Indie animated sci-fi short series: Deep Space Discounts
January 31, 2025 7:33 AM   Subscribe

The fifth and final episode of the season premieres today (assuming you read this on 31st January 2025). Each episode is 5-10 minutes. Link to the trailer, which is part of a playlist of the whole thing. This is a really charming, funny, well characterised little show. It's entirely scripted, directed and animated by DeepBlueInk, who has been mentioned on Mefi before as a fan animator.

There's some fanart and discussion on Tumblr, though watch out for spoilers.
posted by Shark Hat (5 comments total) 13 users marked this as a favorite
Deep Space Discounts is a lovely little show, and the fact that DeepBlueInk has done most of it himself is incredible. It’s quite an achievement. I hope he gets to make more, like he said he wants to.
posted by gc at 9:00 AM on January 31 [1 favorite]

The posters are great.

posted by adamrice at 9:15 AM on January 31 [1 favorite]

This is awesome!

Also DeepBlueInk's little 2-minute animations of Drawfee and Dropout bits are incredible.

Deviled Egg
Oreo CEO
David Attenborough Hates Toads
Bobby Hill
posted by mmoncur at 1:54 PM on January 31 [2 favorites]

Deep Space Discounts is fun! I've extracted an MP3 of the theme.
posted by RichardP at 4:23 PM on January 31 [1 favorite]

I know about Deep Blue Ink because of Drawfee, who has had their own show Drawtectives for a few years. I've been thinking of making a post about it and because of this I probably will!
posted by phunniemee at 5:27 PM on January 31 [1 favorite]

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