A Free Thread For A Day Off
July 3, 2023 7:00 PM   Subscribe

Because many MeFites have a day off this week, and because for many OTHER MeFites Tuesday is just Tuesday - here is your Free Thread for the first week of July!

July 4th is not just Independence Day in the United States - in some quarters it is also Jackfruit Day, Alice in Wonderland Day, and Sidewalk Egg Frying Day. Meanwhile, today (July 3) is National Eat Your Beans Day, while July 5th is Mechanical Pencil Day and National Graham Cracker Day. It's also National Work Without Your Hands Day in Spongebob's Bikini Bottom - fittingly, as it's also Bikini Day.

Tell us what YOU'RE celebrating this week!
posted by EmpressCallipygos (80 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
I'm with ya, hippybear - I'm actually going to be doing a belated Eat Your Beans Day instead this year.

I'm kinda serious - my roommate is leaving for a weeklong vacation at stupid o'clock, so when I wake up at like 7 am I will be all alone and will have an ENTIRE DAY to do exactly as I please in the apartment, and a good chunk of that will be cooking things for the week ahead. That includes cooking up batches of THREE completely different kinds of beans that will be going into pasta dishes and salads and dips and spreads to my heart's content.

It's also supposed to rain here in NYC in the late afternoon and early evening - right when the fireworks would be - making staying inside and saying "FUCK YOU" to the usual festivities an even better choice.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 7:13 PM on July 3, 2023 [5 favorites]

My Apple II peripheral card project proceeds apace! I am taking a gamble in trying out a different microcontroller: a Teensy 4.1. The Teensy has a ton of stuff that the Pico doesn't have, but it is lacking a critical feature that the Pico does have, which is the Pico's PIO system. PIO lets you write efficient state machines to do complicated low-level hardware interfaces, and that is crucial for the interface to the Apple II bus.

So my solution is to use them both: The Pico is doing little more than running some PIO state machines, effectively using it as a bus controller, and the Teensy 4.1 is doing Everything Else. Because the Pico is handing the Teensy pre-digested bus signals, the Teensy can just pull what it needs in a simple interrupt handler, and otherwise do all the other Cool Stuff we have in mind.

That's the theory, anyway. I wrote the code over the weekend, built the breadboard today, and will start testing it tomorrow.
posted by notoriety public at 7:19 PM on July 3, 2023 [7 favorites]

I'm celebrating... Arnold! Mojo Nixon was wrong. Arnold is everywhere!

Over the rainbow
Hungry for soup
In business with Silent Stallone
Danny DeVito's clone
Wants to dance with somebody

Happy holiday, all!
posted by zaixfeep at 7:24 PM on July 3, 2023 [2 favorites]

I wish I knew something about designing circuits, but really don't have an interest in learning electronics theory for a one-off project trying to mimic an old electro-mechanical device on a car I'm working on, in solid-state. The device has failed, it was part of a rare option on a limited number of cars and there is no such thing as reproductions or NOS (there aren't even any used ones around).

The thing that's killing me is the functionality itself is super-simple, but to go solid-state I'd have to know which components do what in an IC...and I don't think I have the spoons to edumacate myself. Sigh.
posted by maxwelton at 7:28 PM on July 3, 2023

it was tuesday
posted by dismas at 7:34 PM on July 3, 2023 [2 favorites]

I'm trying to adult today but it's cold and wet outside, and with some help from the Green my husband was able to cobble together a fix for my wood stove so the likelihood is I'm just going to light a fire early and sit in front of it and binge terrible TV with the kitty. In honour of Bean Day, here are some toasted beans for the cat tax.
posted by ninazer0 at 7:35 PM on July 3, 2023 [6 favorites]

The thing that's killing me is the functionality itself is super-simple, but to go solid-state I'd have to know which components do what in an IC...and I don't think I have the spoons to edumacate myself. Sigh.

I see your frustration, and I'm sorry. I'm not going to say "It's easy, just give it a shot", because while it's amazingly easy to get into these days compared to how it was 25 years ago when I was in college, that doesn't make it easy easy. I studied some hardware stuff in college, but haven't used any of it since I left my first job out of school. But I've been doing computer stuff of some sort the whole time, so coming back to the hardware field after so long, and with a career's worth of experience behind me, it's all coming together extremely easily... for me.

Plus I have the discretionary income to tool up: I've sunk about $2k on all the various stuff to get to where I am. And some of it was plainly wasted! I've bought some stuff along the way that I just plain will not use, because I found another way to solve the problem that was better. I can shake it off because I don't spend very much money on anything normally and can indulge in this hobby for a bit. But if you're just trying to get a thing working, and don't know what you need? That's a huge hill to climb.
posted by notoriety public at 7:38 PM on July 3, 2023 [2 favorites]

And, I mean, this might be the difficult part since Radio Shack and Fry's both are mostly gone at this point, can you even source the parts if you can get a schematic for the thing?

Well, there's Mouser, and Adafruit, and a number of other sites to order this kind of stuff. The whole Maker thing has gotten trendy enough that there's options... if you know what you want in the first place.

