John Oliver gets deep and honest about his show and comedy and stuff
September 29, 2024 9:59 AM   Subscribe

Lulu Garcia-Nevarro of The New York Times podcast "The Interview" sits down with HBO host John Oliver for about 40 minutes for one of the most honest interviews I've seen from him: John Oliver Is Still Working Through the Rage. There's a depth to this conversation that you might not be expecting. I found it informative and illuminating; perhaps you will too.

Be sure to sit through the end interview that is audio only.

I love the humanity in interviews like this.
posted by hippybear (12 comments total) 12 users marked this as a favorite
I didn't think I could like John any more than I did but this made me adore him on a somewhat immature level, aka marry me!!!
posted by mygraycatbongo at 10:35 AM on September 29 [4 favorites]

I’ve been a fan of John Oliver’s since the early days of the Daily Show and the Bugle, and I’ve read, watched and listened to a lot of interviews with him, but I thought it was really interesting to hear him be put on the defensive and have to think through his discomfort about being told he’s doing journalism.
posted by Kattullus at 10:53 AM on September 29 [1 favorite]

I too did not think I could love him more. I love his vulnerability and honesty and self-deprecation. what a wonderful interview.
posted by supermedusa at 10:55 AM on September 29

"it was really interesting to hear him be put on the defensive and have to think through his discomfort about being told he’s doing journalism."

I wonder if some of that stems from feeling a bit intimidated about being in the NYT headquarters. Also, coming from the UK, Oliver knows that the definition of journalism varies. He doesn't want to be lumped with the NYT or the British version that is, shall we say, not as adverse to questionable ethics like paying for stories.
posted by mygraycatbongo at 11:10 AM on September 29 [3 favorites]

I am going to what this, so thank you for the post, but also this is a perfect place to leave his recent Emmy acceptance speech in which he eulogizes his dog, and refuses to be played off stage before he is done doing so.
posted by the primroses were over at 11:13 AM on September 29 [3 favorites]

My favorite bit in it was a very subtle, very sharp burn at the NYT by Oliver:
NYT interviewer to John Oliver: “I’m glad someone’s hiring journalists!”
Oliver: “Unfortunately, it might just be us.”
posted by ChrisR at 12:38 PM on September 29 [3 favorites]

What a great guy to listen to. Thank you for the post!
posted by nostrada at 1:00 PM on September 29

Also, for me, learning where Lourdes "Lulu" Garcia-Nevarro ended up after leaving NPR is something this podcast episode revealed. I have memories of her talking about being a correspondent in war zones and getting PTSD and hosting Weekend Edition Sunday as a cool-down from that, professionally. When she left, I didn't know where she ended up. I'm glad to hear her voice again, and had never really seen her face before.

She's a great interviewer/reporter.
posted by hippybear at 1:13 PM on September 29 [4 favorites]

I worked at a comedy club for about 8 years, from 2002-2008.

My ability to appreciate comedy as an art form was instilled via HBO and Comedy Central late night before I left my parents home go to college. It was deeply reified during my employ, watching artists use the same setups and words to transmit a message/craft a joke with the varied mutable audience— but the craftsman ship cant be rote— the inauthenticity smacks. To communicate the meta message to different audiences on the back of humor is the trojan horse towards compassion and unity. It also makes mediocore conedians all the more obvious. I , like John, believe that comedy is an incredibly powerful art form, and his respect for it both touches and inspires, because i think his show is doing great work.
posted by MichaelJoelHall at 1:14 PM on September 29 [5 favorites]

I haven't had the time yet to watch the interview, but I really love last week tonight and am excited to check it out. I wonder though does he talk about why he thinks what he's doing isn't journalism? Or does he say that he's now resigned that it is long form?
posted by Carillon at 1:46 PM on September 29

This is on my list to watch. I think we must get many of the same recommendations. I love and admire him but prefer to stay away from infuriating topics these days so don't often listen to his show. He was a gem in Community, being completely himself.
posted by Glinn at 1:49 PM on September 29 [1 favorite]

My favorite bit in it was a very unsubtle, very sharp question at Oliver by Garcia-Nevarro, "Do you know what else it's like?"

So arch, so acid, thank you.
posted by Rat Spatula at 1:58 PM on September 29

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