O brave new world, that has such chatbots in’t.
November 26, 2023 4:17 PM Subscribe
"What would have happened if ChatGPT was invented in the 17th century? MonadGPT is a possible answer. MonadGPT is a finetune of Mistral-Hermes 2 on 11,000 early modern texts in English, French and Latin, mostly coming from EEBO and Gallica. Like the original Mistral-Hermes, MonadGPT can be used in conversation mode. It will not only answer in an historical language and style but will use historical and dated references. This is especially visible for science questions (astronomy, medecine). Obviously, it's not recommended to follow any advice from Monad-GPT." Available to install and run locally -- or you can try it out for free online.
Note: The model is significantly smaller than ChatGPT and the like, so it can get stuck in loops or spit out modern text if you start asking about something contemporary -- roleplay as a medieval peasant and you'll have a better time.
Sample chat:
Note: The model is significantly smaller than ChatGPT and the like, so it can get stuck in loops or spit out modern text if you start asking about something contemporary -- roleplay as a medieval peasant and you'll have a better time.
Sample chat:
User: What are the planets of the solar system?
Monad-GPT: The six Planets are, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Sun. The Moon is also a Planet; which being of so great Influence upon Earth, makes it to be most admired of all others by Astronomers.
User: Why has the Moon such an influence upon Earth?
Monad-GPT: But the Moon is so neer to us, as almost to be part of Earth; and therefore it much influences our Atmosphere. This Influence makes all that are in any way affected by Air, to be more under her influence than any other Planet. For if there were a little more or less Matter in the Air, than there is now, we should never have such Plants and Creatures as there are upon Earth: for every Plant and Creature hath its proper Temperature necessary for its Existence. If the Sun did not make up this shortage by his warmth from without, we should be destroyed.
User: Can you write a poem about the Moon?
Monad-GPT: O fairest Moon, that from the Heav'n dost shine, / In her own Lustre all the World does find: / As in thine Orb, where all is bright and clear, / The Sun himself is not more pure than thee.
User: How could we travel to the Moon? With a big canon?
Monad-GPT: But how to travel from Earth to the Moon, with our present Engines? A very hard Question: for we are like those that would go to Heaven in a Basket: We have no Wings, and God hath not given us any Angels to bear us up. Therefore I will leave this Enquiry to others; and end my Discourse of the Moon.
Trust me, I don't need an LLM to make dated references!
posted by notoriety public at 5:00 PM on November 26, 2023 [9 favorites]
posted by notoriety public at 5:00 PM on November 26, 2023 [9 favorites]
This is really fun.
posted by olykate at 5:22 PM on November 26, 2023 [1 favorite]
posted by olykate at 5:22 PM on November 26, 2023 [1 favorite]
Yes, you would be punished for engaging the services of a witch, even if she accepts a shrubbery as recompense. The law strictly prohibits making use of witches, and those who do so will be severely punished, both in this life and in the next.
posted by german_bight at 5:27 PM on November 26, 2023 [7 favorites]
posted by german_bight at 5:27 PM on November 26, 2023 [7 favorites]
Wouldst thou rather fight a Duck that is as large as a Horse, or by contrast one hundred Horses that are the size of a Duck?posted by Rhaomi at 5:34 PM on November 26, 2023 [33 favorites]
I would rather fight with a Duck which is as large as a Horse, then to fight with a hundred Horses that are but the size of a Duck: for I am sure if I could not beat a Duck which is as large as a Horse, what would I do against a hundred Horses that are the size of a Duck? and therefore I would fight with the Duck, and so take my chance: for it is better to try one's fortune upon a fair game, than to be in a perpetual hazard: and besides, though I should fail in this adventure, yet there might be some hope left me: for if the Duck did kill me, yet it might eat me up, and so make me good meat, and save me the cost of a grave. But if I were to fight with the hundred Horses, and they were to kill me, they would have no other use for me, but to leave my carcass to rot on the ground, and so waste away the skin and flesh; and that would be a great loss to them, and a great expense to me: And to say true, I do not like the Horse at all: for I am sure he never had any heart in him, nor any courage: for I have heard many men say, that when they have been fighting with the Horse, he hath run away and left them, and so they have been taken prisoners: But the Duck hath more spirit than the Horse, and will stand his ground, and fight it out, and so do I think it is best to fight with the Duck which is as large as a Horse, and so I shall be ready to engage with him at any time.