Another stroke of luck that I have, is that I live quite close to a Micro Center, and these days they have a nice big section with Maker shit in it, and I've used that as a resource to pick up stuff on a shorter time horizon than putting in an online order.
posted by notoriety public at 7:41 PM on July 3, 2023

Tomorrow I will be celebrating my son-in-law's birth anniversary along with other family members and friends at an evening garden party. (Unsurprisingly, as a small child, he thought the fireworks were for him. As an adult, he's frankly uninterested in that aspect of the day.) The rest of the night will be spent trying (in vain) to sleep amid the booms of neighborhood fireworks—as has been the case for the past week and likely will continue for another week—while hoping our clapboard home doesn't go up in flames from wandering sparks.
posted by Scout405 at 7:50 PM on July 3, 2023 [2 favorites]

Went car shopping today. Ugh. I hate car shopping.

Apparently, dealerships have stopped rushing out to the lot, where you’re looking at cars, to gladhand, pressure, and cajole. They seem to have adopted the tactic of “If they see something they’re interested in, they can come in and ask about it.” Works for me, frankly.
posted by Thorzdad at 8:09 PM on July 3, 2023 [8 favorites]

What car and what option maxwelton? I'm sure I don't need to tell you this, but there are some very clever car people online in various model-specific clubs and forums who may have already found a workaround.
posted by sardonyx at 8:26 PM on July 3, 2023

In Honkai Star Rail, I succeeded today in pulling Luocha, a five-star healer who I hope will take some of the burden off of Natasha, my main healer. My main team of Trailblazer (Preservation), Natasha, Dan Heng and Silver Wolf have reached level 50, so leveling a new character might take a while.

I only reached Xianzhou Luofu last week and I still have unfinished business in Belobog. I was pleased that my hunch about the nature of the Stellerons is correct, in that they are dark reflections of the Aeons. (The Belobog Architects were devoted to Qilpoth the Preservation, so their Stelleron was attempting the freeze the planet in order to preserve it, unchanging. In Xianzhou Luofu, they follow the path of Yaoshi the Abundance [healing], so their Stelleron seems hell-bent on imposing immortality on everyone.)

So I'm keeping busy this holiday weekend.
posted by SPrintF at 8:46 PM on July 3, 2023 [2 favorites]

Once you get the schematic it's mostly soldering.

On the silver circuit after, ooh-ooh
One Tin Solder rides away...
posted by Greg_Ace at 8:51 PM on July 3, 2023

Car shopping. Yeah, no fun, too many games. I have my own approach to buying which works well for me - it’s straightforward and so that means a lot of dealerships end up on my “avoid that place” list when they try the usual stuff. I bought a car from one dealer a few years ago and it was a smooth transaction and a good deal; I went back four years ago when I was ready to buy again and they had changed things, and were now playing games. I ended up going to another dealer and had a good transaction there. I hope I don’t need to buy a vehicle for a long time. Definitely at least until interest rates drop back down.
posted by azpenguin at 8:53 PM on July 3, 2023 [1 favorite]

I am a huge fucking novice at soldering. I had never soldered a single pin until May of this year. Even when I was doing hardware stuff at Motorola, actual soldering work relevant to my job was done by people who knew WTF they were doing. This was additionally affected by us having a goddamn legendary soldering wizard in the form of Ursula, a woman in our department, who had been working at Motorola since the 40s. She could do damn near anything. One of the interns I managed was her grandson. So I never did anything besides ask other people to do stuff, until I started my current project.

And now, of course, we live in Modern Times, and have to do it with lead-free solder which, while better for the environment, is also a huge pain in the ass because you have to operate at 750 degrees F instead of like 400. I failed hilariously until I dropped the cash to get a decent high wattage soldering station. I still feel like it's something I could be throwing money at for better results.
posted by notoriety public at 9:02 PM on July 3, 2023

There's a family story about my grandfather going shopping for a new car, but not until he'd done some research on the make and model he wanted - this was in the 60s or early 70s, WAY before the internet, so that kind of groundwork was harder to come by; but he did it. After finding a dealership that had the exact car with the exact features he wanted, he sat down with the salesman and engaged in some back-and-forth negotiation. Finally, once all the details were hammered out, he pulled a piece of paper from his shirt pocket with his pre-researched price on it and told the salesman "Not bad, you almost matched my price!" The salesman was stunned, but it all worked out for everyone involved.

My grandfather taught me everything I know about haggling - including being prepared to walk away when a reasonable deal can't be reached - and it has served me well. That said, I have never once bought a car from a dealership, or a new car at all. Over the years I've bought maybe a half-dozen used cars through local want ads, or later, CraigsList, and managed to avoid any bad purchases. Not to say anything against buying a new car! And, from what I understand, the used car market is going a bit nuts now due to *waves hands at everything*. But it's interesting to hear about other folks taking different approaches than I have.


In other news I just had a "methacholine challenge" test done today, the results of which suggest I may have asthma...and talking to the (technician? nurse? ??) performing the test, it appears I may have had it to some small degree all my life. I won't know the official results for a few days, it'll be interesting (well, that's one word for it at least) to find out for sure.
posted by Greg_Ace at 9:13 PM on July 3, 2023 [3 favorites]

I signed the lease on a new apartment today and I'm excited to move in. I've been at the same place for almost 7 years with a roommate who is a friend and I loved living there but I'm just ready for a place of my own. As soon as I get a bed set up and the internet working I'll be there full time. Moving is always hard but so far it's going as smoothly as possible.
posted by downtohisturtles at 9:18 PM on July 3, 2023 [3 favorites]

It was Tuesday

I've been using this scene to explain attention fatigue to doctors and nurses for years. Yes, this surgery is potentially life-changing for me, but it's the surgeon's fourth of six on Tuesday, with three days of surgery every week.

