Federal prosecutor threatens California congressman for criticizing Elon
February 22, 2025 6:39 PM   Subscribe

Operation Whirlwind.

"A federal prosecutor and President Donald Trump ally who made it his mission to safeguard DOGE has escalated his scrutiny of officials who criticize the agency’s leader, Elon Musk, in a letter to a California congressman this week.


“Some” people interpreted Garcia’s remarks as a threat to Musk and his staff, Martin wrote in his letter, describing Musk as “an appointed representative of President Donald Trump who (Garcia calls) a dick.”

The letter appeared to stem from “Operation Whirlwind,” an effort Martin launched to target Democratic politicians and others who publicly assail Musk, according to multiple news outlets. Martin also announced an investigation of Sen. Chuck Schumer, a Democrat from New York, Reuters and other outlets reported. Martin previously defended people who took part in the Jan. 6 coup attempt at the U.S. Capitol, which he also attended."
posted by fubar (38 comments total) 17 users marked this as a favorite
Four and a half weeks in and we’ve reached the “prosecution of political opponents” stage.
posted by jedicus at 6:41 PM on February 22 [54 favorites]

A bit part in the collapse.
posted by Jessica Savitch's Coke Spoon at 6:41 PM on February 22 [2 favorites]

They are quickly overplaying their hand, but this is still going to end in disaster. It feels like we’re maybe 3 to 4 months out from open noncompliance at the state level to the federal government, Trump starving the states of federal funding, and his trying to use the military against his critics. At this point, I’m anticipating that by 2026, the federal government may cease to function altogether and we’ll be dealing with absolute chaos.
posted by reedbird_hill at 6:51 PM on February 22 [33 favorites]

I saw this on BlueSky. He said "What the American public wants is for us to bring actual weapons to this bar fight." I clearly don't think he meant enacting violence, but this sort of outcome is precisely why you don't say stuff like that on the internet. It was extraordinarily unwise of Rep. Garcia to post that comment because it gives the totalitarian state a pretext, however flimsy, to act.

We are in a period of intense surveillance and need to act accordingly if we want to stick around and make a difference.
posted by grumpybear69 at 7:06 PM on February 22 [12 favorites]

My reply to him would be the old “I feel you should be aware that some asshole is signing your name to stupid letters.”
posted by azpenguin at 7:19 PM on February 22 [36 favorites]

I really wish that people who obviously know better would stop giving him the first name treatment.
posted by donio at 7:34 PM on February 22 [1 favorite]

We're in the replace top members of the military with loyalists stage of the ongoing coup.


Whether this can be resolved without total breakdown as states realize appeasement doesn't work so they might as well be openly defiant will come down to how the supreme court rules on these executive overreach cases, I think. They're going this far expecting the court to back them up.
posted by subdee at 7:47 PM on February 22 [15 favorites]

replace top members of the military with loyalists

The Big Lie is designed to be a fascist litmus test - absolute loyalty over truth, even at great personal risk to reputation.

People who pass this test are capable of and willing to do anything if their leader demands it. I am not concerned about the US military being used against it's own citizens - they will have loyalists in the FBI and other internal organizations for that. People like Martin.

I am concerned about what that henchman dedication is capable of internationally with all the military force Trump will eventually pull back from the twin turfs of his fellow emperors. His intentions to abandon Europe have only now become clear to people who were not awake before, and he has just started telegraphing a similar Taiwan intention as I expected

This is like a bad dream where you know what terrible thing is going to happen and you try to warn people or stop it but no one believes you, or your feet are stuck to the ground, or suddenly you can't fly any more.

Anyone else have those? Those dreams suck.
posted by CynicalKnight at 8:07 PM on February 22 [26 favorites]

I clearly don't think he meant enacting violence, but this sort of outcome is precisely why you don't say stuff like that on the internet. It was extraordinarily unwise of Rep. Garcia to post that comment because it gives the totalitarian state a pretext, however flimsy, to act.

I disagree. I saw his original subcommittee testimony and CNN interview on social media, and was thrilled to see a Democratic Party member with a pulse. He used the “dick pic” stunt to get interview time, which he used to highlight the facts of the injustices Musk is perpetrating. Yes, he put a target on his own back, but I’m confident he knew the risks when he did it. We need more Dems to follow his lead and actually use their platforms for something.
posted by bluloo at 8:19 PM on February 22 [45 favorites]

was thrilled to see a Democratic Party member with a pulse
One month after President Trump was sworn in for a second term, Democratic despair and denial are giving way to an angry message from party activists and voters to their leaders.

Do something.

Across the country, anti-Trump protests and fiery town halls are flickering back to life. In polling, Democratic voters are venting disapproval at congressional Democrats. And in interviews this week with voters, activists and elected officials, many said Democrats were failing to curb Mr. Trump or offer a meaningful countermessage.
posted by Lemkin at 8:34 PM on February 22 [17 favorites]

this sort of outcome is precisely why you don't say stuff like that on the internet.

Are you sure we're still living in a time where that matters? "This sort of outcome" appears to be coming hard and fast, whether you're an elected Democrat keeping their head down or meeting this with fighting words.

How each of us goes down is a personal choice
posted by ginger.beef at 9:01 PM on February 22 [26 favorites]

There's no point kowtowing, they'll just move the goalposts. That's what the Canadians realized and they were right.

And like, now there's THREE of them doing Nazi salutes - Elon, Bannon AND Hesdeath. You can't make this up.

Look at this shit!!!
posted by subdee at 9:22 PM on February 22 [25 favorites]

If your goal is to be thrown in jail in 2 years or 2 months instead of today, being silent is great. Because dictators don't stop.

