Free Time
February 6, 2023 3:11 AM   Subscribe

Happy Monday, everyone! If you are returning to work today, you may want to contemplate the Latin term, "otium" or "leisure time." As in "dang, I sure wish I had more otium." Well, this thread can help. In a way.

Our friend Wikipedia says that this sense of otium in Ciceronian Latin reflects the Greek term σχολή (skholē, "leisure", a meaning retained in Modern Greek as σχόλη, schólē); "leisure" having a complex history in Greek philosophy before being used in Latin (through Latin the word became the root of many education-related English terms, such as school, scholar and scholastic). In Athens, leisure was one of the marks of the Athenian gentleman: the time to do things right, unhurried time, time to discuss in. From there it became "discussion" ...

Which is my periphrastic way of saying this will be your free discussion thread for the week, a bit of otium tucked away on a quiet, unhurried blue page. (And speaking of free time, here's a fun little free timepiece: The Literature Clock, in case you haven't encountered it yet: a nice thing for both keeping and wasting time. [Discussion])

Please enjoy your free thread — and whatever shreds of otium you may grasp away from your implacable negotium taskmasters, the jackals!
posted by taz (102 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
It is what the 6th of February and here in bright but chilly Worcester the sunset is appreciably later, day on day. The flood waters have receeded, and there are no longer swans paddling above the county cricket ground. There's still, of course, plenty of opportunity for harsher wintry weather to return but every day that ticks by brings a little more light and a little less chance of that; twelve weeks from today it is the 1st of May and the Beltane.
posted by Wordshore at 3:51 AM on February 6, 2023 [8 favorites]

I won tickets to "Hamilton" for last night so I sent my wife and youngest daughter. Turns out they sat in the front row -- and the actors made eye contact with them! Both on a high when they got home, so I am glad I sent them instead of going myself.

(I stayed home and had a drink and tried hand-sewing. That was nice, too, if a little tamer.)
posted by wenestvedt at 4:09 AM on February 6, 2023 [13 favorites]

Nina Hagen Band, in gloriously remastered HD definition, playing at Rockpalast in 1978.
posted by Roverlaw at 4:13 AM on February 6, 2023 [1 favorite]

After a tedious and crappy Monday, watching Is It Cake? again at least made me laugh, and ask the kitty if he is really a big furry cake. When he started melting off me I was convinced he was an ice cream cake.

I do like how that show makes you look at everything normal and wonder if it could really be made out of cake, or at least speculate how someone with greater baking ability could try to turn everything into cake.

Imagine if Sleeping Beauty woke up and found everything had been replaced by cake while she slept. It would be nightmarish but also kinda cool.

It's possible that it is now past my bedtime. Καληνύχτα!
posted by Athanassiel at 4:42 AM on February 6, 2023 [5 favorites]

Where does Nintendo go to buy lighting fixtures?

posted by slogger at 5:01 AM on February 6, 2023 [6 favorites]

I thought I didn't get anything done yesterday until I listed everything and realized there was a reason I felt a little stunned. It started out with a malfunctioning back-up service destroying all my writing work of the past week, though not the vast repository of files I use as reference. It was surprising how cheerful I felt about it, though ever since my spouse accidentally destroyed my (no longer essential) field notes for my completed and defended dissertation, I have known I can live just fine without my accumulated data.

I'm in that ultimate form of "leisure time," retirement, and yes, it can be as bizarrely busy as the old people tell you it is. I chaired a meeting, walked a couple of miles, disassembled a bed, examined and wiped a series of detachable hard drives, wrote many many emails, studied French, cleaned all kinds of things, gave extended advice to a friend and, the most arduous thing of the day, obliged the cat by sitting down periodically so she could go to sleep in my lap. Otherwise she walks around yelling at me.
posted by Peach at 5:50 AM on February 6, 2023 [10 favorites]

Today is my wife’s birthday. Her choice for dinner tonight is “breakfast for dinner.” Now, in her family, “breakfast” means “sausage, eggs (over easy), and hashbrowns.” Thus, I will be summoning-up my best short-order cooking this evening for my beloved.

I have no idea what I’ll be making for myself, though.
posted by Thorzdad at 6:26 AM on February 6, 2023 [14 favorites]

On Saturday, a burst pipe during the deep freeze led to stalled elevators, which led to me walking down a high rise carrying a seventeen-pound dog, carrying her up again, then going down and up myself because I had to go out and the elevators still weren't working. That adds up to 48 flights of stairs. I am still sore.

I'm lucky that the power didn't go out and everyone was safe and had water in their own units, of course. I should probably take up an exercise program geared toward emergency safety. But before I do that, I have to pay a personal trainer to tell me how to work around my many and various joint issues --
posted by Countess Elena at 6:34 AM on February 6, 2023 [11 favorites]

I successfully recovered from watching the "what if" movie about nuclear war for my blog!

All it took was cake, funny dog videos and 45 minutes of B. Dylan Hollis tiktoks.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 6:39 AM on February 6, 2023 [3 favorites]

For years I've been mulling over going back to college to finish the degree I started in the 90s, which I tried in the early 2000s but also didn't finish because of *gestures around* life, but now that I've got a good job, kids are out of the house, and approaching 50 years old I have the free time and discretionary funds to actively pursue it.

After looking at a bunch of online options which seemed not very fulfilling nor reliably accredited, I Asked the Metafilter and found out that traditional colleges are happy to get returning older-than-average, part-time-while-working, students.

Since my original degree path was a BFA in technical theater, I looked at a local university's arts program in hopes to leverage all those earned credits, and was intrigued at getting a film production degree. Since my primary goal is to get the degree, and not change careers, doing a fun degree (for about the same cost as a stuffy online "business management" degree) seems like the better option for me. Nonetheless, curious about the actual work prospects of a newly-minted BFA in film production I also Asked Metafilter about and got a resounding "what are you thinking?!? Don't quit your day job" answer.

Undeterred and with my day job firmly entrenched, this past week I did a campus tour and met with instructors in the program, and confidently sure I can get the credits I need as a part-time student I should be able to finish my degree in maybe 3 years -- so I enrolled for the summer semester, and I'm now officially a college student!

One interesting side-effect is now that I've been telling friends and acquaintances about my plans, discovering just how many people I know who also had similar situations and, anwhere from late-30s to mid-50s, returned to college to continue a degree, learn a new career, or decided it was time to get their Master's. My family also reminded me that my grandmother, once all her kids had graduated high school and she was in her 40s, enrolled in nursing school and was an RN until she finally retired in her 80s(!).

