"We need to 'pull out' of....WHO?"
January 29, 2025 6:54 AM   Subscribe

(Some of) Trump's Wildest Executive Orders Explained [slyt] Daily Show correspondent, comedian, and wearer of grey hoodies Josh Johnson does a 40 minute set with political humor.
posted by otherchaz (14 comments total) 12 users marked this as a favorite
I am having the hardest time re-engaging with political humor after the election. I'm a longtime fan of Seth Meyers, would often seek out Colbert, Kimmel, Stewart monologues, found solace in how effortless it seemed to riff on the absurdity of all things related to TFG. But it didn't work, it didn't move the needle, and it seems that the power of satire to provide clarity amidst the fog of bullshit information failed to sway any of the minds I would have thought sensible enough to the get message.
And now it's not so funny, and it all just seems like screaming into the wind, and I can't even muster the energy (or courage) to put my eyes to it.
Sorry. I'm sure there's a chuckle or two here, and this is probably a lousy first comment, so delete if necessary.
posted by OHenryPacey at 7:24 AM on January 29 [18 favorites]

> And now it's not so funny

Nah, I think this sums it up perfectly. Comedy might be a balm, but it's also a kind of placebo that takes the place of an effective remedy.
posted by I-Write-Essays at 7:38 AM on January 29 [1 favorite]

You're right, comedy didn't singlehandedly end oppression. Good catch. That was and is it's purpose and it has failed us. Comedians should have ignored politics entirely, or just quit comedy to become journalists.

But seriously, I'm not saying you have to have the stomach to watch this. Avoid if it you want it need to. But don't blame it. People who use their talent and effort to draw attention to injustice and try to explain it in ways that make people listen and understand are not the problem. They aren't enough either, but they're doing their part.
posted by Garm at 8:00 AM on January 29 [14 favorites]

I appreciate Josh Johnson’s humour and admire his ability to come up with full sets of new material (good material!) as fast as the news cycle moves. I find him funny and insightful and very human. Thanks for posting!
posted by ThatCanadianGirl at 8:17 AM on January 29 [7 favorites]

Josh Johnson is affiliated with the Daily Show but his standup has a totally different tone. His subject matter is topical and political but also deeply personal, kind, and his rapport with the audience is almost like that of a really engaging friend holding court. Sometimes, depending on the topic, he gets serious and sits there with it - I don’t get any of the flippancy of, say, Stewart’s monologues, from Johnson’s standup work. Anyway my point is, I too have been burned out on political comedy for a few years but Josh Johnson is breathing new life into the medium for me with every new set.
posted by Mizu at 8:54 AM on January 29 [13 favorites]

Josh Johnson is my favorite working comedian these days. I found him through MeFi. My wife had already found him through YouTube, and we'll be seeing his show in DC this summer.

Haven't had the time to check this out yet, but thanks for the heads up.
posted by emelenjr at 9:50 AM on January 29 [9 favorites]

But it didn't work, it didn't move the needle, and it seems that the power of satire to provide clarity amidst the fog of bullshit information failed to sway any of the minds I would have thought sensible enough to the get message.

I think you are saddling satirists with a second job as journalists.

JOURNALISTS are the ones who are supposed to provide that clarity. Satirists are meant to give a particular incisive opinion about a situation, NOT be the source of facts. If the journalists aren't doing their job, it's not the satirists' fault.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 1:54 PM on January 29 [8 favorites]

Josh Johnson is a miracle and the way he can break things down with humanity is amazing. He makes me look forward to Tuesdays. I wish we were actual friends. I love comedians that take their time and seem fully present in the room.
posted by lauranesson at 3:02 PM on January 29 [5 favorites]

Gulf of Cuba -- Name it after a nation that nationalized some hotels. ;)
posted by jeffburdges at 4:42 PM on January 29 [1 favorite]

Josh Johnson really impressed me when he was on David Cross's podcast.

I think he annoyed David Cross (he was late, if I recall correctly), and at some point early in the podcast, David starts to neg Josh, kind of Hollywood-Handbook-style. David proceeded to challenge every point that Josh made, and no-sold any attempts at humor or connection.

Josh kept his cool, stayed present, and engaged genuinely with any point that David made. His poise and intelligence eventually won David over, and he began to talk to him again in earnest.

Josh Johnson is an incredible talent. Really curious to see what he does next.
posted by ishmael at 5:39 PM on January 29 [3 favorites]

Josh Johnson is my favorite working comedian right now. He seems so genuine, so in the moment -- and yet he's so consistent and funny. I don't know how he does what he does: other comedians work and rework their material, but he goes out there every night and seems to have new things to say every time. it's amazing.
posted by suelac at 8:10 PM on January 29 [4 favorites]

Josh Johnson’s The Failure, Fear, and Frenzy Around Luigi Mangione is a jaw-droppingly great set.

“And I think that for CEOs that was a terrifying moment. Because it was the first time - that they saw - that we see them the way they see us.”

All the devastating truth of Carlin or Hicks at their peak, but delivered with kindness and compassion and …that feeling of a good friend dropping a brilliant unscripted take that just makes you so happy they’re your friend. Absolutely love his work.
posted by Ryvar at 8:37 PM on January 29 [10 favorites]

This set, despite the topic, is actually uplifting and positive. I've loved Josh for a while and eagerly look forward to his Tuesday evening drops each week.
posted by honey badger at 6:18 AM on January 30 [3 favorites]

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