Wicked Show
January 31, 2025 6:30 PM   Subscribe

Sure, you could watch both versions of Wicked Game (thank you, Herb Ritts and David Lynch!). Or you could listen to one of the best Christmas albums to come out in the last 20 years, but why would you when you get the best of all worlds with The Chris Isaak Show? There's a little bit

I'm having a bit of a Chris Isaak moment these days because...well, because he's awesome. As part of this moment, I dredged up a memory of watching The Chris Isaak Show and enjoying it so I went searching.

Season 1 Episode 1: Freud’s Dilemma - The One With The Spitter - Aired March 12, 2001

The New York Times had much to say about the show and here's a little snippet: "''The Chris Isaak Show'' has an appealing offbeat tone, which is set by its star, who always seems mildly baffled by the weirdness of his life, show business and otherwise. There's a deceptive sophistication underlying his own goofy, deadpan humor and the show's sly sex jokes. There's also a lot of casual nudity. This is Showtime, after all." Matches my memory of the show. There's live performances, members of the band with speaking parts, a look at the life of a rock star, relationships, a mermaid therapist with legs...

Only have a few minutes and don't want to get invested in a 50 minute show? 5:15. Also in the intro for episode 5!

Ahhhh, I can tell that you want to be invested...
Episode 2: Fantasia
Episode 3: Crime & Punishment - The One with Mr. Whiskers - Guest Minnie Diver
Episode 4: It's The Music Stupid - The One With the Stalker - Guest Joe Walsh
Episode 5: The Real Me - The One with Cousin Ordell

Oh, you want to be more invested?
posted by ashbury (12 comments total) 11 users marked this as a favorite
The one time I've ever been convinced my wife would totally leave me was when we went to see a Chris Isaak concert with VIP tickets and she got called up on stage for him to sing to her.

He could have whisked her away on his tour bus and I'm not even sure I could be mad about it. Dude packs a ton of charisma with that "hot Roy Orbison"/"sad Elvis" vibe

Still surprised you can't stream the show.
posted by drewbage1847 at 6:48 PM on January 31

What's that you say? Another opportunity to introduce people to the Boy Division cover of Wicked Game? Why, yes please.

More songs should be sung through bullhorns.
posted by phooky at 7:28 PM on January 31 [2 favorites]

I used to love Chris Isaak, but then he just kind of disappeared. I got all excited when he showed up in That Thing You Do and then he kinda disappeared again. Back on the rollercoaster, I guess.

BTW, earlier this week, there was a post about The Mountain Goats, who are themselves, quite awesome.

Guess what they have in common with Chris Isaak.

The only drummer whose name I can remember besides Stuart Copeland: Prairie Prince.

Who's da b …. wait, sorry. Got carried away.
posted by JustSayNoDawg at 7:37 PM on January 31 [1 favorite]

Sure, you could watch both versions of Wicked Game ...

Oh, I really wondered if this would include one of the covers by R.E.M., which they performed on tour a bunch. I guess they're not a super different interpretation, just rough and lo-fi in a nice way that makes me wonder what Chris Isaak would sound like on your car's old radio as you drive through the desert, etc.
posted by Wobbuffet at 7:48 PM on January 31 [1 favorite]

Hamlet has to sing "Wicked Game" in my show, FYI.
posted by jenfullmoon at 11:31 PM on January 31 [1 favorite]

The only drummer whose name I can remember besides Stuart Copeland

Phil Collins?
posted by biffa at 12:21 AM on February 1 [1 favorite]

My favorite bit of Chris Isaak trivia is that he was friends with the late and amazing director Jonathan Demme, and had bit parts in two of his films -- he was the SWAT team commander you see briefly raiding a house in The Silence of the Lambs, and (according to IMDB, I have no memory of this one) played a character called The Clown in Married to the Mob. (I love that movie but just can't place him?)

So I did a little rabbit-hole dive and found an interview (archive.org) where Isaak said Demme actually wanted to cast him in Ray Liotta's part in The Silence of the Lambs -- I think he means the sequel Hannibal-- but was making a record and turned it down. (Maybe a good call?)

He also worked with David Lynch, playing FBI agent Chester Desmond in Fire Walk with Me. A pretty nice acting career for a guy who's primarily a singer...
posted by martin q blank at 8:54 AM on February 1

Isaak was also the voice of Enoch in Over The Garden Wall. I love how he has these weird little ways of popping back into your consciousness when he isn't making music..
posted by KingEdRa at 9:31 AM on February 1 [1 favorite]

He's also great as Tracey Ullman's befuddled husband in the John Waters movie A Dirty Shame. [It's John Waters. You've been warned.]
posted by indexy at 11:50 AM on February 1 [1 favorite]

That black and white video gives me all the tingly feelings. I'm just not sure who they are directed at.
posted by tim_in_oz at 5:16 PM on February 2

Huh. I love that one song, but... This gross moment is when I noped out on Chris Isaak.
posted by Text TK at 1:17 PM on February 3

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posted by Brandon Blatcher (staff) at 5:04 AM on February 22

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