How are you? It's the weekly Free Thread.
January 6, 2025 1:01 AM   Subscribe

And that's the optional question: How are you? Interpret it however you want. Or just write about your day, or what's on your mind. Oh, the machine requests a mandatory link for a post so here is Falcons (2016) by Amanda Bergman. Oh, if you still want to add your 2024 retrospectives or 2025 hopes then last week's Free Thread is still open. Drink some water; the days are getting longer (northern hemisphere folk).
posted by Wordshore (116 comments total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
It's a very cold January where I am, not snow and stuff, but still chilly and windy, so staying indoors and staying warm.

Have an intense 1.5 hour yoga session today, not fun, but I always feel good after doing it, so right now complaining about it a lot lol.

Most importantly though, very excited about a new product we are going to start testing with users soon!
posted by mahadevan at 1:31 AM on January 6 [4 favorites]

I'm okay (or GREAT! or Ow!!! In pain!) from one day to the next, one hour to the next. Is it an old person thing? I do not know. Good things: 1) My husband is doing great (cancer treatment) and remains wonderful and delightful, but also why still so good looking? Can't he just age a bit to keep up with me? Solidarity? Have you heard of it? 2) I've been a whirlwind of activity on some of my personal hobby stuff (writing and digital art); 3) despite not having the room (we keep it on a kitchen chair!), we got an air fryer for Christmas, and every day we play with new recipes and it's fun. Today we're going to try kale chips, but for tonight we are having regular (not air fried, lol) shrimp scampi for supper. I love shrimp scampi. 3) Metafilter. Have you SEEN all the amazing posts lately? Man, mefites are on fire.🔥 (and if you love FanFare, check out the discussion happening in Metatalk right now).

Bad things: Most of the world? I promise I haven't lost it, but I keep waiting for the rip in the time space continuum to shift or mend and things to go back to not 100% comprehensively shitty and horrifying all the time. *taps foot*
posted by taz at 2:41 AM on January 6 [12 favorites]

Oh, OH! I forgot to mention! 4) A great thing: for some reason, I've been able to sleep (after a fashion) lately! After years of the most ridiculous insomnia you can imagine. Like seriously, if someone was doing it to me, instead of it just occurring, it would totally qualify as torture. Not exaggerating.
posted by taz at 2:44 AM on January 6 [10 favorites]

Full summer here, but haven't been swimming as much as I would like to. Still got a swim 'n the sea yesterday and was startled by a big kelp plant looming at me just next to the shark net!

Not doing that well otherwise. Anxiety is kicking my ass and I'm having these rage episodes that are probably menopause related. But swimming, cycling etc does help.

Need to start writing again.
posted by Zumbador at 2:50 AM on January 6 [6 favorites]

6 days in a row eating breakfast!
posted by whatevernot at 3:15 AM on January 6 [7 favorites]

I've enjoyed an entire week off.

And after having to abruptly stop the process I started four years ago (to focus on looking after my mom), I've been cleaning, decluttering and organizing (which is difficult because side quests happen.) The added challenge is that now I am adding some of her stuff and a deceased friend's stuff into the mix. I am a crouton petter and things are touchstones.....weeding out is HARD! I seem to be the last stop keeper of things and memories.

But I'm so proud of myself for being my version of ruthless and remembering that perfection doesn't happen. There's a nice sense of control and I hope to continue the process now that work is kicking back in to gear. Y'all; I'm so proud of myself!
posted by mightshould at 3:23 AM on January 6 [19 favorites]

hugs, mightshould.
posted by taz at 3:27 AM on January 6

Exhausted. For some new and slightly different reasons and some of the same old reasons.

Also my partner and I somehow found and got approved/chosen as tenants for a reasonably-priced house within biking distance of her job (she doesn't drive), but now they're taking forever to send us the lease to e-sign and it's scaring us (it's through a broker, and we toured the place, so it's not a scam, but still.)
posted by needs more cowbell at 3:36 AM on January 6 [7 favorites]

I just got back yesterday from the first actual family vacation we’ve taken since summer 2019, that is, leave/travel that was not primarily for eldercare. We went to Helsinki and then to far northern Finland to see the aurora. It was amazing and full of the minor misadventures that make good stories. I might go back to work today refreshed. I didn’t know work came in that flavor after this long without a break, so we’ll see how it feels.
posted by eirias at 3:38 AM on January 6 [9 favorites]

ps sleep high fives to taz!! There is nothing like being rested when you know what it is to not be for a protracted period.
posted by eirias at 3:39 AM on January 6 [1 favorite]

Snow all over central Virginia today, and many things are closed. Including my place of work, so... actual snow day. I'm looking forward to reading, maybe watching a movie or two. Have to accomplish a little of remote work, but that should be done soon.

I'm not doing well. This weekend I confronted the slowly dawning horror/realization that the book I'm working on is direly flawed. 24 of the last 36 months were spent on this book, and it's probably not publishable as it stands. I know what I'd have to do to make it publishable, and the level of overhaul is not less than writing a new book. Saturday night I shelved the book, including writing a letter to myself about flaws I see in the book, and next steps, should I ever return to it. I enjoyed writing the book, and I learned a lot in the process, but this is a disaster. Combined with the thus-far unsuccessful attempts to land an agent for the previous book that I started querying in autumn '23, and my overall art life trajectory, things feel bleak. I'm objectively in a good place in many ways (housed, employed, loved) that I know others aren't, so I'm trying to maintain perspective.
posted by cupcakeninja at 3:46 AM on January 6 [9 favorites]

SO much mud. Waiting for break in the rain to go haul hay and firewood. Waiting for delivery of new post hole auger so I can do some fencing work. Waiting for slightly dryer day and slightly warmer temps so I can finish grading the barn track before the next big hay delivery. Eating leftover pizza made last night in new electric pizza oven (Clementi Crosti) which was an Xmas investment since there's no reliable source of takeaway pizza here. Works really well but does tend to smoke up the kitchen a bit. Need a haircut. Need to take down the Xmas tree so the neighbour's goats can have it. Playing Against the Storm a lot.
posted by Rhedyn at 4:06 AM on January 6 [8 favorites]

Marathon training started this week for a race in early May, so the volume has started to build. Cracked fifty weekly miles of running for the first time since the summer - will build up to 70 by March which is uncharted territory. Legs feel good, no aches or pains. I'm being coached, which takes a ton of the prep work off my back and allows us to adjust it if something comes up. And I've really learned the biggest secret of running: running in the freezing cold is actually preferable to the heat and humidity in summer.
posted by fortitude25 at 4:26 AM on January 6 [5 favorites]

toddler, work environment rapidly becoming taxic and unmanagable, wife with chronic physical and mental health issues cant seem to get out of bed before noon.

had a week "off" spent looking after my son. come back to work admist "hope everyones rested and ready to work hard!!!" messages and a bizarrely brutal dressing down from my boss. every day i want to give up, but i cant.
posted by AlbertCalavicci at 4:47 AM on January 6 [10 favorites]

cupcakeninja, writing that letter to yourself is a great idea! I had a creatively hopeless 2024 brought on, in large part, by the British Library's hack that obliterated the library's electronic systems. They lost everything, including the workspace platform where I'd saved all the disheveled but inspired references I'd built into the foundation of what I had started thinking of as "my first book." And yet, here we are in a new year. In the last few days I've started picking at the bits and pieces that I'd had outside the library system. It doesn't feel like what it had been before. Maybe it's not a "book" per se, but something else. I'm fizzing with the possibilities of what might be there after a long period with all that thinking and marinating pushed to the back shelf. So hang tight, who knows what you'll feel like when you next read that letter!