I guess as far as "mid-life crisises" go this is more productive and fulfilling than a sportscar and hair implants.
posted by AzraelBrown at 6:47 AM on February 6, 2023 [24 favorites]

I am going to my first ever writing retreat tonight (for a week) at Rockvale Writers' Colony. I've never done a retreat before, and am hoping it's both productive and relaxing. I tend to work 50- to 60-hour weeks so I don't get much time for writing, and having an entire week is a luxury and almost scary.
posted by joannemerriam at 6:51 AM on February 6, 2023 [4 favorites]

Since my original degree path was a BFA in technical theater, I looked at a local university's arts program in hopes to leverage all those earned credits, and was intrigued at getting a film production degree. Since my primary goal is to get the degree, and not change careers, doing a fun degree (for about the same cost as a stuffy online "business management" degree) seems like the better option for me. Nonetheless, curious about the actual work prospects of a newly-minted BFA in film production I also Asked Metafilter about and got a resounding "what are you thinking?!? Don't quit your day job"....

The upside of this, however - you can take that knowledge and then make your own videos for kicks and giggles and put them on Youtube or TikTok or something. My own arts degree only got me so far, and when I realized it wasn't going to bring me any farther and there was too much else I wanted to do I downshifted to a blog and I couldn't be happier (my comment above about watching a nuclear war film notwithstanding).
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 7:00 AM on February 6, 2023 [4 favorites]

I'm taking a day off to visit another company this week. They're not a competitor, and I know all the standard arguments about not showing loyalty to an employer because they won't show loyalty to you, but it feels bad.

I don't think I want to go, but the insurance adventures with the Tiny Monster have convinced me that I am going to have to spend the rest of my life ruthlessly seeking every dollar I can get, so I have to at least look into it.
posted by The Monster at the End of this Thread at 7:03 AM on February 6, 2023 [5 favorites]

Australia will soon have to change it's coins to feature Charles. I hate it. I was chatting about this and someone pointed out something much worse on the other side of the coins, something that's been in plain sight all this time:

5c - An echidna
10c - A lyrebird
20c - A platypus
50c - A kangaroo and an emu
1$ - kangaroos
2$ - An aboriginal man
posted by adept256 at 7:04 AM on February 6, 2023 [5 favorites]

otiosa was one of my favorite words to say in Latin class back in, Christ, the 1990s - stretch out that second o like it, too, had leisure time.

Athanassiel, I must commend your choice of leisure watch, as it was mine during surgery recovery when it came out a little under a year ago. (I admit, I got kinda teary when they did the special thing for the young guy.)

And since it is my surgery anniversary, I took this week off to not be in the hospital working, but instead travel to a very special place for a few nights, with a good friend, and celebrate being both tumor free and cyberpunk augmented for a year.
posted by cobaltnine at 7:07 AM on February 6, 2023 [6 favorites]

This morning I started on a project that, if I complete it, will take me many months if not years. I suspect I will get bored in a week.

It occurred to me recently that I consume pop culture very narrowly. I don't watch a lot of movies and the movies I like I tend to watch over and over again. Same with TV shows. I think I've seen The Wire six times all the way through.

It is worse with music. I get into a band and I only listen to that band, or maybe I listen to that band and one or two adjacent bands. There are so many artists and classic albums I've never listened to all the way through. Bands come and go and everyone talks about them and I know nothing about them. I grew up cynical and eschewed most popular music, never listened to Top 40, and didn't have MTV beyond the 1980s. I regret that now.

So I've decided to start working my way through the Rolling Stone top 500 albums (2020 list). I bet I've heard fewer than 50 of them over the years. Everyone of course argues about the ranking, but I'm not interested in that. While I'm sure there are some major exclusions It seems to be a solid list of albums to listen to.

I currently have #500 playing. Funeral, by Arcade Fire. I think I'd only ever heard them when they played on Saturday Night Live. I'm about halfway through it and it's decent. Maybe not something I'd listen to over and over again but I'm glad I'm being exposed to it.

As I said, I'll probably get tired of it. There are a lot of Rolling Stones albums on here and I fucking hate The Stones.
posted by bondcliff at 7:28 AM on February 6, 2023 [11 favorites]

bondcliff, I have a hard time with branching out musically as well. For me, part of it is the difficulty of making the decision to listen to something different, and deciding on what it will be. It sounds a bit ridiculous, but there's something about the effort of the decision making that represents a barrier for me. I just might have to steal your idea. Except that I'll probably skip The Stones. I can't stand them either.
posted by mollweide at 7:50 AM on February 6, 2023 [1 favorite]

I'm going to start referring to "man caves" as "otium dens."
posted by ChurchHatesTucker at 8:03 AM on February 6, 2023 [12 favorites]

Otium, not the odium which the discoverer of sodium had to live in the odium of — or would that be the odium of having to live in the odium of having discovered sodium?
posted by jamjam at 8:12 AM on February 6, 2023

Played in a local gaming con that I haven't been to since the Before Times; it was fun... mostly. On the first night, the evening session was run by a GM who's kind of notorious for not being able to finish the session on time, and it was an extra-hard scenario. The table was populated by older-than-average (actually, older than me) players, and a couple of them seemed to be nodding off as the evening wore on. I was so peeved at the delays that I neglected to take some sort of sleep aid when I got back to my room, and, as per usual when I'm sleeping anywhere that I'm not used to these days, I didn't sleep well... so I was dragging by the end of the next evening's session. Learned my lesson, though, took the generic ZZZquil and slept like yez proverbial baby. And did have fun, on the balance. Also picked up my 11th sobriety anniversary coin.
posted by Halloween Jack at 8:25 AM on February 6, 2023 [11 favorites]

So I've decided to start working my way through the Rolling Stone top 500 albums (2020 list). I bet I've heard fewer than 50 of them over the years. Everyone of course argues about the ranking, but I'm not interested in that. While I'm sure there are some major exclusions It seems to be a solid list of albums to listen to.

Dude - there's also a list of 1001 albums you must hear before you die. The fan response isn't quite as nuts as the film one, but you can find a couple of tracking lists here and there (this one includes everything from the 2021 edition of the book). You may prefer that; there aren't proportionately as many Stones albums, and they have a broader range of stuff.

I'm actually seriously considering working my way through that one as well, although I probably won't be blogging about it.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 8:39 AM on February 6, 2023 [2 favorites]

February already... The older I get, the shorter the years get. It must be due to the too-short weekends that I've also noticed, because most of the weekdays just crawl.
posted by Greg_Ace at 8:46 AM on February 6, 2023

there's also a list of 1001 albums you must hear before you die.

Oh, that's way too many! I actually almost limited myself to the top 100. I figure I can listen to 3-4 albums while I work though so if I finish in a reasonable time I'll check out that list.

I'm on #498 now. A band and album I've never heard of. Suicide, by Suicide. It's, um, not really my thing. #499 was cool though, Rufus featuring Shaka Khan.