I don't know how to solve attention fatigue, but I at least get myself briefly noticed as more than surgery #4.

Also, it's one of my favorite scenes in any movie, because Raul Julia.
posted by SunSnork at 10:02 PM on July 3, 2023 [2 favorites]

The component I'm fighting is an old Lucas "relay" though that's only part of its job. It unfortunately controls the warning indicator light for a rare heated rear window option. Maybe 1000 of them were sold new in the 1960s?

Anyway, it's a simple circuit. There is a relay which, when unpowered, keeps a set of points closed and power to the bulb goes through those points directly, no resistance. When the relay is powered, the points open, and the power to the bulb now can only travel through a resistor, which drops the voltage roughly in half, dimming the bulb. The relay is fine, the resistor is shot. The resistor is a metal disc of some sort, without identifying numbers, and no modern analogue that I can find. I don't even know enough to know what type of resistor will drop 12V to 6V in a circuit whose total load is a single small incandescent bulb (I would imagine a nominal number of watts at most?), otherwise I could just order a resistor from mcmaster and solder it in place.

Perhaps the most first world problem ever.
posted by maxwelton at 10:18 PM on July 3, 2023 [1 favorite]

Once I heard an old lady speaking on the radio, the point being that we should listen to her special old-timey dialect. But what she was saying was she would never buy a new car, since they loose value the second you start them. Whereas you can actually make money from a good deal on a used car when you sell it on for the next used car. I follow this advice.
But usually, I start on the internet. I throw in as many properties as I can think of, and then there is usually just one option left, then I go to the dealer to look at it. Works for me.

The dog is sleeping in this morning. He is snuggled up in his bed with an empty plastic bag: he stole the rest of the bread while I was asleep. It was a very chewy and slightly scratchy 100% whole grain bread, so I don't miss it and I don't think it will make him ill. Just very full. But it means I'm having leftover pasta for breakfast today. (Don't worry about the bag. He is very skillful when it comes to stealing food. The problem is always the food itself, not the container. Like that time he ate a whole box of chocolate...)
posted by mumimor at 10:25 PM on July 3, 2023 [4 favorites]

A few years ago I ended up in Hong Kong on Thanksgiving day, so I ate chicken at KFC and felt slightly sad. Today I am in Hong Kong again on Independence Day, and my wife insisted that we come to McDonald’s so I could have a burger Later we are going for Korean BBQ. I am not sad at all about being absent this time.
posted by pwinn at 10:31 PM on July 3, 2023 [3 favorites]

I spent part of the weekend (more carefully - see below) gardening, part unsuccessfully trying to update Windows 10 - but at least managing to install Winaero which allowed me to switch to an Aero Lite theme that looks much better, and the rest just taking it easy.

I had some great news, and some not so good.My dear friend who fell over a month ago and almost broke his neck is now back in the local hospital and improving. I am greatly relieved.Comparitively minor, I also discovered I have a small umbilical hernia. It's not bothering much yet and I ordered a support belt, so hopefully I can postpone possible surgery till after gardening season.
posted by blue shadows at 10:33 PM on July 3, 2023 [1 favorite]

My life is split between a new relationship that is frankly going amazing, and a job where I have reached the Extreme Burnout: Leave ASAP phase. The sucky thing about this is that once you're in burnout it's much harder to find a new job first because your brain is so checked out and angry after a workday. So I'm probably going to have to quit first and make job searching my job, and if that doesn't work fast enough, take a random temp job for cash while I search.
posted by emjaybee at 11:00 PM on July 3, 2023 [5 favorites]

I'm headed to Birmingham, UK for a 12 step conference on Thursday. First time in the UK in 26 years, under much better circumstances this time.

God willing, I'll get my international will executed, go to a new mosque for noonday prayer, and meet up with a Slack buddy, all before the conference starts on Friday!
posted by rabia.elizabeth at 11:23 PM on July 3, 2023


So, if I'm reading your description right, your relay circuit looks like this?

The internet tells me dashboard indicator bulbs at 2w, so:

A x V = W

So a dash bulb draws 0.16 amps.

V= I x R

So the bulb is 75 ohms.

To dim it by half, the mystery resistor is probably also 75 ohms.

I'm guessing you want a 75 ohm, 2 watt resistor.

I don't know what they charge for shipping.
posted by Marky at 11:35 PM on July 3, 2023 [5 favorites]

Marky, that is precisely right, to the best of my knowledge. Thank you! Bellevue is nearby, so hopefully would be here soon. Be nice to solve this problem on a car which is fighting me every step of the way!
posted by maxwelton at 2:35 AM on July 4, 2023 [1 favorite]

(And the whole big whoop-de-do behind this device: if you turn on the heated rear window, you get an indicator bulb shining in the dash to remind you. This relay thingy comes into play when you turn on the lights--that is the trigger to dim the indicator bulb so you aren't blinded by it at night.)

This has been your boring maxwelton aside. As compensation, here is my dog with the car in question just after I finished asking him for his opinion.
posted by maxwelton at 2:47 AM on July 4, 2023 [10 favorites]

I woke up at 5:30 and roommate was already gone. I have already made the bed and made coffee, and pulled out the iced teas I'm going to be making. Next comes a quick shower followed by some HARDCORE domesticity:

* making the aforementioned beans
* and a big batch of tabouleh
* and grab-and-go smoothie packs, some using spinach from my CSA or sorrel from the hydroponic thing at work
* deep cleaning the bathroom, including washing the shower curtain and rigging up this tray meant to catch condensation off our chronically sweaty toilet
* sorting through my cookbooks to devise better storage of such
* sorting and purging my yarn stash
* roasting a few chicken thighs so they can be reused in other meals
* finishing with a petite personal-size rustic cherry pie

And in the meantime today....