That Bergman track, oof. It's fluttering into frame at quite a moment. "Never get it right, it ain't easy getting closer." I'm at a desk I last used in early July 2023, in the house I used to share with a boyfriend. It was a long 14 months without communication, but I got through to him last summer and since then we've been saying hello from time to time. He's out of the country for a couple weeks, so I'm back here again watching the dogs while he's away; watching our dog, and a new one that's just his. It's not painful. Surprisignly, it's not painful at all. It sure is remarkable, though. How time can pass and so many things can seem not to notice. It's like those big geologic uncomformities where millions of years of the geological record are wiped out by glaciers and rivers and then new layers get piled up on top like nothing ever came before it.
posted by late afternoon dreaming hotel at 4:54 AM on January 6 [10 favorites]

Tragic start to our week over here. We received word yesterday that the 15 year old son of friends of ours (they live a few streets over and run a really incredible vegan catering business) was killed Saturday night by a drunk driver. They were walking with a friend and well.

He was 15. A thriving trans kid with amazing parents. Because Rad and Christina often do pop-ups at events all over Eastern Ontario, Kale (he chose his name) saved up money two summers ago for a decent espresso machine so he could make coffee drinks for people while they served up food. Shepherd and I are so heartbroken. Kale was a great kid. We asked if he would like be a catsitter for us to earn some extra money when we went out of town. His mom said he was excited about it because: cats and extra money.

Our community in such a short time has really rallied around the family. It's a silver lining in such a dark time.
posted by Kitteh at 5:00 AM on January 6 [15 favorites]

day 4 of nasty cold, acquired from bevy of unmasked coughing / hacking people on plane flight last week, despite wearing n95. Welp won't be doing that again anytime ever.
posted by bitterkitten at 5:00 AM on January 6 [4 favorites]

Today is the day I set for myself to re-enter the job market after quitting that last awful job before Christmas. And it FEELS like today is the right day, too - I have only one paycheck left coming in from that helljob, but it's only going to be for three days' work and will be piddly. I'm going to TRY to apply for unemployment but I'm not sure I'll get it since I quit.

A couple of promising job leads I got before this crapped out, so I'm a tiny bit nervous - but this was also the day that three recruiters said "call me on X day so we can get going on you" and that's hopeful. I'm also visiting another job office tomorrow and hitting up a job fair on Thursday.

Dammit, I'm not asking for much. There's GOT to be something out there that pays more than $24 an hour and that won't require me to be 24/7 dedicated to the grunt work. I want to be able to have a life outside work.

....And on top of that we've had no heat the past three days. Fortunately the super is already on the ball and working on it - there was a leak in the boiler, and he's fixed one spot but needed a part to fix the other one, and it should be in today. He also found a weak spot in the wall under the boiler and is going to be coming back to fix that today either way. This is a new guy - he was the "temp super" when our regular one was on Christmas vacation, but apparently the regular guy is retiring and so he said he's going to be taking over next month as well. We talked about a couple other general things going on with the building and he's been noticing the same things I have ("I bet all the rats are coming from that other building THERE, I've seen them sneaking through the fence." "Oh ABSOLUTELY, they don't clean their back yard up and I've been putting traps out there every day!").

He'll be by at about 10 today to work on the place, and I'll retreat to my office room to prowl job boards and call recruiters, and work on the resume (not going to mention the last job, but how do I account for the job gap?).
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 5:25 AM on January 6 [9 favorites]

Went out for a walk last night with 'spouse'/Lebensgefährtin/Friend I live and have children with (yeah, I hate the term 'wife') and our small dog: it was the first 'real' snow of the season. It's been a preposterously mild winter so far and last night was the first time in a long time it felt like - normal. It was also, obviously, cold and windy and at times less-than-pleasant but on the whole: I fucking love winter. A friend who had moved out to California about ten years ago is moving back to the north-east and I jokingly asked if it was because they missed winter and got the answer "Yes." Talking about it with my friend later they confirmed that it was the weirdest part of living in CA, no winter... The dog was not as enthusiastic as we were. The world looks infinitely better covered in snow.

Next week I go get my knee surgerie-d for boring, getting older reasons and I'm dreading it. The cost itself will be unAmerican, thank god, but the whole re-hab shit...ugh and there's no guarantee this will be the last time (it's the second time now, last go-round was five years ago.) (Google 'Synovial chondromatosis' if you're into that kinda thing.) It should at least alleviate the pain, for a while, but not a whole lotta much beyond that. Marathon-running is off the table (which I was considering because I never got around to it when I was young and had working joints. Youth wasted on the young and all that.)

And on the third hand, I'm making a "Galette des Rois" because why the hell not: I have a great puff-pastry recipe and the pictures looks tasty. It was that or a "Kouign-amann" which I find interesting mostly because what kind of a name is "Kouign-amann"? (I don't want to know, and have avoided finding out. Ignorance is bliss.) But with the latter I'm not sure I could digest it (again, older-getting reasons) so, " 'des Rois" it is.
posted by From Bklyn at 5:32 AM on January 6 [5 favorites]

*happy dance* The plumber came by just now with the part he needs to fix the heat!!!! He is at work now on the problem and doesn't even need to turn the water off! (My roommate was especially glad about that bit, he's in the shower getting ready for work now.)

Ironically the boiler is in my bedroom closet; when it's working properly my room is the hottest room in the apartment. And the boiler ITSELF was fine, there was just a leak that was keeping it from pushing the hot water through the registers that would heat the rest of the place. And...with the heat on the fritz my room is the COLDEST in the apartment. I've been sleeping in long underwear with about 9 throw blankets piled on top of my bed.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 5:40 AM on January 6 [8 favorites]

>Have an intense 1.5 hour yoga session

(Heretical views ahead): Does anybody agree that, given the right strategy, yoga sessions might be abbreviated to 60 minutes in length? Ie, to a quicker session for people with tight schedules?

What if, for example, limbering up exercises were performed before the instructor entered the room, so that the instructor could cut to the chase by starting class with surya namaskar (sun salutation) or the like? And then, at the end, the instructor could say "it's time for savasana (corpse pose), but if you're busy feel free to leave." In this manner, ten minutes or more could be whittled off of the hour-and-a-half, making a 60 minute class an achievable possibility.

I'm just throwing pasta against the wall. In no way I'm suggesting that, as a general rule, yoga should deviate from its 1 1/2 hour sessions, which obviously provide the best results. A 60 minute class might work as an option for students with a heavy life schedule.
posted by Gordion Knott at 5:46 AM on January 6 [2 favorites]

Getting ready for the new semester is being complicated by the course coordinator for a new course I've been assigned not being in the US since before the holidays. Classes start Monday, and I'm not feeling my usual level of confidence.
posted by tommasz at 5:50 AM on January 6 [3 favorites]

It’s dank and cold by southern Spain standards today, no sun, which means my cave-like apartment never really gets warm despite a perfectly adequate butane stove. And it’s the feast of Reyes (Kings / Epiphany) today, so libraries are closed.

So I’m bopping between teterías, masjids (mosques), and halal eateries in Granada today. Thank God the food and tea are tasty and most of my haunts are heated adequately and sport decent WiFi. That being said, looking forward to having my town library as my snug place again, starting tomorrow, God willing.
posted by rabia.elizabeth at 6:16 AM on January 6 [6 favorites]

I'm a bit sad; our elder cat, 20+ years old (we have no idea how old she was, she was picked up off the street by a shelter with a litter of kittens), passed away in her sleep, which was surprising and tragic and we felt a bit embarrassed carrying a cat corpse to the emergency vet to confirm what we pretty sure of, but what if it was just a stroke or coma or something? She often seemed unnaturally still when sleeping. The cat originally belonged to our high-functioning autistic daughter, who couldn't take care of it any longer so the cat came to live with us 6 or 7 years ago; she handled the loss better than expected, given the anger she held onto that we got to keep her cat while she didn't. Cat tax from just a couple weeks ago.