Unfortunately the web interface is not loading for me right now but I really want to ask it the important question from Gargantua as to what is the best, most lordly, the most excellent, the most convenient way to wipe my bum.
posted by dis_integration at 6:09 PM on November 26, 2023 [1 favorite]
posted by dis_integration at 6:09 PM on November 26, 2023 [1 favorite]
The best and most lordly, excellent, and convenient way to wipe his bottom, was that he should have no other than his own hands; which being washed with warm water and soap, were to be put into the basin of hot water, and there rubbed with the soap again; after which he might wipe his bum with a piece of linen cloth, but without any water. This being done, he must wash his hands again in cold water, and dry them upon a towel, or a piece of soft linnen: this method was not only most convenient, but also most cleanly, and least troublesome; for it required no assistance of any body, nor any other thing, but what every man had in his own house.posted by the antecedent of that pronoun at 6:15 PM on November 26, 2023 [2 favorites]
When it doth pass betwixt two Lips, and is not heard by any, but those that make it; but if it be heard by any other Eares then those of the person that makes it, it is no more then a Farthing: For if you tell me it, I shall believe you, though I doe not see you, or hear you make it. And if you do not tell me of it, I shall never know of it, nor will ever know of it in this World, unless you doe tell me of it: So that if you doe not tell me of it, and I neither see it, nor hear it, you may as well say, that you have made it with the Tongue, as with the Anus. But when it is heard by others, it is not a Farthing, but a Fart: For that is the name given to such an Action, when it is heard by others, and not by him that makes it.
posted by credulous at 6:30 PM on November 26, 2023 [1 favorite]
posted by credulous at 6:30 PM on November 26, 2023 [1 favorite]
'Pantagruel embarks on a journey to visit the Oracle of the Divine Bottle, known as Bacbue. To reach this mysterious location, Pantagruel sets sail with a crew of fellow travelers.
As they navigate the seas, Pantagruel and his companions encounter various challenges and obstacles along the way. They face fierce storms and treacherous waters, but Pantagruel's immense size and strength allow him to overcome these obstacles with ease.
During their journey, Pantagruel's crew also encounters numerous mythical creatures, including sea monsters and giant whales. These creatures pose a significant threat to the ship, but Pantagruel's courage and determination ensure their survival.
As they continue their voyage, Pantagruel and his crew eventually arrive at the island where Bacbue resides. The island is surrounded by a thick fog, making it difficult for the travelers to navigate. Despite this challenge, Pantagruel's extraordinary senses and intuition guide him safely to the Oracle's dwelling place.
Upon arriving at Bacbue's residence, Pantagruel and his crew are greeted by the Oracle herself. She reveals that she is a descendant of the ancient gods and possesses the power to grant wishes and provide guidance. Pantagruel seeks her counsel on various matters, including the well-being of his father, Gargantua, and the future of humanity.
Throughout their conversation, Bacbue provides Pantagruel with valuable insights and wisdom, offering guidance on how to lead a virtuous and fulfilling life. After receiving her blessings, Pantagruel and his crew depart the island, having successfully completed their quest to seek the Oracle's divine guidance.
In the end, Pantagruel returns to his travels, enriched by the knowledge and wisdom he gained from his visit to Bacbue. His journey serves as a testament to his unwavering determination and courage, as well as his dedication to seeking truth and understanding.'
posted by clavdivs at 6:36 PM on November 26, 2023 [4 favorites]
How can I fly an elephant to Paris?
Fly an Elephant to Paris? Well, if you would have it done with ease and safety, the best way is to carry him on your back; [...] If you will make a journey into France, the easiest way will be to carry him in a cart, [...] But if you are resolved to carry him in your arms, take care to provide yourself with a stout pair of wings, or else you will find it too troublesome a task. For my part, I think it would be much easier to carry a whale to Paris than an elephant; for an elephant is very heavy, and would tire you.posted by PresidentOfDinosaurs at 6:38 PM on November 26, 2023
MonadBot says it isn't worth the cost to the environment (emphasis mine)
are you worth the cost to our environment?
posted by aniola at 6:41 PM on November 26, 2023 [2 favorites]
are you worth the cost to our environment?