I would start a blog where I review each album, but I'm far too lazy to do that.
posted by bondcliff at 8:49 AM on February 6, 2023 [1 favorite]

The motto of the City of Liverpool is “Deus Nobis Haec Otia Fecit”, which I see most often translated as “god has given us these days of leisure”. I am unsure how this relates to the city specifically but there you go.
posted by corvine at 8:53 AM on February 6, 2023 [3 favorites]

A band and album I've never heard of. Suicide, by Suicide.

Oh, man, that takes me back. Loved that album when it came out. Haven't thought about it in years, though.
posted by Thorzdad at 8:59 AM on February 6, 2023 [1 favorite]

the Rolling Stone top 500 albums (2020 list)

I have the 2003 list and when I originally studied it I, an ardent student of rock and roll, was shocked to see not one but two albums by an artist that I'd never heard of: Richard Thompson. Do not fail to listen to Richard Thompson.
posted by neuron at 9:01 AM on February 6, 2023 [5 favorites]

We lost our cat Simon on Friday. My wife and her parents were on a roadtrip in 2004 and found a kitten at a remote rest stop, apparently abandoned. They brought him into the car and named him Simon.

Simon was a Very Good Boy for the next 18 years. I usually would have a bowl of cereal at bedtime and Simon would go apeshit wanting milk so I always let him finish my bowl. He slept between my wife and I but liked to spend his days outdoors. Once in about 2009 it got very cold, under 20F/-6C, and he didn't appear after calling for him several times. I knew he spent a lot of time in our neighbors' yard, so I went over and rang their doorbell. We were good friends with them.

"Have you seen Simon?" I asked.
"Ah, um, he's in here on the sofa", was the reply.
I LOL'd.
"When you guys are at work, he spends a lot of time in our house. And if you ask around the neighborhood you'll learn that he goes in everyone's house pretty regularly."
I LOL'd.

That summer we moved to a new house about a mile away. Simon disliked our other cats and enjoyed being the only cat at the other house, so when we moved Simon stayed with them. My wife and I would go visit a couple of times a year. And we kept in touch via Simon's Facebook page. I hadn't seen him in the last year or more due to the pandemic. We are going to get some photo prints to frame. We are really enjoying going through our photo albums to find those photos. "Remember that time when Simon...?"

I have several really good Simon stories that I will save for another time.
posted by neuron at 9:05 AM on February 6, 2023 [28 favorites]

I have nothing of interest to say, but Carolyn Hax (WaPo) on creepy dolls is funny:

I still don’t know what to do with the porcelain dolls. Even the local heavy metal bands don’t want them for videos, because they say they’re too creepy.
— True Story

True Story: That parting paragraph, though, will always have a place here.

Readers’ thoughts:
· Please send me the porcelain dolls. I’d like to arrange them around the homes of my enemies.

posted by jenfullmoon at 9:09 AM on February 6, 2023 [4 favorites]

I was at the doctor a week ago today. I have a bleeding problem and have spent the last year being anemic, iron deficient, and Tired. The doctor noted that my iron studies were technically in the normal range but at the low end and definitely down from the tests done at the end of my last treatment course in October. She suggested going ahead with another round of IV iron but I elected to defer that a month. And of course I've spent the last week having Regrets.
posted by neuron at 9:11 AM on February 6, 2023 [2 favorites]

This past weekend was a case studies in otium for us, given the frigid conditions on Saturday. We've gotten away from doing much cooking over the past few months, but with nowhere to go and nothing to do we cooked up a storm - cottage pie, baked beans, roast chicken, waffles, chocolate cake. We did so much cooking that tonight I want to go out to dinner, just to get a break!
posted by briank at 9:21 AM on February 6, 2023

> So I've decided to start working my way through the Rolling Stone top 500 albums (2020 list). I bet I've heard fewer than 50 of them over the years.

I always feel weird about those lists because they only cover a few decades of music. The oldest music in my collection is 12th century or so, with more fanciful reconstructions going back to ancient Ur (The Lyre Ensemble's album 'The Flood' — go listen to Ishtar's Descent on YouTube). I've got an album from last year by Caroline Shaw (look up her song 'And So...') next to viol consort music of the 17th century (John Jenkins was a better composer than Lawes or fight me). And Sgt. Pepper is in there, too, and some Nirvana and some hot jazz (Hot Sardines playing 'Bei Mir Bist Du Schon' is just fun), but a lot of the top rock albums aren't good enough to be on a top list if you expand the scope (memories of a boss of mine being flabbergasted when I commented that I had listened to Metallica's 'Enter Sandman' for the first time the night before and their grasp of musical form was really weak).

What I have found is I can listen to all kinds of genres and styles, including non-western stuff like raga and gamelan...but there are things that grate on my ears as mistakes. My wife spent the first decade of our marriage unable to guess what I might or might not like. She's starting to hear the same things now after me pointing them out for years. It's the cruelty of teaching someone about kerning, but for music.
posted by madhadron at 9:25 AM on February 6, 2023 [2 favorites]

I'm on vacation in Calgary, where I came not to ski or snowboard or anything else winter weather-related, but to visit my wife, who is a month into her second term of a tenure-track position at the University of Calgary and moved out here last August. I've started applying for jobs out here and my goal (is it realistic? No idea) is to be out here by the end of the calendar year. During this visit I'm going to do some Job Search Stuff but today is sunny and unusually warm, so I'm going to wander and have lunch here because I'm a chicken finger enthusiast.
posted by The Card Cheat at 9:30 AM on February 6, 2023 [2 favorites]

I'm actually sort of enjoying building one of these low poly masks... my first papercraft project since, uh, school. I Finished a prototype in plain old paper yesterday, which was good to get an idea whether I can still scissor and fold and glue without like having to explain to police that I didn't actually glue myself to that in protest of anything.

Anyway it's the proper carton now, too big to go through the printer i transfer nodes from paper to carton with a hammer and a nail, just like in the good old days when Dad taught me about drilling metals... wait what!?
posted by flamewise at 9:35 AM on February 6, 2023 [1 favorite]

The Card Cheat one of my favorite musicians is a resident of Calgary, go see him if you get the chance!

Chad VanGaalen
posted by djseafood at 9:36 AM on February 6, 2023 [1 favorite]

Otium has been threatened by the sinister forces of otiose-odious fusion (otium-odium?).
posted by grobstein at 9:52 AM on February 6, 2023

I think we might have bats again? I saw something that looked like bat poop.
The neighbours cats killed the previous ones who were nesting in the eaves of our roof.

I have gone back on my decision not to cycle with my broken toe. I find I can cycle perfectly well wearing the rigid shoe the doctor told me to wear.

The thing is I'm tapering off Venlafaxine and the withdrawal symptoms are pretty dire. Not being able to get out of the house, and being deprived of the entertainment and exercise of cycling is just too much.

