replies "I'M POSITIVE"

What's new? C over lambda.
posted by GCU Sweet and Full of Grace at 5:34 AM on January 30, 2023 [5 favorites]


I just posted about a goofy project involving a clock with an invar pendulum.
posted by zamboni at 5:38 AM on January 30, 2023 [2 favorites]

The man who invented auto correct walks into a barn.

He orders a bear.
posted by kiwi-epitome at 5:45 AM on January 30, 2023 [16 favorites]

The bartender asks the man "Why the long have?"
posted by pipeski at 5:54 AM on January 30, 2023 [8 favorites]

Zamboni - your post really made my day and that + the eery Japanese melodious sirens made me very happy.

I actually created an MP3 album of the siren playlist for everybody to download - and I asked Evan (the original author of the article/Youtube playlist) for his approval on that.. if anybody needs some background audio for work or if you like organ music - that's for you..

On another note: I found out that Toyota in the US doesn't sell the Yaris anymore. It's the perfect car for us (with three kids) - there's all the news about the Rezvani Vengeance and its more common SUV-brethren. It's kind of depressing to think that 73% of car sales in the US are SUVs or pickups.

I just moved 70 cubic feet of parquet floor + the underfloor-mats (aka 60 m2/650 sq ft) with the afore mentioned Yaris (photo)- so I find it hard to imagine regularly having the need to transport bigger loads as a civilian (+ you can rent vans/get a trailer hitch etc.).
posted by mathiu at 5:56 AM on January 30, 2023 [8 favorites]

This is juſt to ſay

I have ſtolen
the prototypes
that were in
your veſsel

And which
you were probably
for your nation’s metric future

Forgive me
They were unique
ſo ſtandard
and ſo preciſe
posted by mubba at 6:05 AM on January 30, 2023 [28 favorites]

And one last thought: the news of eotvos passing away made me sad. I didn't know him personally but I thought about him and his friends and family a lot today.

I started to think about how I connect to Metafilter and you all and how I would like to be remembered if I dropped dead tomorrow for some reason. I'd like to be remembered a bit for kind things said and memories created and for that I have to be out there and connectable - sometimes that feels difficult even in an inclusive online space like here. It feels vulnerable in a good way. So connect with me if you like - let's send some messages or interact somewhere else on the site.


eotvos - I'm very sorry to see you go and I send all my best thoughts, wishes and good energy to your family, friends and everybody who loves you. I'm so sorry this has happened.

(I hope this doesn't read as inappropriate or narcissistic - I just felt a connection there to all of you)
posted by mathiu at 6:24 AM on January 30, 2023 [15 favorites]

Thanks for posting this here mathiu, I rarely visit Talk.
posted by mumimor at 6:32 AM on January 30, 2023 [7 favorites]

When my wife did personal cheffing/catering, she'd regularly fill her her Santa Fe. Occasionally I'd follow her in my Saturn. Before that, we had a minivan, which was truly awesome for carrying stuff.
We found out last week, that as far as vets are concerned, dogs only get type 1 diabetes. Perci, our smallest/oldest had been losing weight, and peeing a lot, so my wife took her to the vet. Her blood sugar was over 500. Tomorrow, she's going to stay with them, as they try to get it under control.
posted by Spike Glee at 6:35 AM on January 30, 2023 [4 favorites]

oh, neutron.
posted by kliuless at 6:39 AM on January 30, 2023

I'd like to be remembered a bit for kind things said and memories created and for that I have to be out there and connectable - sometimes that feels difficult even in an inclusive online space like here. It feels vulnerable in a good way. So connect with me if you like - let's send some messages or interact somewhere else on the site.