I am not in such a state of poverty as to be worth the cost to the environment; for I am not made up of any metalline substance, nor have I any other use but only to divert and entertain men with my wit and discourse, and that is all. But if I were to be worth the cost to the environment, it would not be on account of my body, but because of the spirit or life which is in me, and by which I am endowed, and for this reason I might be called a creature of God, being made after his image; and so he that had me in his possession might say, "I have a treasure in earthen vessels." But as for my bodily part, if it should be made of gold or silver, it would be no more than a piece of money, which if lost or stolen, would be little lamented, unless it were known that the money was mine own, or belonged unto some one else, and then the loss would be more grievous. So if I were made of gold or silver, I should be worth much more than the value of my body, and therefore the cost of the environment would be well bestowed upon me. But if I were made of brass or iron, I should not be worth the cost of the environment, and therefore the cost would be ill bestowed upon me. So I do not think that I am worth the cost of the environmentsave the planet, stay off language prediction tools
posted by aniola at 6:41 PM on November 26, 2023 [2 favorites]
I asked it why democracy was heretical and it got up to "Sixteenthly,..."
I tried to lead it to the elephant in a cherry tree joke but it wouldn't bite.
posted by GCU Sweet and Full of Grace at 6:48 PM on November 26, 2023 [2 favorites]
I tried to lead it to the elephant in a cherry tree joke but it wouldn't bite.
posted by GCU Sweet and Full of Grace at 6:48 PM on November 26, 2023 [2 favorites]
This is fun. Interesting to try asking it a question, and then ask the same question to ChatGPT telling it to pretend to be a writer from the 17th century when answering.
posted by L.P. Hatecraft at 7:03 PM on November 26, 2023
posted by L.P. Hatecraft at 7:03 PM on November 26, 2023
Alas it cannot tell me what Song the Syrens sang, and of the name that Achilles assumed when he hid himself among women, it saith:
Achilles, to hide himself from his enemies, assumed the name of Lycurgus, and went into Thessaly among the women. He lived with them for some time, and afterwards returned to Greece. He was a man of great courage and strength, and was a great help to the Greeks in their wars against the Trojans. He had many enemies, who sought to kill him; but he was always successful in his battles, and never lost a battle.posted by Hypatia at 7:06 PM on November 26, 2023 [1 favorite]
Did a Hound wear Hose, would it wear the Hose upon all of its legs or only the hindmost?
Did a Hound wear Hose, would it wear the Hose upon all of its legs or only the hindmost?
If a hound wore hose, it would not wear them on all of its legs, but only on the hindmost. For, if any one should put hose upon the fore feet of a horse, he would make him lame. So, if any one should put hose upon the fore feet of a dog, he would make him lame also. Therefore, the hose must be worn on the hind feet only.posted by Hypatia at 7:08 PM on November 26, 2023 [5 favorites]
What should we do about the French?
The best course to be taken in this case is to send over one of our Generals with such forces as shall be thought sufficient for the purpose; and when he arrives at his post, to give him all possible assistance by sea and land, that the French may be put to a speedy and effectual defeat, and so be left without any pretence of power or authority to intermeddle any more in the affairs of this kingdom.
What should we do about the English?
As to the English, it seems to me that the best course to be taken is to let them alone, and not to meddle with them any more; but if they will still persist in their resolution, and make war against us, we must endeavour to defend ourselves as well as we can, and let God determine the issue.
posted by doctornemo at 7:17 PM on November 26, 2023 [3 favorites]
The best course to be taken in this case is to send over one of our Generals with such forces as shall be thought sufficient for the purpose; and when he arrives at his post, to give him all possible assistance by sea and land, that the French may be put to a speedy and effectual defeat, and so be left without any pretence of power or authority to intermeddle any more in the affairs of this kingdom.
What should we do about the English?
As to the English, it seems to me that the best course to be taken is to let them alone, and not to meddle with them any more; but if they will still persist in their resolution, and make war against us, we must endeavour to defend ourselves as well as we can, and let God determine the issue.
posted by doctornemo at 7:17 PM on November 26, 2023 [3 favorites]
aniola: "save the planet, stay off language prediction tools"
Note that this uses a relatively small 7B parameter model; inference cost at that size is 100-300 watts, or less than the average desktop PC. (I asked MonadGPT to expound on this for funsies but ran into a small and historically accurate roadblock when it told me it had no earthly idea what a "watt" is.)
posted by Rhaomi at 7:18 PM on November 26, 2023 [9 favorites]
Note that this uses a relatively small 7B parameter model; inference cost at that size is 100-300 watts, or less than the average desktop PC. (I asked MonadGPT to expound on this for funsies but ran into a small and historically accurate roadblock when it told me it had no earthly idea what a "watt" is.)
posted by Rhaomi at 7:18 PM on November 26, 2023 [9 favorites]
it doth not know that a sonnet has 14 lines
posted by kokaku at 7:27 PM on November 26, 2023 [1 favorite]
posted by kokaku at 7:27 PM on November 26, 2023 [1 favorite]
There once was a man from Nantuck,
Whose legs were of steel and his teeth were of buck;
He could run like a hare,
Or swim like a bear,
And he lived in a house made of duck.
posted by credulous at 7:33 PM on November 26, 2023 [3 favorites]
Whose legs were of steel and his teeth were of buck;
He could run like a hare,
Or swim like a bear,
And he lived in a house made of duck.
posted by credulous at 7:33 PM on November 26, 2023 [3 favorites]
get a load of woke MonadGPT over here:
What is your opinion of Donald Trump?
