"everyone has a personal stake.... Some people just don’t know it yet."
January 27, 2025 8:54 AM   Subscribe

Two bittersweet scifi stories where women navigate genetics, relationships, and how hard it is to make a living. The New Mother is a 2015 novella by Eugene Fischer (caution for sexual assault, medical horror, and harm to children and pregnant people): Without her prescription bottles, all she had left were words. Pliant letters on the page. The story was what mattered. (Author's notes, reviews, and awards.) "The Donor" is a 2024 short story by Bernie Jean Schiebeling (audio, author's moodboard): There was no way that Cleo’s eyes couldn’t mean a new, better, lovelier life. A lovelier life for both of them.

Disclaimer: I know Fischer through SF/F circles, such as the Otherwise Award.
posted by brainwane (2 comments total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
The New Mother was so interesting, thank you for sharing.
posted by larthegreat at 5:49 PM on January 27 [1 favorite]

Fascinated that The New Mother was published 10 yrs ago! I'm reading it slowly as it is just packed with genetics and ethics and policy, and it all is well thought out and realistic (IMO) so far. Very readable, very well structured and clear in how it builds from one topic to another. Will have to look for more by this author.

Thank you for posting these.
posted by beaning at 8:38 PM on January 28 [1 favorite]

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