Film student update: my wife, the enabler, whenever I point out some piece of expensive equipment, says "you know what I'll say" because she is always the one to say go ahead and buy it.

So, a week ago I bought an expensive and impractical -- but useful -- piece of film equipment, a motor to attach to my 70-year old 16mm film camera, so I can "sync sound". Wind-up film cameras don't keep speed well enough that you can record the audio separately and re-mix them together in sync later; the motor I bought keeps consistent time so you can do so. The reputable place I bought the motor from -- used, it's at least 20-30 years old --confirmed it will work with this camera and is calibrated correctly, and it arrives today so I'll have to shoot a reel of film with sound separately, get it developed and returned to me, to confirm that it's accurate.

So, the former-vaudeville-theater art deco movie house here in Fargo is hiring a media person. My wife sent me the link, which I said "yeah, that's cool".

Then she mentions that they are probably looking for somebody who really has a background in film.

I agree, yeah, the guy who had the job before was a programmer for the Woods Hole Film Festival and has a degree in film studies.

Now: here's where the twist comes in -- she got somewhat defensive and said "well, my degree is in communications and I have a portfolio of successful online marketing campaigns"

Oh -- SHE wants the job. But...doesn't want to say she wants the job? The conversation then went her saying something negative about it, and me saying, yeah, that could be true; then her saying something positive and me emphasizing that, yes, she definitely could do the job.

Then I learn that while she's having this conversation with me she's texting her boss, who is also a close friend, who is doing pretty much as far as responses to her combined-self-doubt-and-self-confidence.

Finally, I have to say:

"You know what I'll say..."
posted by AzraelBrown at 6:28 AM on January 6 [10 favorites]

@Kitteh: I am so sorry for your loss. May Kale's memory be for a blessing and a comfort; he sounds like a wonderful young person.

Yesterday, my beloved local community for Palestine rallied at the WHO/ PAHO in DC with Doctors Against Genocide to protest Israel's incessant bombardment of hospitals and horrendous abuse of healthcare workers. We took the streets in freezing temperatures and marched around near the National Mall and the State Department while cops hovered nearby. I carried a megaphone so my chosen daughter's younger son could chant along on the attached microphone, and as an antizionist Jewish person, it feels so meaningful and hopeful to see Palestinian youth growing up and carrying the movement forward. Our bright beacons of hope. I volunteered to read the words of a Palestinian doctor at the rally and it is a profound honor to be invited into community with the Palestinian Youth Movement.

This morning I woke up to a thick blanket of snow, my favorite weather, so immediately donned my snow garb and happily stomped around my neighborhood woods for an hour with a steaming mug of milky Yemeni chai.

Despite the horrors of imperialism, including the change of administration coming in two short weeks to my city; despite some intense personal stress; I am grateful for so very much.
posted by wicked_sassy at 6:29 AM on January 6 [13 favorites]

How am I? Cold! I'm working in my kitchen wearing four layers of clothing and a hat. On the other hand, I am excited to start teaching next week, assuming my extremities to do not fall off from frostbite!
posted by pangolin party at 6:32 AM on January 6 [7 favorites]

Finished my N-th re-watching The Lord of the Rings last night. It's an eye-dampener cold sober, but with a few milligrams of Good For What Ails Ya, it was almost too much -- especially when the Shieldmaiden of Rohan is doing her thing.

Love that gal.
posted by Lemkin at 6:40 AM on January 6 [3 favorites]

I am a little undercooked, but stick me back in, turn me over after a minute or two and I should be done.
posted by JohnnyGunn at 6:55 AM on January 6 [6 favorites]

I bought new jeans yesterday. The waist is six inches smaller than my old jeans. I still have to shorten the legs, since unfortunately I haven't gotten any taller.
posted by SPrintF at 7:34 AM on January 6 [8 favorites]

Mod note: [Also, good 🌞, we've added this to the sidebar and Best Of blog!]
posted by taz (staff) at 7:35 AM on January 6

I’m back to work after a three week break in which I took a conscious break from tracking what I was eating, how much I was exercising and all the other stuff that I track these days. I read a lot of books and just retreated. It was fabulous.

Remote schooling today and the SD gave the students the afternoon off to play in the snow.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 7:41 AM on January 6 [4 favorites]

Snow day here. Monday is usually a work from home day for me anyway, but it has been a couple years since we got enough snow to mention, so it's kind of nice.

Currently having coffee and reviewing notes for a meeting in 40 minutes. Debating doing a round of shoveling after that, but we're expecting more wintery precipitation in the afternoon, and I think it might get icier out there if I remove the current couple inch bed of snow before that happens. Decisions, decisions, all of them wrong.

Happy epiphany/3 kings day to those who celebrate. This is my late dad's birthday, so although we were never religious, we always got the tree late in the season and left it up until today. Nice to still have the twinkle lights for our snow day.
posted by the primroses were over at 7:55 AM on January 6 [5 favorites]

Happy epiphany/3 kings day

And I said, “What about Three Kings Epiphany?”
You said, “I think I remember the date!”
posted by notoriety public at 8:01 AM on January 6 [13 favorites]

Today was the first commute day with Congestion pricing in New York City

And I’m sure some of the reduction was the forecast

But my bus got into the Port Authority THIRTY MINUTES before it usually does on Mondays

Everyone is out there talking to drivers and no one is talking to bus passengers and it’s driving me nuts.
posted by thecaddy at 8:08 AM on January 6 [13 favorites]

So my auditions haven't gone very well of late. I admit I was auditioning "for fun" at theaters I know I'm not going to get into, but it's one thing to read, do your thing, and not get called back, and it's quite another to get treated like shit at them. Like sitting there for 1-2 hours while all the hot chicks get called on to read over and over again--I note there was one hot chick part and the other three were older ladies. Like being one of very few people who were NOT called back. The last play I auditioned for, almost every theater friend of mine got in but me, and "oh, there were TONS of people at the callbacks." Except me. Because I suck. Or when very few audition and I still don't get in. Or when people who can literally barely read lines at all get a callback and I don't, or get a role and I don't. I mean, clearly there's something WRONG WITH ME, right?! Except I can't ask the directors and I doubt friends would want to honestly say what's wrong with me because it'll hurt my feelings. The one ex-actor friend I could ask, who hasn't seen me act a lot, said "it's the directors, they just don't like you, I had one who would only cast me as maids."

So I found an audition coach off this weekend to ask exactly what the hell is wrong with me. And frankly....she saw nothing wrong with me. Perfectly adequate audition! Not being weird physically, making strong choices in the reading, could slow down a wee bit, but that's it! I am a normal person doing auditions and there's not some giant Wrong With Me going on, other than my looks and age, which can't be helped and obviously ups the difficultly level in life. (I note the coach is also a Nerd Girl, so she understood.) I got some tips and ideas, which was great. I'll contact her again for the next one.