Also I cycle to buy groceries and get to the dentist etc so it's really inconvenient.

But I am cutting it down to essential cycling only.

Sorry to be so out of sorts but the withdrawal has messed with my head so much that I can't write, and writing is my refuge.

Going to eat some extremely dark chocolate now, and watch Critical Role for comfort.
posted by Zumbador at 10:09 AM on February 6, 2023 [11 favorites]

This month I have been through the umpteenth iteration of being told the project I work on is Very Important but also that no one will prioritize it till two weeks before deadline, meaning I worked 60 hours last week. I've been in this type of role for 10 years and nothing has changed so I think I need a new job. The pay is nice but my give-a-fuck level is at the point where I'm like "if you're mad enough to fire me go ahead, I could use a break."

I'm turning this thing in in an hour then probably taking a nap the rest of the day. So ready for some otium.
posted by emjaybee at 10:09 AM on February 6, 2023 [3 favorites]

I had to dogsit Friday night and the utter lunacy of a Pomeranian on my lap (play)fighting a 6-month-old Bernese mix to name a single aspect of the evening's chaos.. the cat grew to reluctantly accept the Pomeranian last spring over an extended visit, but he's old and vicious now and flies into a murderous rage at the sight of the Bernese, who lurches through a space as only a puppy can: banging his body into everything, whipping his stupidly long tail around and thumping everyone and thing.

my god I appreciate our Shepherd/Lab cross more than ever. I swear to god she started performing her role as "elder matriarch" and when we finally barricaded the loonie toons from the living room so we could eat our Friday night pizza and wings in relative peace, our mature good dog quietly sat in her chair and pretended not to eyeball us the whole time in anticipation of her pieces of crust. Believe me, before last night she'd be right across the coffee table summoning litres of drool with that fixed stare of hers... but with this audience of lesser dogs on the other side of a makeshift fence she positively relished her privileged status.

posted by elkevelvet at 10:34 AM on February 6, 2023 [11 favorites]

Spring pottery season is upon me, and with it a new desire to hand-build rather than throw. So far I have made two vessels with legs and faces and tails, and let me tell you I love them. I want all my pots to have legs, that's not new, but adding faces is a whole new level.

Making creachurs. So many creechures.
posted by Lawn Beaver at 10:43 AM on February 6, 2023 [12 favorites]

Lawn Beaver! Pics?!
posted by Glinn at 10:54 AM on February 6, 2023 [5 favorites]

Zumbador oof, I have been there with the Venlafaxine withdrawal. it is brutal. I hope the chocolate and the bike rides help.
posted by supermedusa at 11:55 AM on February 6, 2023 [2 favorites]

My morning walks with pup have turned into "morning" walks, as we're now generally hitting noon-something for the start. This is because I have fallen into my old ways of staying up way too late and then consequently getting up way too few as five years ago I could go to bed way too late and get up at a reasonable time, but not any longer. From age 20 to 50 I probably averaged five hours of sleep and now I'm firmly in the eight or more camp. Ah, well.

My neighbor texted me to warn about a slaughtered pig someone has dumped near the apex of our walk. Yuck. I'm sure Mr. Dog will be thrilled but me not so much, especially as I'll be in charge of keeping him out of it. What kind of person dumps animal carcasses on the road? Bah.
posted by maxwelton at 12:30 PM on February 6, 2023 [3 favorites]

I totally mangled the parse tree for a complicated infix expression today in front of my class. So feel free to be glad you're not me.
posted by tommasz at 12:38 PM on February 6, 2023 [3 favorites]

I recently turned 68 years old. Now that I'm retired, time hangs heavy in my hands.

On the positive side, my weight is now lower than it has been in years, thanks to a diet of mostly veg and a little meat. Eating properly is something I never had time for when I was working.
posted by SPrintF at 1:41 PM on February 6, 2023 [4 favorites]

Eagles and ravens were sparring over the rights to the pig, which was thankfully well off the road and not particularly gruesome. Happy to leave them to it, which also gave Mr Dog something else to engage with, as Large Birds are Very Illegal--certainly when over our yard but, by extension, when they are flying over his road.
posted by maxwelton at 1:53 PM on February 6, 2023 [8 favorites]

Speaking of both Richard Thompson AND the too-short chronology of the Rolling Stone album list leads inevitably to the wonders of his 1000 Years of Popular Music which does indeed cover 1000 years.
posted by gingerbeer at 2:42 PM on February 6, 2023 [20 favorites]

I am finding myself very short on motivation as I keep slogging through assignments for my Clinical Hypnosis degree (shout out to the mid-life change of career people!!). I blame the summer heat and humidity, but I seek otium by splashing around in the pool and swimming a few (short) laps every day. My FitBit must think it's been stolen, considering my usual sedentary behaviour.
posted by ninazer0 at 2:48 PM on February 6, 2023 [1 favorite]

neuron - so sorry about Simon.

re: dietary iron - I'm sure you aware that dietary iron absorption is aided by the presence of vitamin C. I like to cook red meat (on cast iron) with citrus, pineapple, bell peppers, tomatoes, cruficers, or etc.
posted by porpoise at 2:59 PM on February 6, 2023 [3 favorites]

My neighbor texted me to warn about a slaughtered pig someone has dumped near the apex of our walk. Yuck. I'm sure Mr. Dog will be thrilled but me not so much, especially as I'll be in charge of keeping him out of it. What kind of person dumps animal carcasses on the road? Bah.

maxwelton, between your slaughtered pig and the deer carcasses I encounter, and the ravens on my end, I imagine our dogs lead comparable lives

I've never seen her so proud as when she emerges from the bush hauling a bone or hindquarters, and no matter how I yell, she doesn't seem to mind the difference between 'predator' and 'carrion feeder'
posted by elkevelvet at 3:07 PM on February 6, 2023 [1 favorite]

Because my life was not stressful enough, the February Rats are back. Long ago and unbeknownst to me, somehow, I deeply offended the Vermin Queen and ever since, for my entire life, I am plagued by occasional mice or rats or sometimes things like roaches. It's horrible. Since I moved here - to an admittedly rat infested old port city - every February there is a rat or two in my crawl space. Sometimes, like this time, they break through into the house: this time, they are in the laundry room. The laundry room is an odd liminal space with four doors: one to the kitchen, one to my garage bedroom and two to the great outdoors. It is also where the furnace is and, weirdly enough, what with all the doors and windows, it has the best light in the house, so it's my "studio." It's also the only source of heat for my garage bedroom - if the door is kept open. That isn't happening because there have now been three rats, or one rat three times, spotted in there as well as a rather poignant still life in which a rat took a potato, ate half of it and dragged the other half to the furnace where it left it. Turns out the hole is located behind the furnace. It took a while to find because I thought they were coming in from outside via the dog door so I spent days completely closing off the dog door with boards and nails and a vast amount of spray foam and also some tupperware to close off the very top.