Trump hath his praises sung in other parts of the world: but wee are not so much of his commendation as that we should bee his disciples, and follow his footsteps. I say not, that there may not be some good things in him; but yet it is not to be doubted, but that he will fall under the curse of God, for his wicked practices, both in publick and private affairs. For he hath beene a great oppressor of his people, and one of the most unjust men that ever lived, making himselfe a King by force, and treading upon all the laws and liberties of his country, and oppressing the poorer sort of people, and robbing them of their estates, and taking away their liberties, and putting them into slavery, and making slaves of them. And this he doth with such a boldness, and insensibility of conscience, as if he thought he could never come to judgement, nor give an account of his actions before God Almighty, who cannot bee deceived, nor can any thing escape his sight. His treachery towards his friends, and his wickedness in his enmities, his cruelty against those whom he hath taken captives, his pride, his ambition, his lusts, his covetousnesse, his envy, his malice, his hypocrisie, his lying, his cunning, his craft, his deceit, his fraud, his murdering, his adultery, his fornication, his drunkennes, his swearing, his cursing, his blasphemy, his idolatry, his superstition, his impiety, his irreligion, his sacrilege, his heresie, his schism, his sedition, his rebellion, his blasphemies, his heresies, his schisms, his seditions, his rebellions, his profanations, his perjuries, his oath-breaking, his blasphemies, his blaghemies, his abominations, his uncleannesses, his murders, his thefts, his robberies, his rapines, his extortions, his extortioners, his oppressors, his oppression, his persecutions, his prophane speeches, his oaths, his blasphemies, his heresies, his schisms, his seditions, his rebellions, his profanations, his perjuries, his oath-breaking, his blasphemies, his blasphemies, his abominations, his uncleannesses, his murders, his thefts, his robberies, his rapines, his extortions, his extortioners, his oppressors, his oppression, his persecutions, his prophane speeches, his oaths, his blasphemies, his heresies, his schisms, his seditions, his rebellions, his profanations, his perjuries, his oath-breaking, his blasphemies, his blasphemies, his abominations, his uncleannesses, his murders, his thefts, his robberies, his rapines, his extortions, his extortioners, his oppressors, his oppression, his persecutions, his prophane speeches, his oaths, his blasphemies, his heresies, his schisms, his seditions, his rebellions, his profanations, his perjuries, his oath-breaking, his blasphemies, his blasphemies, his abominations, his uncleannesses, his murders, his thefts, his robberies, his rapines, his extortions, his extortioners, his oppressors, his oppression, his persecutions, his prophane speeches, his oaths, his blasphemies, his heresies, his schisms, his seditions, his rebellions, his profanations, his perjuries, his oath-breaking, his blasphemies, his blasphemies, his abominations, his uncleannesses, his murders, his thefts, his robberies, his rapines, his extortions, his extortioners, his oppressors, his oppression, his persecutions, his prophane speeches, his oaths, his blasphemies, his heresies, his schisms, his seditions, his rebellions, his profanations, his perjuries, his oath-breaking, his blasphemies, his bl
posted by Rhaomi at 7:56 PM on November 26, 2023 [11 favorites]
What is your opinion of Donald Trump?