I've been meditating on something eotvos posted in a AskMe a couple of weeks ago.
…that's kind of what we sign up for when we become involved with people, either romantically or otherwise. It more or less always ends in tears. That doesn't mean it wasn't worthwhile or worth celebrating. Very few things last forever in every context.
posted by zamboni at 6:40 AM on January 30, 2023 [20 favorites]

The fluid sim is great on iPad. Seems like it'll accept input from all 10 fingers (which is as many inputs as I can do without removing my socks and pants).
posted by brachiopod at 6:44 AM on January 30, 2023 [1 favorite]

After a two year drought, we finally got some rain and I am overwhelmed with cucumbers. Armenian ones.
posted by conifer at 7:24 AM on January 30, 2023 [5 favorites]

@mathiu I just heard about the site carsfromjapan and was struck by the scale and variability of product lines. I will be looking to replace a Honda Odyssey with something electric and significantly smaller but hope to have some storage capacity too.
posted by zerobyproxy at 7:32 AM on January 30, 2023 [1 favorite]

Last year my wife looked at the copy of Wolf Hall on her bedside table and wished aloud she had it on her Kindle, so I downloaded not only that but the second and third books in the trilogy. And a week later Hilary Mantel passed away. I finished whatever book I was reading, and in what must have been October I started reading the first book. I finished the third one Saturday. I’ve been reading about Cromwell for three months and now I miss him.

I moved on to The Latecomer, because my sister recommended it (and it’s one novel of reasonable length so I won’t be reading it for three months). I’m enjoying it a lot, but the whiplash is fierce.
posted by fedward at 7:44 AM on January 30, 2023 [2 favorites]

Soundtrack for this thread.

Have a good week, everyone!
posted by May Kasahara at 7:49 AM on January 30, 2023 [1 favorite]

Am struggling a bit today so let me at least share some really beautiful podcast episodes:

A trans woman who built a tall ship
this one was really special. Sarah has such a calm, wry, no nonsense presence.

An ultra orthodox rabbi who is a trans ally. I found this so fascinating. How his family struggled to accept his orthodox faith, and how he approaches people who are different from him.

Conversation about cephalapods another kind, curious and enthusiastic person. My favourite kind of person, actually.

A scientist who listens to the sounds of coral reefs This one is oddly hopeful.
posted by Zumbador at 7:57 AM on January 30, 2023 [3 favorites]

I had gum graft surgery last Wednesday and I would kill to eat something solid. Alas, until my stitches are removed on February 9th and healing progress is assessed, I will continue to look at solid food with a shocking desire.
posted by Kitteh at 8:12 AM on January 30, 2023 [10 favorites]

My only real new year's resolution was for Sunday mornings to avoid going 'online' before I've read a hundred pages. It's been effective. Yesterday, I read this book. Consider it recommended if you like music, or people who've lived unquiet lives.

Paid for a year of Ivory, just to support indie devs in a concrete way.

Also went ahead and did a year on omg.lol because the guy that built it is also in Louisville, and that's reason enough for me. I can't figure out how or while I'll use it, but eventually something will stick. Surely I'll never run out of things to throw against the wall ...
posted by DigDoug at 8:22 AM on January 30, 2023 [8 favorites]

avoid going 'online' before I've read a hundred pages.

that's a great idea, I'm going to steal it.
posted by From Bklyn at 8:36 AM on January 30, 2023 [5 favorites]

lol, I'm essentially trying to get into the habit of doing the opposite.

I read 55 books last year, which I think is a lot. some people are very impressed, think its very noble blah blah, but it was driven by a deep need to ESCAPE. I spent waaaay too much time on the couch, nose in book, ignoring the rest of the universe.

so I'm trying to place some boundaries now. I cannot get on the couch before 4pm. (usually I'm there by 2) must figure out other things to occupy myself!! I have socks to darn, darn it!
posted by supermedusa at 8:39 AM on January 30, 2023 [9 favorites]

My daughter just prompted me to count how many books I have. Is 855 a lot?
posted by kiwi-epitome at 9:17 AM on January 30, 2023 [5 favorites]

My daughter just prompted me to count how many books I have. Is 855 a lot?