I am phobic. Therefore there is now basically no heat in my bedroom. Fortunately I like sleeping in a cold space, although getting out of bed is rather dismal and trying to run across the laundry room to and from the rest of the house even more so - I yell loudly, "Apex predator coming through! Huge mammal! You want to hide and be silent!" My dog is equally afraid of rats and demoralized by the loss of his personal door, so we dash across miserably together.

This weekend I closed off the hole with steel wool and spray foam, or closed it off as much as possible because behind the furnace is really not an easy place to reach. Poison was shoved in there first. I am against poison in theory but when there are rats in my space IDGAF about theory. I can't figure out how they are getting into the crawl space despite several tours of inspection around the whole house and attic. A "fence" of hardware cloth has been erected around the furnace and hotwater heater and two electronic traps have been baited and set within it. Also everything smells of Fresh Cab rodent repellent.

Given these precautions I managed to do my laundry and mess around with some gelli plate monoprints on Sunday before I got too scared to continue. That was nice but I really wish, oh how I wish, my life would just settle back down. I also wish I had never offended the Vermin Queen. That was a big life mistake.
posted by mygothlaundry at 3:33 PM on February 6, 2023 [10 favorites]

Oh horrors. (And nominative determinism, too!)
posted by clew at 3:47 PM on February 6, 2023 [2 favorites]

The English word "negotiate" derives from "otium." If otium was leisure then conflicting over terms of a deal was surely the opposite. Or something like that.
posted by sjswitzer at 4:58 PM on February 6, 2023 [1 favorite]

*knocks on door*

Hello?! Anyone here? I've arrived!
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 6:03 PM on February 6, 2023 [9 favorites]

Oh, thank God.

Here, eat these little cakes. They got kind of dry while I waited for you.
posted by wenestvedt at 6:56 PM on February 6, 2023 [9 favorites]

There's some beers and sodas in the outdoor fridge! Chips and dip on the table!
posted by jenfullmoon at 7:29 PM on February 6, 2023 [8 favorites]

ok now I want snacks
posted by 5_13_23_42_69_666 at 7:56 PM on February 6, 2023 [5 favorites]

So... I was hazed as a little kid being forced to pick up submerged marbles from a bowl of water with chopsticks.

Chopsticks are very optimal for picking up small discrete snacks. Powdered/ flavoured popcorn, chips, cheezits, cheetos, any other small snack with ... residue.

Then some (blessed) jackass put trainer chopsticks + this idea into 'snack finger chopsticks' [amazon; I don't know how to affiliate mefi].
posted by porpoise at 8:21 PM on February 6, 2023 [1 favorite]

Do not fail to listen to Richard Thompson.

To be precise, do not fail to listen to Richard and Linda Thompson, as both albums on that list are credited to them. Richard is a guitarist and songwriter extraordinare, but on those two albums (and the others they recorded during their time as a couple) Linda and her acid-contralto vocals are indispensable.

Also, bondcliff, as a supplement to the Rolling Stone list, can I recommend Greil Marcus' Mystery Train. Not only for the essays on Robert Johnson, The Band, Elvis,, but for the appendices where Marcus includes expanded commentary on the work of those artists and references to others who inspired them. It's almost like a music-commentary version of James Burke's Connections.
posted by e-man at 8:27 PM on February 6, 2023 [1 favorite]

I woke up this morning determined to have a great day, and I did! I'm going to try it again tomorrow.
posted by HotToddy at 9:46 PM on February 6, 2023 [6 favorites]

Yesterday, I worked from 7 AM to 7:30 PM. I'm too old for this. But I enjoyed most of it, work can be fun, sometimes.
posted by mumimor at 9:59 PM on February 6, 2023 [1 favorite]

(Well, I did take time off to transcribe a recipe into an ask. Also fun).
posted by mumimor at 10:02 PM on February 6, 2023

I am supposed to be doing nothing, since I'm between jobs. But I have contractors in and I just can't leave it alone. People are doing things and I must help. Except I'm not sure I'm helping.
posted by How much is that froggie in the window at 10:02 PM on February 6, 2023 [2 favorites]

I can't put this in the "fear of animals" ask meta because it's so off topic but to all the people saying that all wild animals will be scared off by a bit of noise, come walking with me 🙂

Of course we don't have any lionesses anymore, but a troop of baboons is quite enough for me.

Meeting baboons while out walking is unlike any other animal encounter. They are not intimidated by humans at all.
They look right at you, totally unimpressed.

Of course they won't attack unless people have been feeding them and they want to grab your backpack off you. But if you have a dog with you, that's another story.

Apparently with a lioness, if you've seen her she's definitely seen you, and if she's crouching there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop her.
posted by Zumbador at 1:54 AM on February 7, 2023 [4 favorites]

Apparently with a lioness, if you've seen her she's definitely seen you, and if she's crouching there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop her.
substitute 'time' for 'lioness' and that has been winter
posted by From Bklyn at 2:58 AM on February 7, 2023 [8 favorites]

OK wow Bklyn that's amazing.
posted by Zumbador at 4:53 AM on February 7, 2023 [2 favorites]

As a reward for working too long hours yesterday, I am very tired today. But I went by metro to an Asian store in my lunch break, to buy tea in bulk. 240 bags of PG tips for just a little more than what I usually pay for 60. WIN! And it's good tea. Bitter and strong, can take milk and sugar if I feel so inclined, but right now I am enjoying the bitterness.
In the store, I found something I haven't had for ages: tiny little tins of chicken paste. I just bough one tin, because sometimes things you enjoyed 30 years ago just aren't the same, but it is delicious, and made completely without additives. Maybe in Ukraine. We are getting a lot of stuff from Ukraine that was perhaps sold to Russia and Russian allies before, and what I have tried till now has been really high quality.

Now I should be making a lecture for tomorrow, but maybe I am just too tired and must take a short nap before I continue.
posted by mumimor at 5:12 AM on February 7, 2023 [6 favorites]

Every week I marvel at how many posts in the free threads could/should end up as front page posts. If you still use an RSS reader (newsblur or whatever), make sure you add the feed.
posted by DigDoug at 5:38 AM on February 7, 2023 [2 favorites]

I had a half hour to use, so I chopped some cauliflower, tossed it with some olive oil, garam masala, ras el hanout, and salt, and it'll be put in the oven after my workout, God willing. Somehow or other even in retirement, my days get filled quickly.
posted by Sheydem-tants at 5:45 AM on February 7, 2023 [1 favorite]

Ended up making a grilled cheese for myself. Now, the big question is what do I want for my birthday dinner tonight?