I have another audition tonight. I'd like to go for an actual part (Frau Blucher, which at least is a part I could do), but this is a director who likes me personally and will never cast me as a part and I don't get callbacks from him, so yeah right. I'd like the goal of a callback, if not getting the actual part, but it honestly feels like asking for too much to do that. Maybe in another 10 years or so I might be good enough for a singing part with lines, or count as more of an "old lady" to get cast as one, I don't know. I will be doing a huge hammy singing number ("As We Stumble Along," a tribute to alcoholism) and I'm wondering if I'll be able to get up the nerve to really ham it up in a place where I am the very most back row of everyone. I hope I can pull it off, remember to take breaths and keep my tongue in and all of that stuff, while acting. But either way, it doesn't really matter, I can get in as ensemble with him even if I sing "Happy Birthday," probably. I just hope I don't dry out my throat or choke or anything. Lowered expectations!
posted by jenfullmoon at 8:15 AM on January 6 [9 favorites]

Just wanted to let you each know: you look great today.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 8:43 AM on January 6 [17 favorites]

The end of my annual 24 day partially-slacking-off period (between St Lucia Day and Twelve Night) is over, so easing myself from part-time into a nearer full-time mode of research. It's going to be a busy year, though how busy I don't know as I'm still waiting on a couple of decisions from Sweden about online courses, and I'll be attempting to get onto another autumn course there later in the year.

Despite that, I may make a trip to the US later in the year. July and August currently look free of all commitments, so I have a very rough plan of either New Jersey->Maine->Vermont->Detroit, to see a bunch of friends, or another month-long Amtrak ticket to see friends in a wider range of US states. But, I'm nowhere near planning this yet.

The remaining Christmas foods in the shops is going swiftly, being substantially marked down. I've got some mince pies, at various prices, with best before dates up to the 25th April (with a slight suspicion that there's something nasty lurking in the ingredients list if a mince pie will last that long) and various Christmas puddings at ridiculous bargain prices (the cheapest being 9p, or about 12 US cents) with best before dates up to the summer of 2026. So, the "gathering winter fuel" part of recent shopping has gone well.

I've finally changed my profile picture across all social media to something up to date. A la bemused man, deep into his 50s, on New Year's Eve just gone.
posted by Wordshore at 9:10 AM on January 6 [13 favorites]

Break a leg, jenfullmoon.
My ancient Maytag stalled out on me a week and a day ago. Ordered new washer and dryer (mine still worked but installed same year as washer) from Best Buy. Crew arrived on Thursday to install new units and haul away old ones. Only to inform me that since I hadn't ordered a stacking brace, they wouldn't be able to install the new machines.
They handed their cellphone over to me so I could raise holy hell with Best Buy about it (why wasn't stacking brace purchase mentioned with all the other parts that I had to pay for separately?) and their liaison helped me buy the brace, shaved $10 off the usual price, and reschedule for Saturday.
Come Saturday, installation crew showed up right on time, but the man's face fell when he saw the old units. This crew did not have room in their truck to remove the old units. So another chat on their phone, new machines installed and running smoothly, old machines sitting in the driveway pending pickup this coming Thursday (this is how I mourn your passage, Jimmy Carter?). It's definitely felt like a Monty Python sketch.
posted by The Ardship of Cambry at 9:20 AM on January 6 [11 favorites]

Middle son, UK expat, has just had his first brush with the US healthcare system. Wife is rushed to ER with a suspected ruptured appendix, is operated on, and their insurers then deny the claim because in their opinion it wasn't really an emergency. FFS.

In more positive news, we're off to see them in a couple of weeks, swapping London winter for California.
posted by 43rdAnd9th at 9:40 AM on January 6 [7 favorites]

I've vowed to get an article off before next semester starts at the end of the month, and just noted, with some exasperation, that a footnote is missing a reference that will be very difficult to find. My book is also moseying along.

Meanwhile, it has occurred to me that having cataract surgery in the same semester that I'm teaching an asynchronous course could be, um, not the best planning. However, I would also like to be able to actually see out of my right eye.

Looking forward to going to the UK again in March to sit in the British Library.
posted by thomas j wise at 9:54 AM on January 6 [7 favorites]

That is just the insurers opening salvo. Now the negotiations can begin in earnest.
posted by JohnnyGunn at 10:02 AM on January 6 [7 favorites]

MetaFilter: a slight suspicion that there's something nasty lurking in the ingredients.
posted by wenestvedt at 10:16 AM on January 6 [8 favorites]


* I was about to call one of my recruiters this morning, but then he called ME first - he has a very promising lead on some temp work. It's temp as opposed to temp-to-perm, but hell, it's money and I once spun a "this is JUST temp work, don't get your hopes up" into a year-long gig that lead to another 2 years elsewhere in the company because I impressed them so much. So that's promising.

* However - the plumber arrived at 8:30 to fix the boiler, discovered there was a second part he needed to obtain and left, job unfinished. He said that he would definitely absolutely positively be back today. The super came a bit before noon to patch up the wall (the leaky boiler soaked the wall and the floor beneath it and he wanted to patch that up; when I told him I was still waiting on the plumber to come back, he tried calling the plumber. The plumber didn't answer, and he tried about ten more times over the next hour. He even got his boss to try calling.

New super seems really on the ball and seems DETERMINED to get my heat back on today. We live in hope.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 10:19 AM on January 6 [4 favorites]

jenfullmoon, sadly, I know the solution to this. We were juuuuust talking about this paradigm two days ago: You must move to the UK, where they have many fabulous and beloved older actresses. In theatre / film, at least, women are allowed to age and still be loved and recognized for their talent. In the US there are two modes for older actresses: a) what did she do to her FACE???? Ew, the plastic surgery!!! Whyyyy??? Crying face, and b) Ewwww what happened? she looks horrible now!!!! She was so beautiful! (side-by-side pics of her from 30 years earlier). So if actresses want to remain viable in the US, they have to have plastic surgery to remain everyoung, but if they have plastic surgery to remain everyoung, people are repulsed. In the US. As far as I know this is not the case in France? But to me, the UK definitely seems to love their brilliant emeritus actresses.
posted by taz at 10:23 AM on January 6 [2 favorites]

How are you?

I'll let you know when I get here...
posted by Greg_Ace at 10:26 AM on January 6 [6 favorites]

I feel the universe has something it wants to tell me, and I should be listening. I have long planned to go to Copenhagen today. I have "important meetings" at the end of the week, and didn't want to come in at the last moment.
During the week, I've been following the weather forecasts, and as late as this morning, they said it would stop storming and snowing about midday, and start thawing and raining, but not in a bad way. So I cleaned the house, walked the dog in pouring rain and then ran around packing lots of stuff into the car. My neighbor texted me that he didn't think I should go today, but I ignored him, planning to text back from the ferry. And then I went out with the last bags: the food and my computer, and I realized that the front right tire is loosing pressure. Yikes. Journey cancelled. There is 20 km to the nearest gas station, I'll have to wait till someone can help me. As I opened my computer to reschedule the ferry trip, there was an alert about the weather. Not only will the storm not stop: it will intensify, and last till Wednesday night, and the ferries and bridges will most likely be closed.

Normally, I don't look forward to going to Copenhagen, but right now it's really, really cold here, after that wet dog walk, I felt cold to the bone, and the house didn't really warm me at all. Luckily, I thought this morning that future me would be grateful if there were some dry logs next to the fireplace, and I was. I also had leftover soup that I could reheat and eat by that same fireplace, so now I am all rosy-cheeked and happy again.
posted by mumimor at 10:29 AM on January 6 [10 favorites]

Sibling having some sort of massive test at the hospital this morning. No idea what it's for, this was set up by the seriously weird ER doctor two months ago. It was supposed to be done then, of course, but this is America, so it's being done now. Nobody at the hospital seems to have the faintest idea when it will be over. I sat there with him for an hour until they finally called his name, then I went to work. My daughter, who just dropped her daughter off at preschool, will head over soon to pick him up and take him to get food - it was a no food no drink for five hours previously test. Or she'll head over if someone calls us. Or, I don't know, she'll just spend her morning there because they won't tell us when he'll be done. Hopefully someone will call. Maybe they will. Maybe he'll just start walking. That would be bad. Sigh.

