"We Have Rights" - what to do when ICE shows up
January 31, 2025 11:45 AM   Subscribe

We Have Rights - “The agents lied to Esther, saying they were police officers investigating a crime, and her husband, Alexei, was a potential witness. ‘Is Alexei home?’ they asked innocently. Esther’s gut told her she should cooperate, but she remembered something she’d heard on the radio. ICE had been making early morning sweeps using tricks like this to get people to open their doors. Esther remembered: she had rights.” (a collaborative project of Brooklyn Defenders, Witness, MediaTank Productions, and Variant)

Know Your Rights Toolkit - “Advocates and community members can work together to fight messages of fear and panic by helping community members learn about their rights and how to protect themselves from ICE.” The Know Your Rights Toolkit includes a family preparedness plan template, printable red cards, a legal aid directory, and know-your-rights resources in eight languages. (Via the Immigrant Legal Resource Center)

Know Your Rights Two-Pager - "Talk to an immigration services provider about your immigration options / Make a child care and family preparedness plan / Figure out which documents you should and should not carry with you / Make sure you and others know what to do if approached by ICE officers / If you can do so safely, take photos of, video record, document and report raids and arrests" (via the Immigrant Legal Resource Center)

Know Your Rights: If Ice Visits Your Home - “You do not have to open the door or let the officers into your home unless they have a valid search warrant signed by a judge. An ICE deportation warrant is not the same as a search warrant. If this is the only document they have, they cannot legally come inside unless you verbally agree to let them in.” (via the American Immigration Lawyers Association)

Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Schools - "On January 21, 2025, the Department of Homeland Security announced a new policy allowing immigration officers and agents to carry out enforcement actions—including arrests and searches—of undocumented immigrants in 'sensitive locations' including schools and churches...There are additional resource links at the end of the document." (via the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates)

What to Do if Immigration Comes to Your Workplace - “If ICE agents enter a public area of your business, say: ‘I am the employer. You cannot go to other areas of the workplace without my permission.’ If ICE agents try to enter a private area, say: ‘This is a private area. You cannot enter without a judicial warrant signed by a judge. Do you have a judicial warrant?’” (Via the National Law Immigration Center)

After Day One: A High-Level Analysis of Trump’s First Executive Actions - “To get a handle on what these executive orders do, it is worth pointing out what they do not do: focus on immigrants convicted of serious crimes. The initial wave of executive actions scales up a ‘mass deportation’ operation that everyone without legal status in the United States will be highly vulnerable to on the first day these practices go into effect. Indeed, by invoking the registration provision, the Trump administration is threatening to turn all immigrants into criminals by setting them up for the 'crime' of failing to register.” (Via the American Immigration Council)
posted by ourobouros (21 comments total) 53 users marked this as a favorite

So presumably a place of worship is the workplace of the minister / rabbi etc? and if they are taught/know this that could stop a lot of this evil nonsense.
posted by unearthed at 12:50 PM on January 31 [3 favorites]

The law makes a distinction between public and private spaces -- ICE has a lot more leeway in spaces open to the public. I'm seeing a lot of organizations working hard right now to figure out what is public and what is private within their facility; I'm sure places of worship are doing the same.
posted by ourobouros at 12:54 PM on January 31 [5 favorites]

ICE grabbed a neighbor yesterday (out here on our island in Puget Sound, not exactly where you'd expect the thugs to hit first--we don't even have a large community of immigrants). A couple of friends who live right next door said it was unmarked white vans, guns drawn, all the usual fascist bullshit.
posted by maxwelton at 1:14 PM on January 31 [14 favorites]

I'm working my way through these links.

I'm immediately thinking that there would be immense value in printing up a ton of "know your rights" flyers with the basics of what the ACLU videos describe for people to post in their homes (on the interior side of every entrace/exit door ideally). If law enforcement comes banging at the door, it would be super handy to have a To-Do guide literally posted in front of you.

I found several on the know your rights page of the iAmerica website (the national immigrant justice campaign platform of the Service Employees International Union, SEIU)... ...but the "come to your door" one is missing the detail about asking to see a judge-signed, court-ordered warrant (rather than some other official-looking document) or that you have the right to photograph those docs. Additionally, the advice to take notes or photos with your phone means your phone will be unlocked. Presumably you'd want to be locking that down.
posted by neuracnu at 1:35 PM on January 31 [3 favorites]

So presumably a place of worship is the workplace of the minister / rabbi etc?

Or, since it’s a house of God, they’d have to present the warrant to God…
posted by GenjiandProust at 2:11 PM on January 31 [4 favorites]

This Know Your Rights: If Ice Comes to Your Home flyer does have a good, brief description of the judicial warrant vs. non-judicial ICE warrant distinction. Highly recommend sharing copies and posting in public and private spaces.
posted by ourobouros at 2:11 PM on January 31 [5 favorites]

They're referenced in the post, but:
The Know Your Rights Red Cards were created to help people assert their rights and defend themselves against constitutional violations. Knowing and asserting rights can make a huge difference in many situations, such as when ICE agents go to a home. Red cards provide critical information on how to assert these rights, along with an explanation to ICE agents that the individual is indeed asserting their rights.
If anyone wants to go in together on an order of 1000+, DM me.
posted by Doofus Magoo at 2:48 PM on January 31 [6 favorites]

As actual citizens have been detained--
Glad I had to re-order my birth certificate and marriage license for my Passport Card.
I think I'm just gonna start carrying them with me. (The former shows I was born in California, the latter shows why I have a "white" last name [anglicized Russian].)
posted by luckynerd at 2:48 PM on January 31 [3 favorites]

This is a fantastic collection of resources, thank you for posting.