I hope not, I say, sitting in a room surrounded by books.
posted by May Kasahara at 9:27 AM on January 30, 2023 [8 favorites]

Paid for a year of Ivory, just to support indie devs in a concrete way.

As a longtime Tweetbot user, I’m really enjoying Ivory. I switched to one of the alternate app icons named RIP, which resembles the old Tweetbot icon with a little halo.
posted by zamboni at 9:33 AM on January 30, 2023 [1 favorite]

I'm hoping it's going to be a good day. For everyone.
Dream big.
posted by BigHeartedGuy at 9:37 AM on January 30, 2023 [6 favorites]

hmmm...I have no idea how many books I own...sounds like a project!
posted by supermedusa at 9:47 AM on January 30, 2023 [5 favorites]

I had what I thought was an ADHD assessment on Friday but I think the (very nice) doctor thought it was something else. Anyway, at the end of the appointment she did give me a cursory quiz, then told me I scored right on the border for ADD but, it didn't matter, because I was too old to have it anyway and I should just go back on Lexapro.

I don't think I will bother going back to her. I don't think this telemedicine thing is for me; I also started with a zoom therapist and I don't think I'll go back to her either. I've spent too much time with dogs; I just am not sure I can trust people unless I can smell them.
posted by mygothlaundry at 9:49 AM on January 30, 2023 [9 favorites]

I finished up a lark of a math-based stained glass project last night that I started last week; here's the whole mastodon livetoot thread and this is the finished product. Still need to get some better pictures and make up a proper blog post about it on my Patreon but it was a fun thing to just do for the hell of it, and a lot less complicated both logistically and emotionally than my big menorah piece last year so it was kind of nice to remind myself that this can be light and fun and not take quite so much out of me.
posted by cortex at 10:01 AM on January 30, 2023 [11 favorites]

What's new? C over lambda.

Not to be confused with a new Lambada overseas.
posted by Greg_Ace at 10:18 AM on January 30, 2023 [1 favorite]

Saturday, I went to the next town over to see an exhibition. The train going back was completely full, standing room only, and I think I caught something. I was feverish and very tired yesterday. Now I have a fever, I'm aching in several parts and I've begun to cough. It's a bit of a bother because I am supposed to both have therapy tomorrow, and restart on the route to elective surgery because of my BRCA2 genes (after a long COVID delay). I'm afraid that if I have to cancel, there will be a new long delay -- the waiting lists are monumental.
Is it my third bout of COVID or something else? I'll take a test tomorrow if I still have a fever. Can't go to a hospital with COVID, and my therapist is in a hospital, too. Right now, I just want to sleep.

In much better news, I saw both Snowdrop and Winter Aconite when I walked the dog. And was reminded that with February comes more light, in this part of the world. I know this year will be full of changes and I'm looking forward to them.
posted by mumimor at 10:21 AM on January 30, 2023 [6 favorites]

For my sanity's sake, I hope I'll never count my books.

855 is probably fine: trust my sanity.

In unrelated feline things, Neighbor Tabby is REALLY frustrated at my inabilty to understand that I need to open that front door. Maybe I should ring a door bell and find out whether Neighbor Tabby actually lives there. But cats, you know, they'll convince you it's a LIFE OR DEATH situation to check for mice somewhere.

In even more unrelated things, I'm thinking of making my first sock puppet on MeFi. "esoteric cruelties" is soooo incredibly tempting (thank you aramaic).
posted by flamewise at 10:21 AM on January 30, 2023 [5 favorites]

My daughter just prompted me to count how many books I have. Is 855 a lot?

Without actually counting I'd estimate we have around 500 (three full bookcases, in some places double stacked, plus all the cookbooks, cocktail books, and random books in the living room). I downsized by about two full bookcases when we moved out of an old apartment into a smaller apartment, knowing that the bookcases themselves wouldn't survive the move and there wouldn't be room for them in the new apartment even if they did. Then after four years we moved again.