I have a meeting with HR this afternoon to discuss the possibilities for intermittent leave to cover all this time. He has six appointments in January alone and February starts off with a bang with oral surgery. Also I realized that I was not making any appointments for me, because I was putting him and everyone else first, so I defiantly am going to the dentist and the gyno this month. I am incredibly lucky to have a job where taking all this time is even a possibility and I know it. I've had plenty of jobs where I would have been fired by now.

Meanwhile, the dog somehow hurt his foot at the beach yesterday. So son took him to the confusing poor people drop in vet this morning - people show up from all over the area at 6:30 in the morning to sit in their cars and wait to line up to maybe get a slot to see a vet that day. He's being seen but it took about 4 phone calls and more than 30 frantic texts; son has some challenges and stuff like this tends to throw him into a state. No word yet.

Last night I made three lasagnas simultaneously: one regular spinach for a colleague who had a sudden tragic death in the family; one gluten free for daughter, granddaughter and me and one vegan for son.

It's only Monday and I'm already tired. Why is everything so damn hard?
posted by mygothlaundry at 10:33 AM on January 6 [11 favorites]

I chose a word to keep in mind for this year: listen. I have written "listen" on Post-Its and write it in my journal. It's helped me with two potentially challenging conversations just yesterday.

I've needed to listen more closely to everyone. Most especially to my beloved spouse. They're working their way through trying new antidepressant meds with mixed success, and it's been challenging and at times just terrible, with days they couldn't get out of bed, just the textbook of deep depression. During our usual conflicted conversations and most especially these last few weeks, my anxiety and stress affect how well I can remember important things.

I can remember how I felt but can have issues recalling what was said. We both have counselors we trust, and I'm on meds that have worked pretty well for me. Their prescribing doctor is back from holiday vacation today so we hope this week they'll get more support. In what could have been a fraught conversation, they said they're feeling much better and smiled a bit. I'd heard them laughing earlier with friends during a book club zoom. We may be emerging from the darkness of this. We're hopeful.

My anxiety and defensiveness are from long ago in my family, where both parents were so conflict-avoidant they never showed us what quietly discussing disagreements could look like. Verbal attacks from siblings, from "teasing" to outright abuse, were regular which fostered reflexive defensiveness if I felt threatened. Of course I did it to them too; it was the water we swam in. I've been working on this and my other issues in therapy off and on since the 80s. [sigh]

Mom died age 94 in June - Dad died in the 80s -- and her I'm executor. Between real-world estate/probate issues, my inexperience, and my own anxiety avoidance, closing the small estate has dragged on. Not helping is a long-standing conflict with the resentful sib that was Mom's primary caregiver for years. Mom chose me to help manage her bills years ago, and this sibling considers themselves a financial expert thanks solely to lots of CNBC and newspaper business pages over the years - they never had *any* money to invest themselves. Mom never bought into their investment advice, and I didn't either. They were so verbally abusive to me I couldn't see Mom nearly as often as I would/could/should have. Sometimes she'd call me and whisper into the phone not to come to a planned visit - I only live 2 miles away - because this sibling was yelling about me.

They likely have anxiety/depression like the rest of the sibs, if not bipolar. Unlike all the other sibs, they've never had counseling that we know of, no meds, and few friends. They're the only sib that hasn't held a job-job in years, has no health insurance, no income. They have long particular issues with me; we're closest in age but very different in education, life experience and interests. (Hates TFG with the rest of us, thank the deities.) Twice in the past he's physically assaulted me and justifies it to this day as legit because he thinks I insulted him.

Added complication: a stage 4 rectal cancer diagnosis in early 2022 they kept secret from everyone for more than 2 years while also caring for Mom. They had surgery as a charity case at a prominent local hospital a few weeks after Mom died - I only found out about the surgery when they asked for a ride. They're recovering well, and with this responsibility for Mom over, they're more chill than we've seen in ages. Which is good...

But I'm still tangling with them because Mom left them the house. The biggest hurdle, the property deed, is done, it's in their name. I'm now responsible for guiding them through changing household accounts to their name, and it's really a challenge for me: trauma from their past verbal and physical abuse creates legit anxiety. They lose their temper and I just have to get out of there. I'll practice saying the word "listen" before every time I see them. I'm trying to keep emotions at bay and get this shit done.

I also lost two important friends suddenly around Thanksgiving, one to a sudden heart attack and the other to suicide. It's been heavy.

There are many good things. I am glad to be alive and healthy and insured and somewhat secure financially. I've built better friendships with a number of men I know through church, and they've been there with me whenever I asked for support. My exercise routine is actually becoming a routine. I make regular gym visits to run the treadmill. My distances and endurance are increasing, and it boosts my mood. Our delightful dog is sharp and active at 11 years old. I'm equipping my car for long road trips and am enjoying that. We received the Stephen and Evie Colbert's Does This Taste Funny? cookbook for Christmas, and I am looking forward to trying recipes from it. I look forward to growing my small business as a personal technology coach, mostly assisting seniors. We fly to LA in February to see dear friends for a retreat and after, our child and their spouse in northern California.

Thanks, MeFites!
posted by conscious matter at 11:26 AM on January 6 [10 favorites]

my biggest new year news is probably that my husband ***FINALLY*** got a CPAP.

I was worried it wouldn't necessarily stop his snoring but it's stopped it COMPLETELY. OMG!!!! I'm so happy. now once I sort out all of my other weird sleep issues I should be a well rested little lamb for once!
posted by supermedusa at 12:42 PM on January 6 [8 favorites]

Maine is not getting the snow and ice - Yay! - but it's cold, as it typically is in January. I used a hot water bottle last night, and my toes appreciated that. The dog snuggled close. Right this minute I am avoiding going out to bring in wood. The woodbox is full, but the wood has surface moisture and burns better if it has a day or 2 to get drier. I will feel better if I fill 2 wheelbarrows to leave near the door - it's nice to have plenty of wood to burn, and the exercise and fresh air will be good.

Jan 06. what a fucking day of infamy.

I have Stuff To Do, but am slacking. Seems fair on a cold day.
posted by theora55 at 12:45 PM on January 6 [5 favorites]

Plumber returned!

I have heat again!

Now to peel 9 layers of blankets off my bed and strip down to only two layers of clothing!
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 2:13 PM on January 6 [7 favorites]

Today I gutted the en suite bathroom and shower. We knew the shower was leaking somewhere - damp was getting into my kid's room through the wall (behind a wardrobe or we'd have spotted it sooner). It was nice to confirm my suspicions as to why, and to rip everything out and plan afresh with an eye to doing it right. The grand-tenants (two owners past) extended the house in two directions, and while they made many good choices, they cut a lot of corners DIYing it. That they sold it soon after suggests why. Anyway, I spent a happy hour this evening watching videos and pricing up materials. This will be my third complete bathroom rebuild and I've made most of the obvious mistakes and learned a lot, so it should be an enjoyable project.

YouTube how-to videos are truly one of the miracles of the Internet age.
posted by pipeski at 2:45 PM on January 6 [8 favorites]

Falcons (2016)

Been planning my reading for 2025. In early 2020 I started The Peregrine by J.A. Baker. It was great but then the world came unglued and I set it aside. Now I really want to read it but I cannot find my copy. I'm sure it'll turn up. Meanwhile we can all enjoy this video that my brother sent me of his peregrine friend.
posted by neuron at 2:48 PM on January 6 [4 favorites]

Greetings from the Southern Hemisphere where everything is hot and horrible. Yesterday's brutal heat (41c) has given way at long last to overcast and rain. The whole place is brown and crackly and there was a smell in the air that I always associate with the New Year - it's a weird perfume of dessicated gum trees, the resinous smell of bottlebrushes and wattle trees, and the faint foreboding tang of a distant bushfire.