Actually, July 4th often is quiet and contemplative for me anyway. Years ago, on her first visit here, my Irish friend asked me "What is America?" at one point; she meant, what was the one big unified field theory for American self-identity and culture. I think at the time I explained it was kind of an impossible question to answer, but it's stuck with me ever since (it's been nearly 20 years now) and I think about that now and then each July 4th, and read some of my collection of history books; I've got a number of first-hand witness account anthologies, a number of "alternative history" books, and other such things. I think a deep dive into something that focuses on other warts in our past and how they were overcome or at least treated will be good this year.

And if that doesn't help, well, hey, cherry pie.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 3:23 AM on July 4, 2023 [6 favorites]

I've been watching a few movies set in Ireland the past few weeks, and one common feature I've noticed is a distinct lack of trees. Now I'm starting to wonder if Ireland has no forests, or are moviemakers deliberately choosing not to film places where trees are because they don't look "Irish" enough.
posted by WhackyparseThis at 3:35 AM on July 4, 2023 [2 favorites]

My daughter was adamant that she would come with me for my 'heart stress test' - 'fietsergometrie' in the vernacular ( fiets = bicycle). Her Dutch is a million times better than mine and this way she explained, she'd pick up any details I might miss. She's a wonderful girl and I love her to biscuits but she is also a crafty minx who plays her cards close to her chest .... and she's a doctor. I suspected ulterior motives. The venue is an easy cycle ride from home along the canals in our beautiful 17th century university town. She got there first . I spied her across the road dressed as usual as if she'd just stepped out of a German art house movie but bent double and shaking - with laughter it proved.... she's a beautiful girl and I noticed her through noticing some one else noticing her - it's been this way since she was 14. Happily and amazingly, she carries it lightly and is a down to earth old sausage in her arty, doctorly slash dj way. At least, she wasn't ill she was laughing her socks off at me. "Haha Dad.. I haven't seen you on a bike in ages and Dad, you were going so fast!!" Cue more hysterical laughter at my expense. Haha. It was a spectacularly successful defusing of what for me was a stressy appointment. We went in. She led the way. After pleasantries and preliminaries - these things work like a charm in the Netherlands, low key, friendly, relaxed, unpretentious, spick and span and orderly - I proceeded to batter the living b-jeebus out of the test bike while Super girl amused the doctor - "is that thing nailed down? otherwise he'll be in your neighbour's office any minute now." I noticed all her little, sharp, probing questions sandwiched between thick slices of merriment. It all made for quite a jolly time for all its seriousness - there's a family history of heart attacks, my Mum had one about my age, I am in what might be my last decade on the planet. There was nothing acute and urgent to report on the day but I awaited the full report, more watchful and alert than nervous but even so... Got the news today. Mamselle called the doctor and did the doctor to doctor thing and got the full SP. The cardiologist reports - 'uitstekend belastbaar' which means something like 'outstanding stress tolerance' without any signs of heart wobbles. Excellent news! I am chuffed to bits. My Mum's heart attack has been at the back of my mind for years - right at the very back to be sure but there nonetheless. It just left. Gone. I am good to go. I like to plan to map out a life plan even at this age - I started a new career at 60 and will do something spankingly bright, sparkly and new at this age, 72, if the spirit moves me and opportunity presents itself. Best of all, I feel able to look forward to more time in which to become a better Dad, a better Husband, a better Brother and a better Friend - that might sound sanctimonious and pompous but believe me it's sincere - there's plenty of room for improvement on all fronts. Today, I am mostly celebrating life. Happy to be here and ecstatic to think I might yet have a few more years in me.
posted by dutchrick at 4:53 AM on July 4, 2023 [29 favorites]

Is it too late for beans? Nope, this has bacon in it. Mmmm... bacon....
Mom's baked beans
Mix together one can of pork and beans, a small chopped onion, 1/4 cup ketchup, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 1 tablespoon yellow mustard, a dash of liquid smoke.
Cover with bacon strips. These do not need to be cooked first. Think adding a crust on a cherry pie, only porkier.
Bake at 375 F. for 45 minutes.
This recipe and a couple of others got my sweet husband and myself through several lean years of college and early homeownership.
Now I'm hungry.
Happy "whatever this day means to you" day! And stay safe out there on the roads and waterways!
posted by TrishaU at 5:11 AM on July 4, 2023 [3 favorites]

What a good day, dutchrick! Congratulations.

We're having a bit of the opposite: my daughter was informed that she has inherited the BRACA2 gene. She's in a shock right now, but the good thing is that one is diligently monitored all the time, and that science is on to it. My oncologist has actually called off my planned mastectomy because she says at after menopause, my risk is very small. Still, you know...

