September 21, 2024 7:37 AM   Subscribe

“My priesthood, rooted in the discipline of a spiritual path, tends to be explicit in its ethical demands. But the facts of queer life also unquestionably demand a lived ethical response. What may come as a surprise—what surprises me—is that the ethical demands placed on me by my identity as a queer person & by my involvement in the LGBTQ{+} community tend to be far clearer and more rigorous than those placed on me by my ordination to holy orders.” Reverend Liz Edman’s Queer Virtue [g]

a comment in a recent thread inspired delving into articles on Big Think; the book above was from one (i deeply agree with the idea of critiquing any “science” of love, pace). previously
posted by HearHere (3 comments total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
What are those Episcopalians up to now?
posted by Czjewel at 9:16 AM on September 21

posted by HearHere at 10:30 AM on September 21 [2 favorites]

I've ordered the book and look forward to reading it. Thanks for sharing!
posted by Mournful Bagel Song at 12:47 AM on September 22

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