All of that was wiped away at about 2am this morning with a nice thunderstorm and rain and although that smell means home in some indefinable way, I'm glad to sit here with my cat and suck up lungfuls of petrichor. The AC and humidifiers are off and the windows are wide open to a pleasant 19c and I'm listening to the downspouts glugging happily and my army of frogs going absolutely MENTAL. I'm not sure if the rain will be enough to save my veggie garden that absolutely cooked in the heat and dryness, despite watering multiple times a day but it's sure going to help.

We're on tank water only, so I'll take the opportunity to fill up the swimming pool so the filter can actually function, and I have to remember to buy another pool thermometer as unaccountably the Celcius numbers on the current one have all washed off, leaving only the Fahrenheit ones. The pool is currently 85f, which I find a little too warm for comfort - it's like swimming in my own sweat.
posted by ninazer0 at 3:14 PM on January 6 [8 favorites]

I just learned about the holding-space-for-gravity promo interview for Wicked, which was apparently a hot meme for two seconds in November. It's wonderful.
posted by paper chromatographologist at 3:30 PM on January 6 [1 favorite]

Oh boy. It's been snowin' AF here in No You Don't, and yesterday my next door neighbor cleared out his driveway and mine with his snowblower, but it snowed enough since then that I got stuck in the driveway anyhow.
He was home, and got me out, but hoo-boy is the snow piling up here. Amusing, given that all the early-December snow had melted by Christmas.
posted by Mister Moofoo at 3:46 PM on January 6 [4 favorites]

Meanwhile we can all enjoy this video that my brother sent me of his peregrine friend.

So sleepy! So fuzzy! They are adorable floofs until you see them atomizing a pigeon at close quarters. Had an office with a perry nest outside it in downtown Toronto. So many severed pigeon wings and sprays of blood ensued.. But a falcon gotta falc on, I guess.

How am I doing? I could be doing better. Frankly, too demoralized about having to look for work that, of course, I'm not looking for work effectively. ms scruss has been away for ages, and all my NY travel plans were disrupted by COVID and flu down south so I wasn't able to join. The house has become an abject habitat pile. My brother's just been diagnosed with Parkinson's, which is what ultimately took my dad out. My own doctor is breezily dismissive: he tells me not to worry unless I show symptoms.

One tiny bit of good news: my niece came out to her parents over the holidays and it went better than expected. She confided in us some time ago, and we've done all we can to support her despite the physical distance.
posted by scruss at 4:15 PM on January 6 [9 favorites]

neuron, that is a lovely peregrine! And I added that book to read next, after I finish the pigeon one I'm on now. They would seem to make a good set.

Last winter I got a little into birding, this is the best season for it here, as some of the northern and Arctic birds overwinter here. On New Year's Day I went on a guided bird walk that covered half a dozen sites through this county, very good experience! Also, some amusements. The guide was pointing out the color patch on a female green winged teal duck, it's on the part of the wing called the speculum. Another woman in our group commented, that's not the association I have with that word! The (male) guide looked confused, asked what else the word means, so I gave him a brief explanation of pap smears, haha! I spoke with the other woman later, found out she's a med student resident at the same (massive) hospital where I work. I said I do ultrasound there, she told me a funny story of when one of her fellow residents ordered an ultrasound wrong, and the tech called to clarify. I said, yeah, I remember that, I was the tech who called - an order had been placed on mom, when it was supposed to be on the newborn. And it's a scan we only do on babies, not adults. What are the odds, huge hospital, two random people out birding, and we have a work story in common!

This week the goal is to get the rest of my Christmas cards out - we're just accepting that they are new year's cards now. Last night I got two really lovely cards in the mail, responses from cards I had sent! One person I've sent to before but not heard back, the other was newly added to my list this year! So sweet, it about made me cry.
posted by dorey_oh at 4:36 PM on January 6 [8 favorites]

I made veal scallopini tonight and it was pretty badass.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 6:14 PM on January 6 [3 favorites]

Welp, I COMPLETELY CRAPPED UP the audition amd was the first to be called out by name to be sent home early. I am so horribly mad at myself for sucking, I just could not stop. No matter how much I practice, I just SUCK.
posted by jenfullmoon at 8:53 PM on January 6 [3 favorites]

Don't beat yourself up, jenfullmoon. You had an off night. Next time might be an entirely different story.
posted by sardonyx at 9:28 PM on January 6 [3 favorites]

I have earned my bad reputation. Nothing you can do about that. My voice just utterly could not sing for shit at that moment and I embarrassed myself. I can't maintain good enough singing voice at an audition when it takes me an hour of lesson to get to the point my teacher's happy with, and that's on me.

I am now doing a last minute video audition for another theater real damn quick (due tomorrow). Thankfully it's just reading Shakespeare off Zoom :P
posted by jenfullmoon at 9:48 PM on January 6 [2 favorites]

Life is, I’m starting to recognize, mostly about failing. But it’s the Beckett quote which, at the far side of 50 I’ve finally started to comprehend: „Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.“ enjoy the failing and the trying - and that you have a concept of how you could do better is enormous - it gives you a path forward.
posted by From Bklyn at 11:49 PM on January 6 [6 favorites]

jenfullmoon, it's really hard to maintain a voice after 30-something if you don't have the time to care for it professionally every day. Heck, even the greatest singers lose a bit of their range and strength with time (though obviously not as much as us mere mortals). Be kind to yourself.

Today, all the snow has disappeared, but the wind is fierce. And it's raining. I'm trying to get myself out of the house to get some firewood (from a barn, not outdoors) and it's hard.

I'm also trying to bake a farinata for the first time. The dough has a really pleasant smell, so I am looking forward to the result.
posted by mumimor at 2:23 AM on January 7 [2 favorites]

I unexpectedly took in some foster kittens over the weekend. This was supposed to be a confidence builder, there are only two, and they were supposed to be just needing a couple weeks more of socialization to make them ready for an adoption floor. They were also supposed to both be about 8-9 weeks old, which isn’t too challenging for socialization. The rest of their siblings were better socialized and all went into the adoption pipeline as normal over the weekend.

Turns out one of them is actually from an older litter and is 13-14 weeks old. That’s a lot more challenging for socialization. It rapidly gets harder after 12 weeks. That one’s name is Ceylon, and I can tell she’s going to be a hard case. She’s getting slightly more relaxed in the new environment, but she’s got a long road.

Fortunately, Sencha, the other one, really is younger, and she’s already starting to open up a bit. I can hand feed her treats, and she was willing to explore the room after breakfast while I was still in there, and I could play with her with a toy on a string. She’s going to do okay.

One of the people responsible for putting me in this unexpectedly challenging situation is coming over tonight to give me some socialization training. And she’s bringing some Thai food by way of apology as well. She didn’t realize Ceylon’s age when she talked me into this gig. They apparently came from a fairly chaotic multi-litter situation, and these two fell through the cracks when it came to human interaction.
posted by notoriety public at 6:00 AM on January 7 [7 favorites]

Okay, I am really really liking the substitute super (soon to be permanent super).

He came by this morning to do a job somewhere else in the building, but stopped by first just to confirm whether our heat really was fixed - the plumber told him the job was done but he wanted to make sure we agreed. I told him we were all set and thanked him.

Then noticed something wild while sitting here in my office. We have a problem with rats in the walls - one exacerbated because one of the outside walls faces an alley that our neighboring building didn't always allow us access to. Fortunately that's now changed, and the regular super was out there after dark one night plugging up a whole line of holes along the foundation. That helped things a bit - but we still heard the occasional scurry in the walls.