For those of you who are doing the barbecue today, I'm here to recommend Korean potato salad. I'm not Korean and I don't know this food blogger, but this recipe has been life changing. I already love potatoes and all the various potato salads, but this is so joy-bringing.
posted by mumimor at 5:24 AM on July 4, 2023 [3 favorites]

And maxwelton, I think our dogs must be cousins.
posted by mumimor at 5:25 AM on July 4, 2023 [1 favorite]

The resistor is a metal disc of some sort, without identifying numbers

There's a chance that it's a PTC thermistor, designed to allow initial high current but limiting it gradually as it warms up. You find them in all sorts of older switched applications. They tend to have suspiciously thick legs and low room-temperature resistance: well under 100 ohms. (NTC thermistors, used for temperature measurement, have a room-temperature resistance of 10 Kohms or higher, and have weedy little wire connections.)

We have (or maybe had) a family of feral kittens under the deck. Very squee. The mother's an interesting looking longhaired calico, and the little ones are an incredible mix. If we still see them around I'll call the cat rescue, because our (wild) garden is a bird habitat.
posted by scruss at 5:26 AM on July 4, 2023 [3 favorites]

I'm off all week (and three more, being European and all) and am currently at the campground outside Legoland in Denmark, doing absolutely nothing.
posted by Harald74 at 5:27 AM on July 4, 2023 [4 favorites]

?? wonder if Ireland has no forests
At 9% Ireland has almost the lowest hectarage of forests in the EU [only Netherlands and Malta have fewer trees]. We planted an acre = 70m x 70m with native whips 13-15 years ago and this Spring some of the sticks were tall/strong enough to make a tree house for the Gkids; which we did. I really feel we've paid our taxes on that score. Much more interesting than the trees is the in-blow & bird-pooped understorey which has sprung up - not the work of human hands - in the shades and glades.
posted by BobTheScientist at 5:29 AM on July 4, 2023 [8 favorites]

Oh, Harald74, I wish I could invite you over. But I have to go to the city for a lot of stuff the next couple of weeks. Even as a European, there can be years were the holidays just go bust.
posted by mumimor at 5:32 AM on July 4, 2023 [1 favorite]

Beans are done! Letting them cool now, and then measuring them out for their various fates - some are going straight into salads, the chick peas will probably end up as hummus.

I have some onion tops from the CSA; I realized I'll also have herb stems from the tabbouleh and I probably have some slightly-old carrots and celery, so I'll be doing a soup stock as well. And I found a recipe for a roasted red pepper dip that will also go with the Fridge Of Mezze Stuff that is rapidly developing in my fridge.

The shower curtain is washed. I am in some fear of the toilet sweat drip tray thing and I'm waiting until the rain at mid-day cools things down enough for me to think more clearly.

I think I need to start some of the iced tea, and then look into the tabbouleh; but first is a LOT of fridge sorting; pulling out all the veg I have and chopping, washing, dividing, and otherwise processing for this whole day's adventure.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 5:47 AM on July 4, 2023 [2 favorites]

Empress, it all sounds so lovely, I'm going to follow your example when I get back to the city.
posted by mumimor at 5:51 AM on July 4, 2023

Cooking is my happy place. I feel like I have control of things when there is Stuff To Eat.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 5:54 AM on July 4, 2023 [1 favorite]

EC, cooking is my happy place, as well. For me, it's more when I get to meditate. Focus solely on the meal and let the stress of the day wash away from me.

I'll also occasionally spend a day in the kitchen making *all the things*, and that can get me excited as well.

But, yeah. Both methods of cooking eventually lead to a deep calm in my soul.

Looking forward to hearing how your cooking plays out.
posted by a non mouse, a cow herd at 6:45 AM on July 4, 2023

Glad your test went well dutchrick.
I proceeded to batter the living b-jeebus out of the test bike
I did mine the lazy way.
Just give me the drug, lie back and relax.
Way easier.
posted by yyz at 7:04 AM on July 4, 2023 [1 favorite]


That's my family's baked beans recipe minus the liquid smoke. Traditionally we used Campbells, but finding them in a big can has become difficult (and the small cans expensive). I bought the basic Bush's yesterday. My brother complained. My father and his mother are probably rolling over in their graves. We'll see how they taste today. My guess is pretty much the same.

July 4th is just an excuse for cooking. I made pasta salad, mac and cheese and loaded baked potato salad yesterday. Today I'm making a cherry cobbler, but the topping is going to be chocolate chip cookies with the cherry part from here. It's just me and my brother, but we have friends we'll pass on food too. My dad was an army cook and he couldn't cook for 2 when it was just me living with him. My brother and I are our father's children.
posted by kathrynm at 7:06 AM on July 4, 2023 [2 favorites]

So my in-laws, (Ms. Windo's parents, both in their upper 70s), and her sister, her husband and their teenaged daughter went on a cruise from Seattle up to Alaska. On the way back, they showed up at our house. Ms. Windo had tried to set up a "hey, I'll come see you at the docks" kind of thing, but they hadn't turned on their phones, so there they were at the front door.

And of course, MIL got COVID. And, now, Ms. Windo has tested positive. I need to go take another test... And I have surgeries scheduled in a couple of weeks which just can't be fucked with... Fun times.
posted by Windopaene at 7:14 AM on July 4, 2023 [2 favorites]

So my roommate is usually a late riser and we have really crappy noise insulation, usually on a day off I wait until 10 am to get up and go, because I'd wake him up. But since he's gone I could get going right away.

The beans are cooling, the tabbouleh is done, next comes a fridge re-sort and repackaging of all the produce. The blueberry cold brew iced tea is in the fridge, and the hibiscus tea will soon join it when it cools a little more. I'll need to make some sugar syrup at some point for Spontaneous Lemonades and for iced coffee.