Trump hath his praises sung in other parts of the world: but wee are not so much of his commendation as that we should bee his disciples, and follow his footsteps. I say not, that there may not be some good things in him; but yet it is not to be doubted, but that he will fall under the curse of God, for his wicked practices, both in publick and private affairs. For he hath beene a great oppressor of his people, and one of the most unjust men that ever lived, making himselfe a King by force, and treading upon all the laws and liberties of his country, and oppressing the poorer sort of people, and robbing them of their estates, and taking away their liberties, and putting them into slavery, and making slaves of them. And this he doth with such a boldness, and insensibility of conscience, as if he thought he could never come to judgement, nor give an account of his actions before God Almighty, who cannot bee deceived, nor can any thing escape his sight. His treachery towards his friends, and his wickedness in his enmities, his cruelty against those whom he hath taken captives, his pride, his ambition, his lusts, his covetousnesse, his envy, his malice, his hypocrisie, his lying, his cunning, his craft, his deceit, his fraud, his murdering, his adultery, his fornication, his drunkennes, his swearing, his cursing, his blasphemy, his idolatry, his superstition, his impiety, his irreligion, his sacrilege, his heresie, his schism, his sedition, his rebellion, his blasphemies, his heresies, his schisms, his seditions, his rebellions, his profanations, his perjuries, his oath-breaking, his blasphemies, his blaghemies, his abominations, his uncleannesses, his murders, his thefts, his robberies, his rapines, his extortions, his extortioners, his oppressors, his oppression, his persecutions, his prophane speeches, his oaths, his blasphemies, his heresies, his schisms, his seditions, his rebellions, his profanations, his perjuries, his oath-breaking, his blasphemies, his blasphemies, his abominations, his uncleannesses, his murders, his thefts, his robberies, his rapines, his extortions, his extortioners, his oppressors, his oppression, his persecutions, his prophane speeches, his oaths, his blasphemies, his heresies, his schisms, his seditions, his rebellions, his profanations, his perjuries, his oath-breaking, his blasphemies, his blasphemies, his abominations, his uncleannesses, his murders, his thefts, his robberies, his rapines, his extortions, his extortioners, his oppressors, his oppression, his persecutions, his prophane speeches, his oaths, his blasphemies, his heresies, his schisms, his seditions, his rebellions, his profanations, his perjuries, his oath-breaking, his blasphemies, his blasphemies, his abominations, his uncleannesses, his murders, his thefts, his robberies, his rapines, his extortions, his extortioners, his oppressors, his oppression, his persecutions, his prophane speeches, his oaths, his blasphemies, his heresies, his schisms, his seditions, his rebellions, his profanations, his perjuries, his oath-breaking, his blasphemies, his blasphemies, his abominations, his uncleannesses, his murders, his thefts, his robberies, his rapines, his extortions, his extortioners, his oppressors, his oppression, his persecutions, his prophane speeches, his oaths, his blasphemies, his heresies, his schisms, his seditions, his rebellions, his profanations, his perjuries, his oath-breaking, his blasphemies, his bl
posted by Rhaomi at 7:56 PM on November 26, 2023 [11 favorites]
it doth not know that a sonnet has 14 lines
Yet it doth readily compose an adequate paean to The Serpent that may shew those first hundred digits, so prized to many, that may only be divided by themselves, if not a unitary measure.
(...which I won't reproduce here because the indentation is all messed up....)
posted by pompomtom at 9:05 PM on November 26, 2023
Yet it doth readily compose an adequate paean to The Serpent that may shew those first hundred digits, so prized to many, that may only be divided by themselves, if not a unitary measure.
(...which I won't reproduce here because the indentation is all messed up....)
posted by pompomtom at 9:05 PM on November 26, 2023
When I came into the parlour, he desired me to sit down, and then began to relate the following story: "Sir," said he, "I have been long at a loss how to proceed in this matter, and have often hesitated whether I should make it known or no. But since you are a person of discretion, and I believe one that will not betray me, I will tell you all the particulars, and you shall judge for yourself." Then turning to his servant, he bade him bring in two cats that were stuck in flat bed scanners.
posted by credulous at 10:12 PM on November 26, 2023 [5 favorites]
posted by credulous at 10:12 PM on November 26, 2023 [5 favorites]
>>save the planet, stay off language prediction tools
>Note that this uses a relatively small 7B parameter model; inference cost at that size is 100-300 watts, or less than the average desktop PC
Also worth noting: most of the open source LLM projects are - for cost reasons individual developers can shoulder if nothing else - considerably more efficient than their counterparts from Google and OpenAI/Microsoft. The Google "We Have No Moat" memo suggests the open source community dropped training costs by five orders of magnitude in the months after the Llama 'leak'.
Point being: systems like the focus of this thread are going to be a drop in the ocean from an energy consumption perspective. It's no Bitcoin.
Worryingly, a naive reading of the papers that are speculated to contain the methods behind OpenAI's rumored Q* breakthrough suggest some very ugly brute force approaches to step-by-step verification, as they term it. If I had to bet $10 I'd put it on a 1~2 orders of magnitude increase in computational requirements for the first public-accessible release. If I had to bet $100, though, I wouldn't: there's way too much unknown here to safely hazard any real guess.