Then while sitting here in my office (which faces that alley wall) I glanced up: and there was a rat shimmying up the security gate over the window like he was climbing a fireman pole. I watched him climb all the way up, and then disappear - and then heard scurrying in the walls.

Fortunately the super was hanging around in the hallway, so I was able to call him back in ("dude, you're not gonna BELIEVE this"). I pointed out what I saw, and he went right back out there for a look and is now gathering the tools to plug up the coffee-mug-sized hole he found.

....New York, New York, it's a hell of a town....
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 7:01 AM on January 7 [9 favorites]

My 15 year old cat named Leeroy died. I feel like he could have lasted a few days or weeks longer. He ran out of his prescription food and I couldn't get more right away and he wouldn't eat anything else unless I was in the room with him and giving him attention. He didn't like the food I gave him as substitute for his RX food. I had to keep him in a room by himself to keep the other cats from eating his food or bothering him. I wasn't able to check on him frequently enough because I have 8 cats and it is hard to give them all the attention and care they need. So he was in the room by himself for about 24 hours with the food he doesn't like and no attention, I think he just starved himself because I wasn't there. I feel like I am in a similar situation, unless people visit me regularly and help me, I become very unmotivated, depressed, and don't take care of myself.
posted by GiantSlug at 7:36 AM on January 7 [10 favorites]

Big hearts to you, GiantSlug. I have six cats, and it’s an investment giving them all love each day. Plus of course the two high-need kittens I just mentioned.

It sounds like Leeroy was tired. Cats will go when they’re ready to go. They don’t always ask. You loved him as much as you could.
posted by notoriety public at 8:03 AM on January 7 [5 favorites]

I need to update my profile pic soon as I no longer have the Shoney's Big Boy haircut, but instead am at a Willem Dafoe in Nosferatu level of silver man shag, hopefully on my way to the full Jeff Bridges.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 8:14 AM on January 7 [3 favorites]

supermedusa: my biggest new year news is probably that my husband ***FINALLY*** got a CPAP.

Tell him that if he has the full-face mask then it's mandatory that he do an impression of Bane in The Dark Knight Rises for social media.

Things in my life are generally calming down for the moment. I've regretfully decided that I'll not be attending the memorial service of the second aunt who died last month, due to all the respiratory crap that's going 'round, but the family thoughtfully arranged for the service to be Zoomed, so that's good.
posted by Halloween Jack at 9:35 AM on January 7 [2 favorites]

I saw that Merriam-Webster posted this on Bluesky:

Take a screenshot of this GIF, and whichever new word you land on is YOUR word for 2025.

I clicked 3 times in a row and got insatiable   spaghetti   smackdown
Which incidentally is my new sockpuppet name.
posted by Greg_Ace at 11:33 AM on January 7 [3 favorites]

I never had much to work with in the first place, but yeah, it took me an hour of pre-audition lesson to get everything going right, then trying to keep my voice "warm" for about 2 hours for the audition to happen, and I still lost it. Which frankly, nobody else did. Just me. I think I need to accept that I am just Not Good and reconfigure my dreams accordingly.

I did submit a video audition for another show today at Theater #3, so there's that. I'm not as into that one (Tempest), but since they seem to be begging for auditioners, I'm guessing they didn't get very many, and if I was so bad I can't even get into ensemble (the director indicated he'd limit the cast to 25-30 and I don't know how many were in the first night), then that'll be a backup option, I suppose.
posted by jenfullmoon at 11:41 AM on January 7 [1 favorite]

I got "uplifting" and "acidulous," which tracks, honestly.

You know people say they have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other?

I think of mine as Mister Rogers on one shoulder and General Zod on the other.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 11:42 AM on January 7 [1 favorite]

I too have General Zod, but Neil Armstrong instead of Mr. Rogers. That way I can constantly reference the old "Neil before Zod" joke.
posted by Greg_Ace at 11:49 AM on January 7 [2 favorites]

"Acidulous," "Immaculate," and "Whimsical," which I think actually sums up my entire life.

Still looking for a job. Idk what I'm doing wrong.
posted by cooker girl at 12:19 PM on January 7

I got vogueish twice, so again, I suppose the universe has something it really wants me to hear. But vogueish???? What am I supposed to do with that? What does it even mean? (I'll look it up now)
posted by mumimor at 12:26 PM on January 7 [2 favorites]

Oh, there is no e.
posted by mumimor at 12:27 PM on January 7 [1 favorite]

I got TOXIC.

it's gonna be a hell of a year.

I'm interviewing for an experienced environmental person on my team, and 2 of the 3 candidates we have talked to so far have asked about the impact of TFG on our work... SIGH.
posted by suelac at 12:37 PM on January 7 [3 favorites]

I got spaghetti and sweet tooth and these are very at odds with my stated goal of losing weight in 2025. Booo.
posted by mygothlaundry at 12:45 PM on January 7 [3 favorites]

I live across the road from a lake. It has frozen, been snowed on, opened back up, been rained on, and with several days of cold weather, it is pretty smooth and frozen. Someone just whizzed by on skates, and while people definitely skate here, it's not a typical sight. I was feeding the wood stove , and I plan to stay near it. It's seasonably chilly in the low 20s F, but it's windy, and I like to be warm.

I'm claiming mojo antic whimsical.
posted by theora55 at 12:51 PM on January 7 [6 favorites]

I got juvenile. I feel that's my word every year.
posted by a non mouse, a cow herd at 1:28 PM on January 7 [3 favorites]

I volunteered at the Polar Opposite Peachtree Race on Saturday, and managed to pick up a little virus. Not COVID or flu or norovirus, just a little grumbly tummy and fever. But still, not a great way to start a new semester. I'm trying to be optimistic about the spring semester, and not think about all the other things going on in the world.
posted by hydropsyche at 4:32 PM on January 7 [1 favorite]

I got a grant from these people that covers my housing for the next 3 months here at the halfway house. Another charity, a religious one, has been paying my health insurance premiums since the flood and I now get EBT for food so I am pretty much ok now. I thought about getting a vehicle but I'm only shelling out 6 bucks each way to work and a car would be much more. My son started college last year on a scholarship so I don't have to worry about him.

I really enjoy my job and it makes me feel good to see the difference I make in quality of life for the people I take care of. Things are going better than I deserve.
posted by Mr. Yuck at 5:17 PM on January 7 [9 favorites]

It's been a long dry summer and winter here in Pasadena. Right now we're getting hammered with cold dry Santa Ana's. The Palisades are on fire - a friend had to evacuate her family out of there and they're waiting to see if their home survives the night.

Meanwhile, as the winds howl around us (30 mph sustained with hurricane level gusts), the canyon above the freeway (Eaton) has spouted off and is already at 200 acres. The air is smoky. I've lost one tree. Some of my neighbor's roof is in the yard and this is the first time I've seen Go and Set evacuation orders this close to my house.

Fun times. Definitely need to improve the fit of some of these windows, but the house is a hundred years old, so....
posted by drewbage1847 at 7:51 PM on January 7 [3 favorites]

Ooh, I just got "luxuriant" for the screenshot. Promising!
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 7:59 PM on January 7

I got Uplifting, then Crestfallen, then Providential. So, all okay except for that toothpaste incident in the middle.
posted by taz at 8:14 PM on January 7 [5 favorites]

Quite the toothpaste-smeared roller-coaster ride!
posted by Greg_Ace at 8:55 PM on January 7 [1 favorite]

And now the power is out. Joy
posted by drewbage1847 at 9:19 PM on January 7 [2 favorites]

aaargh, drewbage1847!
posted by taz at 12:31 AM on January 8

Oh, GiantSlug, I'm so sorry about Leroy. Thinking of you.
posted by paduasoy at 1:42 AM on January 8

I had my fourth and final interview for a job I really want. The guy showed up slightly late, had never looked at my resume, and was sour and dismissive. I think I did my level best and maybe had him thinking I was fine by the end. But it wasn't a slam dunk at all.