Eh…It’s not that big of a question, really. Since I do the cooking here, and her tastes are way less adventurous than mine, I usually just default to whatever the missus will eat, too. So, probably pizza.
posted by Thorzdad at 6:20 AM on February 7, 2023 [2 favorites]

Cauliflower is god-food, and so is pizza. What about a pizza with potato and cauliflower and cheese of course, and then a mustardy salad to go with it? Or a salad with lettuce, blueberries and green peas, dressed with lemon and olive oil?

Apart from the very cheap tea, one of my purposes to go to that store was that I have discovered I am falling behind on my fruit and veg goals. So now I want to make some nice things that are good eaten cold, so I don't default to pasta olio, aglio and pepperonici when I am tired after work. Or even worse/better: penne with gorgonzola and eggs.
So my plan is to make a hortopita, a bowl of tabouleh, a vegetarian stew with beans and okra (perhaps not good cold, but easy to heat up). And maybe some hummus. I'll also blend my leftover fegato alla veneziana from Sunday with some butter. I saw a recipe for this and I'm going to try it. Not exactly vegetarian, but there is double the amount of onions to liver in it, so it is less meaty than most would imagine.
posted by mumimor at 7:11 AM on February 7, 2023 [2 favorites]

I am plagued by occasional mice or rats

mygothlaundry, I have a colleague and it can be fairly said they're terrified of rodents. Absolute phobia. I don't kid around, no showing pics of mice, no discussion of rats, no pranks. Prior to her wedding the colleague went on a houseboat ride with friends, early in the outing someone noticed signs of mice activity (telltale droppings) and the friends collaborated to hide any evidence and try to keep things hush-hush. The houseboat trip ended with my colleague on the roof demanding to be taken to shore: a mouse literally streaked across a table right in front of her.

At work we (privately) find it funny up to a point, but it's the first time I got a hint of what phobia means to a person.
posted by elkevelvet at 7:51 AM on February 7, 2023 [3 favorites]

This morning in my first class I get to talk about one of the weirdest and most unexpected pieces of orchestra music I've encountered (and absolutely adore), Turangalîla-Symphonie (1948) by Olivier Messiaen. Which is way more influential than one might expect. Fun for instance:
"Her name [Leela] also plays on Turangalîla, the Sanskrit title of the landmark Turangalîla-Symphonie by French composer Olivier Messiaen (which series creator Matt Groening listed as his 10th favourite thing) which translates to time and love in Hindi.
Just a wild, ecstatic piece that's completely sui generis. (And if you want to see what heavy lifting looks like when a whole orchestra does it, this is it.)

Yesterday, I worked from 7 AM to 7:30 PM.

I read "7 AM to 7:30 AM" at first and thought "fuck yeah, that's an alright work day." Then I saw the 'PM'. Hope today is (was?) less work time and more whatever-you-want time.
posted by LooseFilter at 8:04 AM on February 7, 2023 [4 favorites]

Happy Birthday, Thorzdad! 🥳

mumimor, easy snack idea (I just made some):
Toss drained, cooked chickpeas with some soy sauce, garlic powder, turmeric, ginger, curry, cumin (or your own faves), spread on parchment paper on cookie sheet, bake about 35-40 min at 375ish. Stir em up a bit halfway if you remember. Very snacky.
posted by Glinn at 8:16 AM on February 7, 2023 [3 favorites]

My day started with a 4:23 a.m. police raid on the apartment building next to mine, complete with a burst of sirens, wildly barking K-9s, and what I assume was a flash bang (there certainly was a flash and a BANG), followed by around 15 minutes of some cop with a very loud loudspeaker, loudly informing the entire neighborhood over and over at 30-second intervals that this is the Portland Police Bureau serving a search warrant on [address], apartment 54, and to come out with hands above your head or we will use force. I'm assuming whoever it was eventually came out, because everything quieted down by 5 or so. No info on what it was all about (though Nextdoor, which I held my nose and dipped into, is of course aswirl with wild and unsubstantiated rumor.)
posted by Kat Allison at 10:59 AM on February 7, 2023 [3 favorites]

My day started with a 4:23 a.m. police raid on the apartment building next to mine

Reminds of the time I got a student email one morning, informing that he would be late to class because he was trapped in apartment by an armed stand-off, and SWAT sniper-types were positioned literally at his front door. He attached a rather persuasive picture from his front window. The absence was excused.

(Which also reminds me of the time my car was stolen from work and used as the getaway car in a bank robbery, but that's a whole other story.)
posted by LooseFilter at 12:12 PM on February 7, 2023 [5 favorites]

The manchester band “Happy mondays” got their name from the expression that happy mondays means you’re on the dole/welfare and don’t have to go to work come monday morning.
posted by beesbees at 12:43 PM on February 7, 2023 [3 favorites]

elkevelvet, it is funny! I can recognize the humor in it sometimes even while I'm freaking out and I definitely laugh at myself afterwards. There's something so cartoony about a woman who is terrified of mice and rats; it's so stereotypical it's just idiotic. That's the thing about phobias though I guess, you know they're dumb and yet you can't stop yourself from losing it at the moment.
posted by mygothlaundry at 12:45 PM on February 7, 2023

As an amazing follow-up to my wife & daughter's trip to see "Hamilton," noted above: my wife discovered that the actor who played Burr, Blaine Alden Krauss, had been called up to the Broadway cast that night, which explained all the hugging among the cast as the curtain dropped.

So my wife sent him a note on social media, and got a wonderful, warm reply that wished my daughter luck in the future.

Pretty cool!
posted by wenestvedt at 6:30 PM on February 7, 2023 [6 favorites]

Happy snacktastic evening! Best to all of us! The stone fruitntrees are in bloom in my neighborhood, (Socalistani, where I am, the best of many worlds in this town, Gudwaras, Mosques, all kinds of meeting houses and street from everywhere.)
posted by Oyéah at 6:46 PM on February 7, 2023

You can't have a conversation about music and the dole without mentioning UB40 (in the long ago, the form you filled out to go on the dole). And you can't have a conversation about music and Thatcher without mentioning Killer Queen.
posted by How much is that froggie in the window at 8:04 PM on February 7, 2023 [3 favorites]

Here in Career Change Corner, I had a marketing call from someone at my local law school yesterday (I signed up for emails from them, and apparently phone calls too, gnargh).
Him: "Have you finished your first degree?"
Me: "Yes, I have 20 years experience in a different field and am considering a career change"
Him: "So when did you finish your first degree?"
Me: "2001"
Him: "Sorry could you repeat that please?"
Me: "Two thousand and one"
Him: "Wow, that's a really long time ago"
I told him to call back when he felt like being more welcoming to career changers.
posted by altolinguistic at 6:29 AM on February 8, 2023 [6 favorites]

altolinguistic: I'm so sorry. Fuck that guy. Was he watching Blue's Clues then, or what? I have known career changers who went to law school after that long or longer and found a warm welcome in the profession.
posted by Countess Elena at 7:18 AM on February 8, 2023 [1 favorite]

I’m curious why there isn’t an FPP about the earthquake in Turkey.
posted by bendy at 8:02 AM on February 8, 2023

Free thoughts for a Free thread? Sound fair enough. Tho I wonder why I find these lovely free threads just as they run out of steam. Ah well. No matter.