It may come to a point where wholesale illegal detainment is happening, but it's not happening yet. It is important that people are as informed and empowered as possible in the meantime. If things do come to that dark pass, having a sense of community empowerment beforehand will set the stage for how people respond.
posted by Smedly, Butlerian jihadi at 3:43 PM on January 31 [4 favorites]

Will it come down to showing papers and wearing armbands?
Because that's been done before.

God, I hate these fascists bastards.
posted by BlueHorse at 3:54 PM on January 31 [13 favorites]

I think I'm just gonna start carrying them with me.
Please promise me you'll never leave your passport in your car! You have no idea how often we get folks who have to reapply AND pay the expedite fee because their car got broken into, it's not even funny :-(
posted by The Ardship of Cambry at 3:56 PM on January 31 [12 favorites]

From The Mary Sue:

In an interview on CNN, Homan whined that undocumented migrants living in sanctuary cities are too “educated” about their rights, and that makes them “very difficult” to arrest. Homans statements are another example of the Republican habit of saying the quiet part out loud, implying that the Trump administration blatantly and criminally intends to violate the rights of migrants, and would rather keep those migrants uninformed of their rights in order to facilitate unlawful deportations.

Or as AOC put it: "Yes, this administration is dangerous and cruel, but they are also shockingly dim and incompetent. [...] Resist every demand. Refuse entry without a warrant. Don’t take the buyout. Their problem solving skills are 📉"
posted by zompist at 4:27 PM on January 31 [15 favorites]

Here's a nifty little map site called people over papers that was linked in the reddit post above.

"People over Papers (anonymous/anónimo)
Our purpose is to collect data on sightings; the locations are not confirmed sightings; however, they are reviewed by moderators. Please take this information with caution and account for human error. Use this information to cross-reference with your state or local rapid response networks. We do not condone any violence."
posted by nikoniko at 4:37 PM on January 31 [6 favorites]

Here's a DC metropolitan area spreadsheet of resources. It includes some of what has been already posted here, but also other things, some DC specific and some more national.
posted by gudrun at 6:01 PM on January 31 [3 favorites]

As of this writing over 20 Native Americans have been hassled by ICE, several Tribes have written letters of complaint. It's not about whether anyone is here legally or not, it's about whiteness. People who aren't white enough for ICE will be harassed and they will make an effort to arrest and deport them.

As the courts slip ever further Trumpward the pigs gain broader powers and those efforts will become successful more and more frequently.

During the highly offensively named "Operation Wetb@ck" during the 1950's an unknown but non-zero number of American citizens were deported. Trump intends to do even worse.
posted by sotonohito at 6:17 PM on January 31 [11 favorites]

Not sure if this story from 2020 about a Greyhound bus driver dealing with ICE agents is true, but it doesn't really matter--it's the spirit we should all be emulating right now.
posted by zardoz at 7:03 PM on January 31 [2 favorites]

"they cannot legally come inside unless you verbally agree to let them in"

they can't come in unless invited... who does that remind us of, hmm?

fucking vampires, that's who
posted by cnidaria at 7:16 PM on January 31 [10 favorites]

The above remedies and rights are very important in a Constitutionally-driven society. The implication is, of course, that the authorities also recognize and respect their Constitutional limits and the obligations that laws impose and that courts will apply appropriate remedies uniformly when those limits and obligations are ignored.

Right now, we're still there. Kind of. Sort of. Maybe.

Catch-22's most primal form is easy to grasp: They can do anything that we can't stop them from doing. Use every legality, method of documenting everything that happens, witness to their actions, bit of Constitutional knowledge and ounce of cleverness you possess to resist, delay and frustrate these people, but also be aware that some may treat laws and rights as quaint holdovers from a previous era that no longer apply to overzealous door-kickers.
posted by delfin at 7:29 AM on February 1 [4 favorites]

Well, we're not YET at the point where the system has completely failed. How long we can maintain that I don't know.
posted by sotonohito at 6:44 PM on February 1 [1 favorite]

Well, we're not YET at the point where the system has completely failed. How long we can maintain that I don't know.

At best, I would say week to months. But quite possibly mere days.

The time to start acting, in whatever way you can, is now. As I said on another thread a few weeks back, whatever life plan those in the USA had pre-Nov 6 is now shredded, and you need to get a new one into play, pronto. I would also suggest strongly that people in other countries, especially the democracies, need to do so as well. This insanity is going to hit us all, sooner or later.

The longer this shit goes on, the harder it will be to stop and remediate, and time to act effectively is running out very quickly. Forget your previous dreams and hopes. Drop everything else that is not direct related to day-to-day survival, holding your families and communities together, and dealing with this catastrophe. Start now. All of you.

Do. Not. Delay.
posted by Pouteria at 9:14 PM on February 1 [1 favorite]

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