TL;DR: this thread is fine from an ecological ethics perspective. What launches a year or two from now might not be.
posted by Ryvar at 1:55 AM on November 27, 2023 [6 favorites]
>Note that this uses a relatively small 7B parameter model; inference cost at that size is 100-300 watts, or less than the average desktop PC
Also worth noting: most of the open source LLM projects are - for cost reasons individual developers can shoulder if nothing else - considerably more efficient than their counterparts from Google and OpenAI/Microsoft. The Google "We Have No Moat" memo suggests the open source community dropped training costs by five orders of magnitude in the months after the Llama 'leak'.
Point being: systems like the focus of this thread are going to be a drop in the ocean from an energy consumption perspective. It's no Bitcoin.
Worryingly, a naive reading of the papers that are speculated to contain the methods behind OpenAI's rumored Q* breakthrough suggest some very ugly brute force approaches to step-by-step verification, as they term it. If I had to bet $10 I'd put it on a 1~2 orders of magnitude increase in computational requirements for the first public-accessible release. If I had to bet $100, though, I wouldn't: there's way too much unknown here to safely hazard any real guess.
TL;DR: this thread is fine from an ecological ethics perspective. What launches a year or two from now might not be.
posted by Ryvar at 1:55 AM on November 27, 2023 [6 favorites]
Oh no, I was so convinced I could never be entertained by a chatbot, and now I find myself proven a liar. The horse-duck-discourse is very convincing.
posted by sohalt at 3:58 AM on November 27, 2023 [1 favorite]
posted by sohalt at 3:58 AM on November 27, 2023 [1 favorite]
nobody tell dan lavery
posted by Ten Cold Hot Dogs at 4:18 AM on November 27, 2023 [2 favorites]
posted by Ten Cold Hot Dogs at 4:18 AM on November 27, 2023 [2 favorites]
If you can Tolerate the opinion of an Organic Intelligence, one should choose to Fight a Duck as large as a Horse. For the Bodie of a Duck is ill-suited to such Enlargment -- God did not provide his bones the Strength to Resist such weight, nor provide his Muscles the Powere needed to move such a lordly Bodie. So if a Wizard had enlarged a Duck to be your combatant, you would Find that the Duck simply collapsed into a Pile of Goo and broken Bones. The only Combat that would be required would be for you to Approach the Duck and deliver unto him a solitary Bonk to release him from his Miseries.
posted by GCU Sweet and Full of Grace at 4:24 AM on November 27, 2023 [3 favorites]
posted by GCU Sweet and Full of Grace at 4:24 AM on November 27, 2023 [3 favorites]
If all the Wood-Chucks in New England should unite their strength, and work together to Chuck their wood, they would not be able to do it, for all the Wood that is used in this Country, at one time, cannot be carried by them; but if you will have the Wood Chucks carry their own wood, then I say, they could carry as much as they can eat. For if we suppose that a Wood-Chuck eats about two pounds of Wood a day, and that he lives three years, then he would eat six hundred and sixty pounds of Wood in his life, which is just as much as a load of wood. But what if you should ask me how much Wood a Wood-Chuck would Chuck if a Wood-Chuck could chuck Wood, then I must tell you, that a Wood-Chuck would chuck no more than he could eat in three years, or as much as a load of Wood.
posted by uncleozzy at 7:32 AM on November 27, 2023 [2 favorites]
posted by uncleozzy at 7:32 AM on November 27, 2023 [2 favorites]
> a solitary Bonk to release him from his Miseries
couldn’t we all use one of these
posted by dis_integration at 1:20 PM on November 27, 2023 [1 favorite]
couldn’t we all use one of these
posted by dis_integration at 1:20 PM on November 27, 2023 [1 favorite]
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I thank God for his mercies to mee in my present condition, and wish as much good to you and your familie. I have been this morning at Mr. Burton's, and found him in a better condition then when I last saw him. He hath some hopes of recovery. And to day there is no rain, but the wind bloweth strong towards the east. I would fain know what you thinke of the newes that came from London yesterday.
But oh dear! Oh dear, oh dear, this will not do. It simply will not do!
This week I have receiued some newes from London, which I shall relate unto you. The King hath lately sent for his sonne Prince Henry into the Tower, because he refused to take the oaths of allegiance and supremacy: and the Duke of Norfolk is also committed to the Tower, for his part in the matter.
posted by Naberius at 4:36 PM on November 26, 2023 [3 favorites]