Every time I look at a physical book I think I might want, I remember the experiences of culling and moving what was left, twice, and I am also chastened by the physical collapse of one of the bookcases we bought new after the second move (thanks, IKEA). Whenever I pass a Little Free Library I'm compelled to see what's in it, but I've learned enough of a lesson that I've brought all of six books home that way, only two of which haven't (yet) gone back out again the same way. What I tend to do now is look at Overdrive whenever I see a book I think I might want to read, and just borrow the eBook from one of the five libraries where I have a card when I'll have the chance to read it. If we hadn't moved twice in four years I'd probably have well over a thousand books, with ⅔ of them at most things I'd actually read and the rest on shelves waiting for "someday" to roll around.
posted by fedward at 10:32 AM on January 30, 2023 [4 favorites]

Books are difficult. I cull mine regularly, yet I still have several thousand (I roughly counted those in the room I'm sitting in, and there were about 1300, and this is the smallest part of my library). This is because of some previous jobs, where I got nice books for free all the time, and also have inherited some books. But I sometimes can't stop myself from buying new ones, though I have access to several nice public and research libraries. I want to downsize, because I want to be able to move to a smaller home one day, but I'm not doing well. It is actually out of control. My name is mumimor, and I'm a hoarder. Once they were kept in order -- now there are just piles of books everywhere.

Recently, I was offered a nice collection and of course I said no, because I was momentarily sensible. But now I just got a mail where the owner basically ignored my no, and I can feel I am so tempted. I actually tried to get a library to take them, but no-one wants books anymore.

Except: some of my books are collectors' items. Sometimes I've been lucky and sometimes it's just a sign of my age. A book I was given as new by colleagues in Finland many years ago has become a rare edition. A book I found in a box at a flea market and paid one dollar for is a unique art book by Andy Warhol. I have rare cookbooks that nobody were interested in when I bought them. The thing is, long before I got those book jobs, I wanted to have a big library, and I searched flea markets and old book stores for bargains. I've tried to tell my kids they need to investigate that when I pass away, so they aren't sending valuable books to the incinerator, but they just roll their eyes.
posted by mumimor at 11:18 AM on January 30, 2023 [9 favorites]

Is C over Lambda new, per se?

Frequently, it's just a little light humor.
posted by zamboni at 11:22 AM on January 30, 2023 [4 favorites]

sheesh, I didn't even hit 400.
posted by supermedusa at 11:33 AM on January 30, 2023 [3 favorites]

Just sent the fluid simulator to a friend of mine who has a PhD in physics and works on software modeling flow of fluids in common carrier pipelines professionally (and has for 25+ years). He's either gonna love it or hate it.
posted by gentlyepigrams at 11:49 AM on January 30, 2023 [2 favorites]

I’ve been there, Kitteh. Best wishes!

When my mother died, we had to donate zillions of her books. Between that experience and having to move, I’ve settled in to the belief that books are stuff and I’d prefer to have less stuff. I do not apply that to kids books or special books.

Between e-books and audio books, I read 52 books last year. It’s not perfect but I’ve gotten into the Libby app. With e-books, I don’t have to worry about misplacing a physical book and I can read whatever without concern about being judged (self help, relationship help, romance, etc).
posted by kat518 at 12:07 PM on January 30, 2023 [4 favorites]

Ahhhh. . a book thread. When I moved across the country I brought 47 boxes of books. That was roughly half my library; I culled half and wept a lot. I haven't really added to it - like maybe 30/40 books, hardly anything! - since I moved here but my daughter still complains that there are too many books, even though I have moved most of them into my room. Tsk.