So I'm now stuck hoping I was good enough for him not to want to stand in the way of the other people who all really liked me because if he takes much more interest than that, it's probably a no.

I woke up at 3 am and just stared at the ceiling grumbling for two hours.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 5:53 AM on January 8 [7 favorites]

I got derelict acidulous rampage. I am not sure what to make of that.
2023 sucked in slow motion, and 2024 sucked continuously. I am hoping that, one step at a time, 2025 can be better.
posted by Multicellular Exothermic at 6:17 AM on January 8 [2 favorites]

I got derelict acidulous rampage

Derelict Acidulous Rampage is possibly my favorite Guided by Voices album. Did you get the vinyl reissue or the original CD pressing?
posted by DirtyOldTown at 6:21 AM on January 8 [6 favorites]

Possibly my favorite Guided by Voices album. Did you get it on the new vinyl or the original CD pressings?
Second-generation bootleg cassette, all the way! :)
posted by Multicellular Exothermic at 6:32 AM on January 8 [3 favorites]

I got immaculate, flawless and mythical.

Yesterday was our 25th wedding anniversary. We celebrated with quiet meal and attending a hockey game.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 7:18 AM on January 8 [5 favorites]

Oh hey, today is two months sober for me.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 7:53 AM on January 8 [15 favorites]

I got derelict acidulous rampage.

An antacid tablet should clear that right up.
posted by Greg_Ace at 8:22 AM on January 8 [3 favorites]

They said no on that job I wanted. Eh well.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 3:02 PM on January 8

Sorry to hear that, DirtyOldTown. Being in this boat sucks, can we get a refund? Or at least some gratis snacks?
posted by cooker girl at 4:53 PM on January 8 [2 favorites]

I'm up far too late grading exam papers. I could wait, but I'm in a flow.

Anyway, today while I was walking the dog in an area with a lot of holiday cottages, I came to think of the strange fact that there are no Mouse Roads in Denmark. The area I was walking in had roads named after the local fauna. Like Squirrel Road, Badger Road and Beaver Road, just to name a few. And then I thought that the animal I see most on my walks, apart from the deer and all the birds, are dead mice, and sometimes live mice, too. Why is there no Mouse Road? So when I came home, I looked it up. No Mouse Roads in the whole country. Strange, I wonder what people who name roads think.
posted by mumimor at 5:11 PM on January 8 [4 favorites]

Perhaps they're worried about getting sued by Disney?
posted by Greg_Ace at 5:16 PM on January 8 [1 favorite]

I don't have it in me to make a post today, but blessings of Bowiemas to all who celebrate.
posted by ob1quixote at 7:02 PM on January 8 [5 favorites]

mumimor, because no one wants to buy or sell a holiday cottage on Mouse Road? It's just asking for trouble! Tiny furry trouble! Yet I would probably buy a cottage on Tribble Road. Because humans are strange.
posted by taz at 11:23 PM on January 8 [2 favorites]

Also I feel like there's a Gary Larsen cartoon in here somewhere.
posted by taz at 11:25 PM on January 8 [3 favorites]

I had to check Mouse Roads in the UK. There's a Mouse Lane in Steyning, a Mouse Hill in Walsall and a Mousebank Lane and Road in Lanark. There's also a house called Mousecroft in Catsfield, Battle, which amused me.
posted by paduasoy at 1:31 AM on January 9 [7 favorites]

I love Mousecroft in Catsfield, Battle! ✨ It's a whole fantasy book series in four words!
posted by taz at 2:17 AM on January 9 [6 favorites]

Yesterday we went to Washington, D.C. and attended the visitation for Jimmy Carter as he lay in state at the Capitol. After that, we went to the National Museum of African American History and Culture (first time for us). It was a long day, but very glad we went.
posted by cupcakeninja at 4:27 AM on January 9 [5 favorites]

The rental company finally sent our lease packet! It cannot be e-signed, I have to print out copies in triplicate and return them in person, which feels ridiculous in 2025, but hey, at least my magical $8.99-salvation-army printer was happy to oblige me!
posted by needs more cowbell at 10:16 AM on January 9

I think this review of American Primeval is pretty spot on.
posted by Catblack at 5:19 PM on January 9

I am working 11-7 tonight and have to be back for a double starting at 3 pm tomorrow. We are supposed to get 6 inches of snow tomorrow, all in a few hours. My manager suggested I sleep here in the extra room. It will be a luxury for me. I'm looking forward to the nice bed and especially looking forward to seeing the reactions of the people I care for when the snow comes.
posted by Mr. Yuck at 9:22 PM on January 9 [1 favorite]

I definitely did not get into Young Frankenstein. I feel like such a fucking loser. I hate myself. No more musicals for 2025 now for me. My singing teacher wanted to book for next week and I restrained myself from saying "why bother," but only just.

Haven't heard anything about the video audition yet. There are a couple of other auditions coming up this month. I have no excitement about what they are offering (depressing Shakespeare, depressing Shakespeare, and the 10 minute play shows that are, guess what, mostly men, or wives, and one penguin), but they are Small Potatoes and frankly, I need the tiniest of potatoes. Looks like I may be taking the dreaded Break this winter for not getting into things since I suck lately.

I did like how the new small theater said they didn't want this to be the reason anyone stops enjoying theater, so there's that, at least.

In other fun challenges today, I have theater tickets in my hometown tomorrow as a Christmas present, but I don't know if Mom and her boyfriend, who I'd be staying with, still have covid or not and trying to get them to test seems to be a pulling teeth situation here. I don't even know if it's safe to be in the house if they've been sick in there for 1.5 weeks or whatever even if they test negative.

Can't wait to go home and drink.
posted by jenfullmoon at 11:23 AM on January 10 [1 favorite]

Mom's boyfriend is testing slightly positive still, so I think I'm out for going there this weekend. Sounds like they are amenable to rescheduling without giving me shit about it, at least.
posted by jenfullmoon at 2:49 PM on January 10 [2 favorites]

I have received some bad news; I won't be online for a while. Could someone else please pick up the baton of doing a Free Thread on Monday(s) from this one coming.

Thank you.
posted by Wordshore at 1:41 PM on January 11 [8 favorites]

Sorry to hear this, Wordshore; I hope things will improve. We all will be keeping you in our thoughts.
posted by taz at 1:40 AM on January 12 [2 favorites]

I think I regularly need people to remind me that I am better at controlling my spending during the lean times than I think I am. Sometime last week I went into a mini spiral because "I have three big expenses coming this week that I can't dodge and I don't have unemployment and I get my last paycheck from helljob but then THAT'S IT and I don't have anything lined up ACK"; but my acupuncture buddy gave me a bit of a come-to-Jesus pep talk and job hunt tutorial during my last session, and I was able to bounce back.

And thus - I have nearly an entire months' worth of cash in my checking account right now, even AFTER the out-of-pocket dentist visit and the hair appointment and said acupuncture all in the same week. AND - I have so much food stored up that my last grocery run I only needed sugar and milk and that's it. I have two weeks left in the month and I may only have to dip into my savings for a few hundred dollars to make my rent payment.

And even better - I have a very strong lead on some temp work, and I also have an offer to do the light board for a play that runs the first two weeks of February. In theory, I could even do both (the temp job is five blocks from the theater). I'm pretty much sold on the light board gig, and if the temp gig doesn't pan out I'd be able to handle rent just through that.

I....just might be okay.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 8:18 AM on January 12 [6 favorites]

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