Listening To The Sun
September 26, 2024 3:41 PM   Subscribe

So, I'm excited to share some music with y'all. [1h30m] André 3000 shared a listening experience for fans, for his flute music album, New Blue Sun. I don't really know how to describe this, so maybe just put it on and find your zen.
posted by hippybear (7 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
posted by HearHere at 4:18 PM on September 26 [1 favorite]

This is great for working to, and also to pop in and see what he's up to in the video
posted by wilberforce at 5:16 PM on September 26 [2 favorites]

Oh hey, this is fantastic.

Sections of it remind me of 90s ‘new age’ tapes like Stephen Coopers ‘crystal gardens’ and similar. Very nice.
posted by furnace.heart at 5:58 PM on September 26 [1 favorite]

I love the movements that he's doing as the video progresses. I used to be in an improvisational movement / dance troupe and we would do this for hours. It's very freeing and gets to the very essence of movement and experience. "Normal" thought processes and movements are short-circuited as the music flow through you and motivates your behavior. Anyway, I don't mean to speak for André 3000 and his process -- just wanted to acknowledge and admire.
posted by vverse23 at 6:08 PM on September 26

This was about the best unexpected swerve across the median strip any established pop musician has provided my ears, especially during the winter of 2023/24. I listened to it a lot in the office, and when someone would ask what the music was, they'd always raise an eyebrow and give the "confused dog" cock of the head when I'd answer, "Well, remember Outkast?"
posted by not_on_display at 7:08 PM on September 26 [1 favorite]

Happy for 3 Stacks to be wandering the globe with his flute but I sure do hope he raps on a project again. I always get a wistful feeling when his flute work comes up. (Big Boi still out here serving us an underrated solo career in the meantime.) Still, glad to see him making art he wants to make .
posted by kensington314 at 8:31 PM on September 26

[also, I left this on in the background and I was not paying any attention to the video, and I look over from the other side of the room for a second, and André is fiddling with the fly buttons on his overalls, and I'm like, "...what?" So, I had to rewind a little to figure out what: seems he was sitting in a funny position or doing something on his feet beforehand, and then sat on the floor and, a few moments later, he shifted his body a little bit... and the fabric around the crotch had folded such that you could see his fly was open—you couldn't see INSIDE, but someone on the crew had to point it out to him, causing him to look up above camera level, and then go woops! It was a funny human moment in the middle of all this "too chill for school" hour. (I like the music, but there was no way I was gonna gonna watch 3000's mildly goofy antics interspersed with chillinout other than at 8x speed or not at all. There's a lot of SlowTV out there that I'm more into.)]
posted by not_on_display at 8:33 PM on September 26

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