The organic veggie garden that sprang to life on an arid salt pan
February 2, 2025 5:09 AM   Subscribe

In addition to customer support, waste from local supermarkets, cafes and a foodbank is used in making the compost needed to grow produce while keeping it out of landfill.

I think this is one of the keys. Australia has soils leached of nutrients. Compost adds that back and likely helps retain moisture.
posted by leotrotsky at 5:19 AM on February 2 [1 favorite]

Yessss! We need such solarpunk business models to bring community back into the socio-economic relationship
posted by infini at 6:43 AM on February 2 [2 favorites]

more of this, people of the world :)
posted by mahadevan at 8:26 AM on February 2

Most of the missing nutrients imported to that town will be routed through people and turn into human feces. Which can, with care and monitoring, be safely put into soil. Hard to do right without making people think about it more than we’re accustomed to. (Hard to do perfectly at any time.)
posted by clew at 9:40 AM on February 2

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