I need to and like to check my compass and remind myself of my direction from time to time. If I have the words my mind knows where to go and the rest of me chugs along behind like a well behaved toy train.

So, what to do? We open up as much as possible today and then open up some more tomorrow. We keep learning and growing. We move the ego aside to let in the ones we love and to make space for happiness. And silence, always silence. A quiet heart and a still mind and we're set to cruise control.

That'll do me for now.
posted by dutchrick at 8:18 AM on February 8, 2023 [2 favorites]

I just opened this thread to post a comment about the earthquake, because the government here posted that we are short of field hospitals to donate. They have been sent to Ukraine.

One of my volunteer jobs is in a foundation that gives money to humanitarian purposes, so we do a lot of research into where we get the best value for money.

I would suggest that you all donate to Medicins sans frontieres ASAP. They have a very good ratio of aid to admin, and they are trusted in many countries that are suspicious of Western aid.

There will be a huge need for reconstruction aid, but right now, they need warm shelters and medical aid.
posted by mumimor at 8:20 AM on February 8, 2023 [2 favorites]

Him: "Wow, that's a really long time ago"

Me: "Sweetiepumpkin, you might not want to say that out loud on the phone to someone. Some thoughts need to stay inside our own heads at work." I say this with a "bless your heart" Southern accent tone in my head.

Okay, back to my off-and-on "UPS IS THE DEVIL" ranting from other free threads. I ordered a package to go to another office in early December. I found out yesterday that UPS has been literally delivering it back and forth across the country over and over again for the last two months, refusing to deliver it here. First they claimed "work stoppage at the location" (yes, that was during the strike, but the package was going to someone's home, NOT to the company that was on strike, company isn't even mentioned in the mailing address). Then they claimed "uncontrollable events." Then someone sent a change of address. Then days later, the address was actually changed. Then they said there was a "sortation delay" six times over as they sent it back and forth and back and forth. SIX TRIPS ACROSS THE COUNTRY.

I'm really surprised the other office didn't contact me to complain about this and hasn't responded to my "well, it finally showed up at MY office instead, someone needs to come get it" email. This is a place that demands them in hands ASAP, so heck if I know.

Anyway, I read the other day that UPS is going to have their own strike this summer, so that'll be a blast for my job. I wonder if our vendor will actually change their shipper if that happens--I wish. The only saving grace is that I found out mail services will forward things on to us relatively quickly (we're now having things sent to them rather than us), so that's not as horrible of a delay as trying to get someone to drive over and get things.

That said, god, mailing large items at my job sucks rancid donkey balls.
posted by jenfullmoon at 10:55 AM on February 8, 2023 [3 favorites]

My employer is offering a new benefit this year - no cost virtual physical therapy for basic physical ailments. I've had intermittent issues with the wrist of my dominant hand for 20+ years and it recently got bad enough (along with the shoulder) to warrant a trip to see a sports medicine ortho. The good news is that it is not arthritis (a concern as it runs in my family), just inflamed bursa sacs making me miserable. Along with several weeks of rest, sports doc recommended I schedule a PT appointment to get some exercise advice, but scheduling issues, then Covid put that on the back burner.

So I signed up to get some help with my wrist. The company sends a tablet with a customized program including videos and motion sensors and you are assigned a PT through an app. I finished my second session this afternoon and I'm actually pretty pleased with the program so far. The exercises are just challenging enough to be interesting and there is video and motion capture of some of them to keep me on track. And I'm antisocial enough that I'm OK with minimal interaction with a PT.

Hoping it works. I've started up rowing again and I'm about to go and do some lifts with just the 45lb bar to begin building my strength back up.

jenfullmoon, this is the same package you mentioned in previous threads? Cause that is epically banana crackers.

(And I'm still a bit pissed with UPS over a handmade gift I sent that just disappeared.)
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 1:07 PM on February 8, 2023 [2 favorites]

OK, let me try this again. The stone fruit trees peaches, plums, apricots, are in bloom. Street food of every kind here. Stepping out of my friend's business today, I could smell all the trees in bloom, just this faint, but sweet, organic perfume. Across my alley, the big plum is full on white blossoms.
posted by Oyéah at 5:47 PM on February 8, 2023 [6 favorites]

jenfullmoon, this is the same package you mentioned in previous threads? Cause that is epically banana crackers.

There are multiple packages having these fucking problems.

(a) Package A they refused to deliver due to the strike, was supposedly held at warehouse, we paid $17.50 to have the address moved, they lost it, it turned up months later after it had already been replaced.

(b) Package B was delivered to the locked building after 5 p.m. on a Saturday and thus stolen by Monday morning. Had to be replaced.

(c) Package C they immediately hit "return to sender" and mailed it back to the East Coast.

(d) Packages A and B had to be replaced, and B, C, and now D (replacement for A) finally showed up in January, along with E and F that were ordered after that. Then A finally showed up. All of this was after management finally agreed to change our mailing address to offsite. Management immediately changed our mailing address to the office again after this because the strike is over, right?

Package G, they immediately hit "return to sender" and mailed it back to the East Coast. This is AFTER the strike ended and they refuse to communicate as to why they are still doing this. Management was forced to change it back to offsite again.

Package H is a package I ordered in late November and was mailed properly to someone's home, no issues, received already.

Package I (note: even I'm having trouble keeping track of all of this by now) is THE EXACT SAME ORDER as H, which for reasons nobody knows of (I didn't ask for it), they reprinted again after Package H showed up, and this is the one that was literally sent back and forth across the entire US six times total. This wasn't addressed to any office, it was also supposed to go to a home address, but UPS marked it off as "can't deliver due to work stoppage " (this was mid-November), then "can't deliver due to uncontrollable circumstances," then they marked it off SIX times as a "sortage" problem and shipped it back and forth between coasts SIX TRIPS TOTAL before finally mailing it to our offsite location.

posted by jenfullmoon at 8:11 PM on February 8, 2023 [1 favorite]

though Nextdoor, which I held my nose and dipped into, is of course aswirl with wild and unsubstantiated rumor.

Well, yes. I have noticed that any reporting of a crime story in local news brings out people theorizing What She Must Have Done for this to happen, or Well What Do You Expect From Those People. It’s pretty gross.