Then a white bean/radish/celery salad, and maybe some hummus. And I'll need to roast off the chicken thighs for future lunch/cold chicken purposes. And that roasted red pepper dip that will just call for a spin in a food processor.

It's only 10 am and I HAVE DONE SO MUCH
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 7:18 AM on July 4, 2023 [2 favorites]

As soon as you said Lucas, every automotive fan on Internet let out a collective groan. Then when you said rare and late '60s, my mind immediately started to wonder if you were talking about a Jag. While your pooch is very nice, and I'm sure is a very good boy, that car just steals the photo. It's lovely.

There have been dozens of cars on my dream-car list, but that's probably the one that has been there most consistently and in the highest spot. Feel free to regale us (or at least me) with as many stories of it and your restoration of it as you care to share. I'm all ears.
posted by sardonyx at 7:29 AM on July 4, 2023

In the last few months, I have learned that it is possible to both have too many plants and need more plants at the same time. The air plants and tropicals now have grow lights and a humidifier. Hopefully that will bring the rattlesnake plant back from the brink. Never knew a plant could be a drama queen until this one.

I am searching for a forever home for a cat. Sad situation (which could've been, but thankfully wasn't, tragic) brought this beautiful chonker to stay with me this past winter. Unfortunately, the human's situation has not improved in nearly 6 months, but I have been given blessing to find her a forever home. If you, or someone you know, is in the Austin, TX area and wants to adopt a kitty, please let me know.
posted by MuChao at 7:30 AM on July 4, 2023 [2 favorites]

The component I'm fighting is an old Lucas
"Lucas, the prince of darkness..."
posted by From Bklyn at 7:34 AM on July 4, 2023 [1 favorite]

Some years back, when I had just retired from 30 years at a major corporation, I was painting houses for the summer.
That's when I finally realized that in addition to a holiday giving me a day off, like many people I got to have a day where I didn't get paid. I'd been taking paid holidays for granted.
posted by MtDewd at 7:34 AM on July 4, 2023

Quite a bit of beanplating going on in this thread (but hey, with recipes to match!)
posted by azpenguin at 8:38 AM on July 4, 2023 [3 favorites]

Quite a bit of beanplating going on in this thread (but hey, with recipes to match!)

Well, yesterday WAS Eat Your Beans day, after all!

...I just need to season the white bean and radish salad and then find a thing to store it in. I did a deep dive in the fridge and discovered I did not actually have celery, but it's just salad, not chemistry, so who cares.

Something I did have was just enough random bits and bobs of fruit to make up a smoothie so I can claim I had breakfast (mango, a couple strawberries, and....green grapes?). I'd also gotten some frozen fruit and a few bananas to make up DIY frozen smoothie packs; I combined the spinach and sorrel, and shoved a handful of that mix into each bag along with half a roughly-sliced banana and a handful each of frozen peach slices and mango chunks. I've joined the "Smoothie Club" at work (we have a smoothie maker in the kitchen and a lot of people now use that as their breakfast) and having these in the company freezer will make mornings a hell of a lot easier.

I had some spinach and sorrel left over, and I also had a whole lot of other leafy greens that I'd gotten from the CSA and just shoved into big ziplocs and then stuffed in the fridge; kale, beet greens, turnip greens. The least I could do was chop them, I thought, and maybe that would get them into smaller bags. And then it hit me that I could also save some aside for a small batch of gumbo z'herbes later in the week. I need to thin out the carrots in my garden plot, and using the carrot tops in the gumbo will make good use of that.

The turnip greens are mostly still attached to turnips - those small spring "Japanese" turnips that I actually can eat (the bigger kind mess up my stomach something awful). But I found a recipe for those that uses some of the greens, and will probably make that to go with some cold somen noodles for a dinner some time this week as well. Somewhere I also have a Japanese recipe for spinach stems, so I saved those from the spinach. There are also ample zucchini and snap peas for other meals, along with small handfuls of kale and beet greens, each probably just enough to be tossed with tortellini for another meal. The lettuce has also been chopped and re-bagged so packing my lunch in the morning will simply involve a reach-in-and-grab.

....I am stalling before I get into cleaning my office and sorting my yarn stash. That's way less interesting.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 9:27 AM on July 4, 2023 [1 favorite]

I was planning to have a regular work day today, to make up for being away for the weekend, pre-holiday frolicking with friends. but you know what? I decided to sleep in a little, and then NOT work today. I'm gonna work on my writing project, which I did not get to do at all over the weekend. I'm wearing comfy lounge clothes (no bra!) and will probably be having some wine later...

happy day to all! I hope the stupid fireworks don't traumatize you and your animals too much (Bellatrix is not happy about the boom-booms!)
posted by supermedusa at 9:34 AM on July 4, 2023

So I missed my ferry. I had booked a trip for 7:45 PM, but they changed the time to 7 PM, and the mail with the change went to spam. I had to choose between driving though the country over bridges now, or later during the night/early morning. I've gone with later. I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink.
So my plan is to sleep now, very early in the evening (but I'm ready), and leave at about 3AM.
posted by mumimor at 11:08 AM on July 4, 2023

Okay, y'all, the hibiscus iced tea is something you want to know how to make -

You need a quart of water, a half cup of dried hibiscus flowers, a quarter cup of sugar, and either a couple drops of orange oil or the grated zest of about half an orange.