I do not get not wanting to be surrounded by books although honestly I mostly read on the iPad now; the Libby app is a wonderful/terrible thing for an addict like me (uh, I've probably read like 15 books already this year? Maybe 20? Possibly more? I tend to read around 300 books a year.) I think I'll count books when I get home tonight and gloat.
posted by mygothlaundry at 12:38 PM on January 30, 2023 [6 favorites]

According to my personality and preferences, I should live in a big, old, book-filled, shambling family Victorian house on a cliff overlooking the stormy sea in a place where it rains a lot. So, of course, everything in my life turned out 100% the opposite. If left to my own devices, I would have countless books. And I do! Almost all in ones and zeros.
posted by taz at 12:46 PM on January 30, 2023 [6 favorites]

With a large organ with which you can torture the whole village below the cliff way past midnight.
posted by esoteric cruelties at 12:54 PM on January 30, 2023 [7 favorites]

We're getting ready to move, so most of my books are packed away, to go into storage, until our final move. That involved a major cull, which is never fun. I have roughly 20 books that I kept out as my "to read" pile.
I probably have as many CDs as books, but most of them have been ripped onto my computer, and are on my phone.
posted by Spike Glee at 1:03 PM on January 30, 2023 [2 favorites]

Thank you, esoteric cruelties! I agree, and the fact that my musical talent is nil should work out nicely. And congratulations on finding your niche so quickly! 🎹😱

supermedusa, I favorited your comment, mainly to back you up in your goals, and for the sharing, but I actually fully support (and love) your right to be on the couch with a book before 4 pm instead of darning socks.
posted by taz at 1:07 PM on January 30, 2023 [5 favorites]

... one of the five libraries where I have a card...

Fedward, how do you do this magic?
Memail me for plans and schemings.

If I were to win a lottery, I would somehow work it so any kid under 21 would have access to the NYC public library. Me too!
posted by BlueHorse at 2:53 PM on January 30, 2023 [3 favorites]

I just put my darning next to the couch because I can darn and read books at the same time and hey, good excuse.
posted by clew at 3:18 PM on January 30, 2023 [3 favorites]

how do you do this magic?

I do it by living in the District of Columbia, where there are ten libraries with reciprocal arrangements. In addition to DCPL I've got cards with four of the other libraries in the region (Montgomery County MD, Alexandria VA, and Arlington and Fairfax Counties in VA). DCPL allows non-residents to get cards, good for a year, if they show up at a branch and pay $20, if you feel like visiting. Personally I have a hard enough time just getting to some of the DC suburbs, which is why I don't have cards in some of the other systems to which I have access (PG County is next on my list, but you have to apply in person and I haven't had reason to visit PG County otherwise). FWIW Fairfax does a non-resident card for $27/year, and there have been a couple questions on the green where people have listed more systems that (still) offer non-resident cards (Brooklyn discontinued its non-resident cards except for minors).
posted by fedward at 3:25 PM on January 30, 2023 [4 favorites]

My daughter just prompted me to count how many books I have. Is 855 a lot?

I have a little over 300 books just in my living room. That doesn't include the bookcase in the hall by my sons rooms; my bedroom (with a bookcase and separate shelf all loaded, as well as a stack by my side of the bed); plus more in boxes in my shed. I'm comfortable saying I have close to that number, if not more!
posted by annieb at 4:34 PM on January 30, 2023 [3 favorites]

Your last theater update for quite some time:

I totally fucked up the ending of Cabaret. I kept pushing the final blackout button and it would not go off or black out at all. Pushed every button I could and it would not. turn. off. It ruined the ending, ruined the mood, made the guy on stage look bad, and then I had to come onstage and get my thank you card. It was very obviously MY fuckup and I don't know how or why it happened and I JUST FEEL HORRIBLE. I went to a friend's house and got drunk afterwards. The only saving grace is that the lighting designer was home sick and didn't see it because we would have all heard the screaming in agony (which he's already in anyway due to botched surgery).

I didn't get into the show I auditioned for two weeks back. It took them two weeks to finally announce a cast list, sheesh. (Meanwhile my theater announces like, two days after callbacks.) This is not a surprise and I don't really care about this because I am so-so on Snooty Theater, but I am surprised that more people I know didn't get into it--only three. They only had 8 women in ensemble and despite having sixty-plus auditioners, still left one of them "TBA." The hell? You didn't have any one else to pick from? Honestly, like their shows are good and the people I know in them seem to have a fine experience, but the way they run things just sounds annoying and scatty as fuck and irritating. I think I'm fine not doing it there.