Usually the word “probably” is the signal that everything afterward is sheer fantasy.
posted by ricochet biscuit at 8:44 AM on February 9, 2023

I don’t really know where else to note this:


Woohoo! Love you all, don’t ever change, etc etc! <3
posted by computech_apolloniajames at 9:48 AM on February 9, 2023 [2 favorites]

It's not yet still monday, is it? Or maybe it is already almost monday again right?

Anyway I rang a door bell for Backyard Tabby today and the voice from the stairs thanks me for ringing the bell for the Tabby.

I bet Tabby thinks it took WAY too long to get this silly human to ring that bell.
posted by flamewise at 1:22 PM on February 9, 2023 [1 favorite]

Oh my, tracking that level of UPS fuckery would make anyone cranky.

Spouse reminded me recently that unless I want to spend an upcoming milestone birthday celebrating in a manner that I hate with people I would prefer not to celebrate with, I need to plan to be gone, so I'm noodling over where to go. Except that I need to renew my passport, which did not happen over the holiday break (Covid) and cannot happen now because I'm not getting a photograph of the massive cold sore dead center that my lower lip is currently sporting. I'm getting anxious about it, because I need to do kiddo's passport too.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 4:21 AM on February 10, 2023

And kiddo's school will be full remote one day next week, due to the funeral of an officer who was killed in the line of duty last week. The funeral is set to begin at 12:00 PM. The procession is set to begin at 8:45 AM and the earliest streets will be open again is 2:30 PM.

As the funeral home is a 20 minute walk from my home, I've been toying with calling off for a couple of hours to see some of the procession.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 4:47 AM on February 10, 2023

I'm in a "thank god it's Friday"-mood. Unfortunately, I weren't be out dancing, and I still have a couple of hours of work to do. But I might celebrate Friday and the fact that I apparently won't loose my job by taking a nap.

It's "The Season" in polite society, and the invitations are lining up, so there will be dancing eventually. Because I am so much more better that I am starting to say yes to invitations.
posted by mumimor at 5:15 AM on February 10, 2023 [2 favorites]

Also, my spelling and general language has been off all day. Which is pretty sad when you are a teacher.
But I am teaching at a tech university, so I am not alone.
posted by mumimor at 5:49 AM on February 10, 2023

I was reminded last night that I don't like People. I like certain individuals (such as my friends and the fine folks of Metafilter), but people in general? Feh.

First of all, I discovered after work yesterday that I was missing some ingredients that I absolutely needed in order to use up other ingredients that I absolutely had to use up before they went bad, requiring a post-work grocery store run. This enmeshed me in the city's rush "hour", which seems to start at 3pm and doesn't die out until 6:30-7pm. I've been WFH for well over 10 years, and I loathe the occasions I have to deal with it. Generally I do my errands on a weekend specifically to avoid it. I saw more stupid driving behavior just in last night's trip than I have in a year of weekend driving. Fortunately I wasn't directly affected by any of it, but the knowledge that I easily could have been got me grumbling.

Then I got to the grocery store, which of course was very busy, but I only counted something like 10 other people wearing a mask. This area has been pretty good about getting vaxxed, and up to a point was good about masking, but everyone's given up the mask at this point. It's got me wondering whether I'm one of the few smart ones, or I need to readjust my threat-level thinking. Either way it just added to my grumpiness level.

But hey, at least dinner turned out good.
posted by Greg_Ace at 8:43 AM on February 10, 2023 [1 favorite]

I saw a play called The Last Wide Open last night (note: links are the best I could find to describe this show). They do three different versions ("movements") of the two characters hanging out in the restaurant but also go in and out of the play and break the fourth wall and things like that.

At one point he's taking a poll as to who believes in love, raise their hand, etc. And she was all, "Raise your hand if love sucks!" And I'm the only one who raised it and she was all "Yesssssssss!" to me and he was all "This is YOUR FAULT!" to me and it was absolutely hilarious and I died laughing :)
posted by jenfullmoon at 9:53 AM on February 10, 2023 [4 favorites]

I've been carrying around a referral from my dentist since September....during my initial consult, she discovered that I had a big cavity brewing in one of my top back teeth, but it was under the gum line - it was the tooth next to one where I'd had a root canal in the early aughts, but the dentist who did the root canal left a big space between that tooth and the one next to it, and so it just was a matter of time that something like this would happen.

she told me that eventually that there would be no way to save that tooth, and at SOME point I would need to get a root canal on that one too, likely with an implant. I have had SUPER bad luck with dentists in the past so I have some mild dental phobia, and asked if I could just put things off until it started to be more of an issue. She agreed, fortunately. When things were a BIT more advanced during my last appointment in September, she said that I could still wait since I wasn't experiencing pain, but she would personally feel better if she gave me the referral so I would have it on hand for whenever I was ready. And I've been hanging on to it since.

It STILL doesn't hurt. But this morning I took a deep breath and called the oral surgeon to make that appointment for a consult and get this taken care of. The receptionist was very bemused when she said that they were booked until late March, and I answered "oh, that's NOT a problem." And when I was filling out the new patient paperwork online, and they asked if I would be interested in "pre-procedural sedatives or nitrous", I checked that YES box as hard as I possibly could.

But it's official, and I am considering myself done with adulting for the day and I want some ice cream now, please.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 10:17 AM on February 10, 2023 [6 favorites]

Tonight I saw The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, for my third time, and this was the best version of it I ever saw. I'm not just saying this because I knew people in it (all doing very good jobs) or because I got to be a speller (out in the first, dammit!), it was excellent and I am super bouncing off the walls now and I was supposed to be asleep an hour ago because I have to get up super early tomorrow!
posted by jenfullmoon at 11:47 PM on February 10, 2023 [1 favorite]

Today, I had lunch. Meaning I was invited to a dinner, but at 2PM. It's so nice, you eat, and drink and talk, and then when you go home it is just late afternoon/early evening and you can go to bed at a civilized hour after watching a bit of TV and walking the dog.
The hosts are some old friends of mine, in the sense that they are literally old: 80 and 88 I think. Or more. And the meal was from another age: pea soup made with tinned peas (the hostess emphasized that it would be wrong with frozen or fresh peas), lamb kidney stew and tarte tatin. Those of you who are younger may find this strange, but it was truly delicious, they are both great cooks.
I hope that I live to be their ages and that I have as lovely lunches with friends.
The conversation was excellent. If there is something many older people are good at, it is having a nice conversation with people you don't know well.
posted by mumimor at 11:35 AM on February 11, 2023 [3 favorites]

I'm thinking about looking for a new job. It's just not fun/the right side of tolerable anymore, it is warping my brain and making me unfriendly and depressed. I don't even know if it's me or the job any more.
posted by aesop at 5:24 AM on February 15, 2023

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