Boil the water, dump in the hibiscus flowers, turn the heat down to a simmer and let that go for about 5-10 minutes. Then take off the heat, stir in the sugar and orange oil or zest, and strain the flowers out. Let that cool and put it in the fridge.

....I'd gotten the hibiscus because that's supposed to be really good for blood pressure. But I made this because it was listed in a lovely book of aphrodisiacs I have (and while the latest Crush Object is keeping a little to himself, I have not lost hope JUST yet). And if nothing else, I still have the blood pressure angle.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 11:18 AM on July 4, 2023 [2 favorites]

EC, I'm envious of your level of energy and dedication!
posted by Greg_Ace at 11:54 AM on July 4, 2023 [2 favorites]

I'm envious of your level of energy and dedication!

Heh; the food is its own reward, actually. ....When I was in seventh grade a teacher noticed I perked up when she proposed doing some kind of cooking thing as a class project, and remarked on it, asking what it was I liked about cooking in particular. "I like to cook," I answered, "because you get to eat after."

I am now up to:

* a white bean salad
* More white beans that can be turned into other things later
* black chick peas that will go into a pasta dish later in the week
* regular chick peas that will meet the same fate
* cooked boneless chicken thighs, ready to be cut up and used in other things (somen noodle bowls, chunked up as a bento box item, etc.)
* tabbouleh
* homemade hummus because I found the tahini
* homemade muhammara because I had enough of the ingredients to wing it
* A quart of soup stock made from onion tops, parsley stems, not-so-fresh carrots, and other detritus from the stuff I've been making

Most of the things I'm making are also largely hands-off; the beans were just simmered with water and some onion halves for a couple hours, the chicken was splashed in some salad dressing and flung in the oven for 20 minutes and the salads and dips were just "throw everything into a bowl and toss" or "fling everything into a food processor and blitz" respectively. (That muhammara is pretty damn good, by the way.)
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 12:08 PM on July 4, 2023 [2 favorites]

There's a chance that it's a PTC thermistor

I don't think that's what it is, it's just a puck without legs which gets its input current through its back surface. Hard to explain, here's some photos of the device.
posted by maxwelton at 1:25 PM on July 4, 2023 [1 favorite]

There have been dozens of cars on my dream-car list, but that's probably the one that has been there most consistently and in the highest spot.

E-Types are pretty neat cars, this one is not mine--being close to achieving "expert" status on them, I'm being paid to put a stalled restoration back together for the owner. I've had a couple of them and restored one to show condition a few years ago, but am no longer in the tax bracket to allow for owning one, alas. (When did everything get so expensive? Mine are both long-sold.)
posted by maxwelton at 1:31 PM on July 4, 2023 [1 favorite]

I feel you. Mind you, I've never been in the tax bracket when an E-type was ever really a possibility. My little 1970s roadster is likely the closest I'll get, but that's been gone for a few years now, and when I look at what's out there on the market and the prices things are selling for...I suspect that was my last classic car. Even things I wouldn't even consider worthy buying (and certainly not worth restoring) are going for stupid amounts of money.
posted by sardonyx at 1:57 PM on July 4, 2023

I haven’t cooked anything as of yet today. However, I just replaced the biggest window in the house. It’s 6 foot by 4 foot and the original window was single pane aluminum. That window gets full sun all afternoon long. That’s pretty brutal in a southern Arizona summer; we’ve had two layers of shade screens over it but it’s only helped a tiny bit. The afternoon sun overwhelms anything we do to cool the room. The new window is dual pane glass. It should help during the winter as well, since on the colder nights, we can feel the cold air just flowing off the glass. We’re working on replacing all of the windows in the house but that one was our main target.
posted by azpenguin at 3:16 PM on July 4, 2023 [3 favorites]

....Ironically, after making all that food, now that it's getting to dinner time I suddenly started thinking "screw it, I want a burger" and one is now on its way here.

....I do have a little cherry pie for myself in the oven for dessert, though.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 3:19 PM on July 4, 2023 [2 favorites]

My other half and I have a favorite campground we love to visit. On a whim, I took this coming weekend off from work, and he called to get a cabin, but they are all reserved. So we got on a waitlist.

Today he got the call that we got a cabin! (I love tent camping, honestly, but for just two nights it's not worth it to me. I like to have a really nice set up, and two days is NOT enough.) We are beyond happy. Looking forward to the calm and hopefully peace and quiet.
posted by annieb at 4:40 PM on July 4, 2023 [1 favorite]

Isn't Cherry pie the best pie? I think so.

Peach and Blueberry are up there, but cherries... mmmmmm
posted by Windopaene at 8:31 PM on July 4, 2023

I feel like I should have done something more elaborate in terms of holiday food preparation but I've been busy lately, wasn't expecting to share a meal tonight, and figured I'd just take it easy. It didn't quite work out that way, as I received a late invitation for a casual outside dinner with my neighbors.

As it happens, casual dinner with friendly neighbors, enjoying the view out over the water from our hillside perch and catching up on neighborhood news while sharing a light meal is a great way to foster a sense of well-being and community. There are a lot of places I could stand to live but I do love this one.