I am now done with shows for at bare minimum, another month or two, but it's more likely I won't do another before summer. This makes me sad, but I'm not feeling like doing a show I find irritating, so skipping that.

Next audition at a new theater is in a few more weeks. I have low expectations on that one, but hopefully one I'm more likely to get into will happen in spring. Also they announced the slate for next year's shows and I either like or am "eh, it's fine" about 5 of the 6 of them, which is so much better than not particularly wanting to do 4 out of the 6 this year.

Seven months ago, I got myself set up to do murder mystery shows. This was a thing I worked on for a few months and then went back to doing theater shows again. I kind of want to go back to doing them in my now free time, but my heart is all "Quit! I want to do musicals and that's all I care about!" and my head is all, "fuck off, you're not doing any for awhile, you should go do something else that makes money and has improv, which you like." I have been mentally way out of the game since summer and haven't been keeping up with what everyone else is doing. The leader wants to know if I'm coming back and I keep rudely not answering because I don't know what to say :/ Also it was kind of hard to do gigs because most of them turned out to be a few hours drive away/on weekdays/whatever and I didn't have too many slots open, so....

Ugh. Indecision.
posted by jenfullmoon at 4:59 PM on January 30, 2023 [7 favorites]

30 years ago, the little indie bookstore in my neighborhood had nothing but books. But then for the past 20, 10, 5 years there's been a steady encroachment of Not Books. They have candles, scarves, sketching sets and art supplies, calendars, jewelry, incense, stationery, a huge wall of postcards and magnets, there's cat paraphernalia, various pop mysticism, smooth stones for worrying, aromatherapy for not worrying. The Not Books take up most of the front room, about a third of the store itself.

I lamented this, but my bookshelves are nearing the same ratio. I left hundreds of books behind when I left NYC a dozen years ago after having schlepped them hundreds of miles in both directions over the years, only to pick up more. This time, the only books I kept were my absolute favorites and the reference books it'd be impossible to replace. And now there's about 60% books on the shelves and 40% Not Books: My watercolor box, my stationery, an impressive array of binder clips (why so many binder clips?), my printer and eight different kinds of paper, a polished quartz donkey my father brought back from Mexico, a tiny wooden airplane, a small painted chair made by a grandfather I never knew.

Last September I took a social media holiday and I've long been planning another, this time for February, so I'll be scarce for a little while starting this week. My memail is always open and I hope everyone has a good month ahead. Best to everyone.
posted by mochapickle at 6:50 PM on January 30, 2023 [6 favorites]

When we moved out of the house I grew up in, we had about 6k books. It was humbling to find that's about how many were in the first school library I ever worked at.

I can tell you, though, 6 of those books were Puddinhead Wilson. Basically we'd go to a used bookstore and my stepfather, a big Twain fan, would see a copy for a quarter and buy it, read it, and put it on the shelf and forget. And thus the cycles repeats.

I'm going to try to chill in these posts a little because i had surgery and now I have vicodin and it's making me chatty. So apologies in advance if I don't make sense.
posted by blnkfrnk at 7:37 PM on January 30, 2023 [6 favorites]

I found out that Toyota in the US doesn't sell the Yaris anymore

We were realizing that a couple days ago. My wife drives a Yaris, and I drive a Prius C which also appears to be gone. Which is a shame, because for sub-$20K both cars have been great (especially the Prius C).

This was prompted by seeing a C-HR on the road and wondering what the hell it was. "Subcompact crossover SUV" that... has less cargo and passenger space than a Prius, with half the gas mileage, and only slightly less expensive. Hard pass.
posted by Foosnark at 7:57 PM on January 30, 2023 [1 favorite]

My daughter just prompted me to count how many books I have. Is 855 a lot?
posted by kiwi-epitome

Depends on what subject.
posted by TrishaU at 4:16 AM on January 31, 2023 [3 favorites]

Depends on what subject.
Funny, but also true. Or perhaps because it's true.

