Human Evolution
June 6, 2000 8:36 PM Subscribe
posted by PaperCut at 8:49 PM on June 6, 2000
posted by Ezrael at 9:24 PM on June 6, 2000
posted by PaperCut at 9:35 PM on June 6, 2000
That's what keeps me sane, at least.
Anyway, I say bring on the amusing diversions. I for one would love to never take notes in class ever again. To not have to learn another language just to be able to understand my neighbors on this rock. To not get eye strain researching a paper. Chip me, baby.
posted by Freakho at 9:44 PM on June 6, 2000
I hope I live to the day when I slam my money down and have a new supercomputer just injected into my arm.
posted by Nyarlathotep at 8:42 AM on June 7, 2000
>has pretty much hit the wall. Civilized society, while
>being a very good thing, just does not promote
>evolution. Just watch the news or daytime TV and
>you'll see all the evidence you need.
Interesting comment, but I'm not exactly sure what you mean. We have to be careful about how we use the word "evolution" because it means one thing to scientists and something quite different to many lay-people.
It sounds lake you are saying that the human race is not progressing--not getting better and better, and I would certainly agree with you there.
But evolution (in the scientific/Darwinian) sense has nothing to do with progression towards something better. It just has to do with CHANGE.
For instance, the next stage of human evolutions could involve humans getting stupider, not smarter. While we might not consider this progress, it WOULD be evolution. If something about our environment changed and gave stupid people an advantage over smart people, this could happen (assuming the advantage meant that the stupid people managed to produce more offspring than the smart people and thus passed on more genes to the next generation).
Now, if you meant evolution in the scientific sense, your statement becomes really interesting and provocative. What would make civilization stop evolution? Civilization is all ABOUT change. For instance, the development of the Internet has greatly changed our environment.
Of course, it's possible that civilization is changing so fast that our species won't be able to evolve fast enough--evolutionary change takes a long time.
When our species evolved to it’s current stage, we were all hunter-gatherers who lived in small family groups. Now many of us live in crowded cities and don’t produce our own food. Our environment has DRASTICALLY changed! Maybe it has changed too much and our species soon won’t be able to cope.
But assuming the human race survives for a while, what will our planet be like 40,000 year from now? Surely it will be very different from what it's like today. And people will have to adapt to live in that environment. Those who are best adapted will live the longest, bear the most children, and pass on the most genes.
posted by grumblebee at 10:40 AM on June 7, 2000
What I meant about civilized society hindering evolution was meant in the coldest scientific sense. The way it used to be was if you were lazy, stupid or disabled you were guaranteed a short life. Someone who was smarter and healthier would just kill you. Nature is mean like that. Civilized society gave us rules that usually prevent such things. True without civilized society we would be nowhere near the level of technological advancement that we enjoy today, but current technology, while providing the potential for growth, doesn't guarantee it. We can relay information across millions of miles in an instant and most people are using it to download porn. Nature doesn't tolerate the lazy, the stupid and the disabled.
Please don't get the wrong idea. I'm no Unabomber nature freak nor am I some master race theorist. I can't stand camping and if no society existed I'd have been killed and eaten long ago. I just believe civilized society has halted natural evolution but now the time is soon coming when we, through technological advancement will take over that job.
posted by Nyarlathotep at 3:16 PM on June 7, 2000
posted by grumblebee at 3:54 PM on June 7, 2000
posted by ab'd al'Hazred at 10:06 PM on June 7, 2000
posted by grumblebee at 11:28 AM on June 8, 2000
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posted by PaperCut at 8:45 PM on June 6, 2000