Later on I'll stroll down to watch the fireworks but for now I'm feeling relaxed, mellow, and appreciative for many things - feelings that have been in all-too-short supply in the recent past.
posted by Nerd of the North at 10:18 PM on July 4, 2023 [2 favorites]

Lovely post N of the N - sounds like you did exactly what you should have. Thank you for the congrats, mumimor. Sorry your news wasn't better. Wishing you and your daughter strength and good fortune. Haha, yyz - good to see you getting the lay back and relax treatment - hope it all went well. My test bike has recently been spotted completing its 5th orbit of the planet. I jest of course. Still, it's amazingly good to wake full of hope and optimism.
posted by dutchrick at 12:32 AM on July 5, 2023

So I woke up in the middle of the night with a cough; I'd left the window open, but this felt like an allergy cough so I shut that and turned on the air purifier. It helped a bit, but I wondered what was the trigger.

This morning I checked the Airnow.gov site and saw that while the surrounding area was fine, New York City registered all the way into "unhealthy for everyone". And then it hit me - it was all smoke from the damn fireworks over the East River, followed by all the yutzes trying to have their own little shows all night. Hoping the fact that this year July 4th fell mid-week means that people won't be continuing the party further this year.

....The smoothie packs I made up are actually not bad! Very green though.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 6:30 AM on July 5, 2023 [1 favorite]

I’m very curious about the make and model of that beautiful car.
posted by bendy at 5:21 PM on July 5, 2023

By the picture maxwelton linked to, it seems to be a Jaguar E-type coupé. One of the most gorgeous cars ever made...also, because it's a British sports car from the 60's-early 70's, by all reports it's an absolute expensive PITA to own and maintain.
posted by Greg_Ace at 7:13 PM on July 5, 2023 [1 favorite]

Also gorgeous-sounding (0:47-0:56 ... listen with good headphones to get the full effect)
posted by Greg_Ace at 7:21 PM on July 5, 2023 [1 favorite]

By the picture maxwelton linked to, it seems to be a Jaguar E-type coupé. One of the most gorgeous cars ever made...also, because it's a British sports car from the 60's-early 70's, by all reports it's an absolute expensive PITA to own and maintain.

It is a Jaguar E-Type, 1965 (kind of, this car has an interesting history which makes its exact build year a shrug). This is a "Fixed Head Coupe" in Jaguar parlance (the convertible was known as an "Open Top Sports", often abbreviated FHC and OTS respectively). It was a sophisticated design for 1961, when it made its debut, and soldiered on with just detail changes until 1968, when safety and emissions regulations forced some more substantial changes. The final cars were 1975 models (just barely). Jaguar made about 75,000 E-Types of all varieties over that period. There is a hierarchy, of course (in any ye olde car there is), of desirable variants vs. those less-so, but I can see people streaming for the exits as it is. I hope to have this one running in a week or so, and then I have to install a new interior. Fun fun fun.
posted by maxwelton at 2:13 AM on July 6, 2023 [3 favorites]

Tuesday wasn't just Tuesday. It was my first day as a full-time employee at the company that I left to go freelance in 1995 and have been mostly working for for the last twenty-five years anyway. The fact that I don't have to worry about whether I'll have work (and get paid) in September fills me with wonder.
posted by Grangousier at 3:16 AM on July 6, 2023 [5 favorites]

y'all it is dead here at work today and I am still washing my way through the dishes from July 4th so I may totally sneak out an hour early today

ssshhh don't tell
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 8:44 AM on July 6, 2023 [2 favorites]

Metafilter: We can write you a note if you need one
posted by Greg_Ace at 12:03 PM on July 6, 2023 [1 favorite]

My dad used to get a parts catalog for MGs and from them you could buy a bumper sticker that said, “The parts falling off this car are of the finest British manufacture.”
posted by bendy at 7:16 PM on July 6, 2023 [2 favorites]

I just read the Wikipedia article - ‘65 seemed like a sweet spot for this car.
posted by bendy at 7:26 PM on July 6, 2023

I don't know what prompted it but a stranger opened the front door tonight.
My days off are Thursday thru Sunday. I work three twelves and then it is bliss for 4 days.

I woke up when the TV came on and figured I'd hang with whoever couldn't sleep but it wasn't one of us it was somebody who broke in. The refrigerator was open and they were sitting on the couch watching TV and eating Chinese leftovers out of a bowl. I said "Hi" and they waved at me. I sat down on the chair next to the fireplace equipment and asked them how they got here. It's a fair walk from the road to the house. They pulled their hoodie down and it was a kid maybe 19 and she said she used to come here when she was little.

I asked her why she used to come here when she was little and she started foaming and convulsing. She'd been keeping one hand in her pocket and that hand spasmed outward and dropped a .38. It had six spent shells in it so I called the police at the same time I narcaned her.

I know nothing.
posted by Mr. Yuck at 9:15 PM on July 6, 2023 [2 favorites]

Mr. Yuck. Wow. Is that a true story? Are they OK?
posted by bendy at 11:52 PM on July 6, 2023

Are you OK? Even though you weren't physically harmed, it must have been a bit of a shock.
posted by mumimor at 3:06 AM on July 7, 2023 [2 favorites]

I'm OK. Thanks. I don't know about the girl and probably won't find out much since she was actually 16. I'm really curious about whether she was one of the people molested by the previous owner of this property.

There has been a spate of bumbling home invasions around here. Missing Amazon packages, people passed out at the bus stop, fentanyl overdoses, needles and charred tin foil down by our pond. 10 years ago this farm was ours. Now it doesn't feel so safe.

posted by Mr. Yuck at 5:38 AM on July 7, 2023 [5 favorites]

A new Free Thread, for a new week, is live for you to type, um, well, freely in.
posted by Wordshore at 7:27 AM on July 10, 2023

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