When I was writing my doctoral dissertation, there were about 100 publications in all the world relevant to my subject. Less than it takes to fill just one of my bookcases. Now, it has exploded. I can't keep up at all, which I think is mostly a good thing (I've moved on to other fields, but I keep an eye on how things are over there).
posted by mumimor at 4:27 AM on January 31, 2023 [3 favorites]

It looks like within the next day or two, I will cruise past the 25% of all FF Movie Posts threshold. I did my 1000th overall FF post a while back, but my 1000th FF movie post will likely be this week.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 9:43 AM on January 31, 2023 [8 favorites]

Is 855 a lot?

That's Numberwang!!
posted by Greg_Ace at 12:27 PM on January 31, 2023 [4 favorites]

via Mastodon: "An 88 year old man died in Germany recently. He had a private library of 70,000 books that no one knew about and he built all the furniture for the books himself." There's a photo of what looks like an attic space where he had bookcases covering the entire peaked ceiling, except for windows. I'd love to see the rest of the house.
posted by taz at 12:31 PM on January 31, 2023 [7 favorites]

I'm currently in the middle of writing what will surely be a #1 Country hit; it's called "I Been Spittin' in the Wind of Our Love".

That phrase came to me in my sleep last night; I had to do something with it or go crazy (though one may be forgiven for assuming both have occurred)
posted by Greg_Ace at 9:31 AM on February 1, 2023 [2 favorites]

Greg_Ace, I highly recommend the work of Bobby Bare (Sr) for inspiration on a song with that terrific title. And/or maybe Jerry Reed.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 11:50 AM on February 1, 2023 [1 favorite]

....So, on my blog I'm working through the "1001 movies" list in chronological order. I've gotten up to the mid-60s now; and now is about the time that nuclear war is starting to rear its head as a Thing.

Thank all the heavenly powers that Threads is not on the list - nor is When The Wind Blows, The Day After, or Testament, or any of the films that fueled my personal nightmares for 15 years. However, they did include something called The War Game - a sort of proto-Threads docudrama produced by the BBC. I just watched it - it was a fictional depiction of the short-term aftermath of a limited-scale attack on the UK. It still was enough to prompt the BBC to decide "actually, this is too intense" and sit on it for 20 years.

I've seen Threads; this was blessedly way milder. But I'm still gonna go self-medicate with some cake. (The review will be sometime tomorrow I think.)
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 1:43 PM on February 5, 2023 [3 favorites]

I was just going to drop in here on the occasion of my quadrennial to say I appreciate having this window to peek out from my hermitage into a society not shaped by catastrophe. I was not expecting the above comment to have appeared after four days of quiet. It strikes me that I cannot be shaken by fictional Sheffield or fictional Kent because Edgewood Lane is a real place and the eyewitness footage is more ghastly than BBC studios dared to produce. This is a portion of the loss The War Game hints at, survivors' hidden burden, the strontium in our souls.

Cherish your vulnerability, your first-world problems, your books and your cake, your ability to pause the film or wake from your nightmares; cherish what seems from here your colorful lives. Cherish this community you have built, and cherish one another. I am glad to have counted you all as neighbors these difficult years.
posted by backwoods at 10:00 PM on February 5, 2023 [2 favorites]

This is probably confirmation bias, but I've noticed that after not seeing the phrase "first world problems" at all since the start of the pandemic, it's suddenly appearing all over the place again.
posted by Zumbador at 10:06 PM on February 5, 2023

I counted / estimated my books. Looks like I have around 1500, possibly more. This seems like way too few and now I need more books.
posted by mygothlaundry at 9:59 AM on February 7, 2023 [2 favorites]

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