They start with with the loudest. If that succeeds, they keep going. The capacity is going to be based on how many they can arrest and jail per day: being quiet at best just puts you later in the queue.

But everyone who is a sitting member of the democratic party is in that queue. As is anyone who has donated to said party. As are many more.

We have seen this autoritarian cascade in dozens of countries. Heck, USA started doing it with McCarthy's anti-communist crusade.

But that was with people who considered democracy of value. The current crop believes their freedom is incompatible with democracy.

Right now they are limited by the degree of loyalty purges they have done. They have purged the GOP.
And now they are purging the civil service, federal police forces and military (from the top down, but also in the middle).

Once complete they'll have a weaker but loyal US government to turn on their foes, which they'll do without restraint. Ordering DOJ to go after loud political foes acts as a loyalty test. Those that refuse get turfed and replaced.
posted by NotAYakk at 9:38 PM on February 22 [16 favorites]

Whether this can be resolved without total breakdown as states realize appeasement doesn't work so they might as well be openly defiant will come down to how the supreme court rules on these executive overreach cases, I think. They're going this far expecting the court to back them up.
posted by subdee

To the contrary. They are deliberately provoking the SCOTUS to rule against them on one or two critical issues, that they will then twist and pervert into a justification for the final phase of the power grab, via a permanent national emergency and martial law declaration.

There is only one rule you need to guide you about these evil fuckers: However bad you think they are, however extreme you think they will go, the reality it is far worse. This is just the beginning of the mask and gloves coming off. There is no bottom to their cesspit. They will just keep getting worse and worse until forcefully stopped.

Some, like Hegseth, have made it crystal clear that they regard all leftists and Libs and Dems as a mortal enemy to be ruthlessly purged, and the nastier and more public the purge, the better as an example to any who might still be thinking of resisting.

The fascist coup is happening now, in real time, right in front of the whole world. That is not hyperbole.
posted by Pouteria at 9:54 PM on February 22 [44 favorites]

posted by fubar
posted by pulposus at 11:00 PM on February 22 [9 favorites]

donio: "I really wish that people who obviously know better would stop giving him the first name treatment.".

His name is Edward Martin. Or, were you referring to someone else?
posted by techSupp0rt at 12:04 AM on February 23

It was extraordinarily unwise of Rep. Garcia to post that comment because it gives the totalitarian state a pretext, however flimsy, to act.

When has the totalitarian state needed a pretext to act? They will take a pretext if given one, certainly, but in the absence of one they will just create one from whole cloth.

In the meantime, the self-censorship necessitated by this sort of "high road" speak-no-ill strategy both legitimizes the fascists as being deserving of respectful interaction (though admittedly, they would create their own basis for legitimacy were it not provided, so this is neither here nor there), but more importantly: it deprives the opposition of using all the tools at its disposal. And so when the knives come out and the real fighting begins, it's only the fascists—who have been getting comfortable with violence, learning how to use it, and preparing both the physical and psychological means to deploy it—who are ready. Exactly as intended.

Democrats—and whatever remains of the "never-Trump rump"—should feel free to deploy the same language against the right, that the right regularly deploys against them, and if called out for their indecency and lack of decorum, should point out that nothing is being dealt that's not also being regularly received.

Maintaining a moral high ground is not without value, but if this latest election has taught us anything, it's that the American public respects the actual high ground—who has punched and kicked their way to power, means be damned—a lot more than the moral one.

Nobody is going to hand out medals later for dying on the hill of public decency today. Garcia was right to tell Trump's lapdog to pound sand, and it's a shame there aren't more elected officials willing to go at least that far.
posted by Kadin2048 at 12:44 AM on February 23 [37 favorites]

posted by Ten Cold Hot Dogs at 4:48 AM on February 23 [24 favorites]

Leave it to the poets to be concise
posted by Ten Cold Hot Dogs at 4:50 AM on February 23 [2 favorites]

The First Amendment? No one has anything to say about it in this context? Amazing.
posted by SemiSalt at 4:51 AM on February 23 [2 favorites]

Martin must be disbarred immediately.
posted by Inspector.Gadget at 6:32 AM on February 23 [5 favorites]

The First Amendment? No one has anything to say about it in this context? Amazing.

It says Congress will make no law, etc. Congress has exited the law-making business.

Your rights are now what Phony Stark says they are.
posted by Lemkin at 6:36 AM on February 23 [9 favorites]

since we're pulling MCU references, I heard a good one the other day... Tang the Conqueror
posted by kokaku at 7:13 AM on February 23 [9 favorites]

The Distinguished Competition offers "Lex Loser."
posted by Faint of Butt at 8:24 AM on February 23 [15 favorites]

And like, now there's THREE of them doing Nazi salutes - Elon, Bannon AND Hesdeath. You can't make this up.

Look at this shit!!!

I hate that we live in a day and age where I have to ask this, but is there another source for this? Has this already been memory-holed, or is this AI image manipulation?

Because I'm not finding anything corroborating the story or anything mentioning that Hegseth even spoke at CPAC this year. Googling Hesgeth CPAC salute returns only results talking about Steve Bannon's Nazi bullshit. The CPAC 2025 Speakers page doesn't include him.
posted by lord_wolf at 12:04 PM on February 23 [6 favorites]

Sorry, I didn't realize that "don't post threats or implied threats of violence against the president and his staff" was such a contentious piece of advice. By all means, everyone, go to town! See how that works out for you. Surely that will cause this administration to disappear in a poof of righteous indignation.
posted by grumpybear69 at 12:39 PM on February 23 [1 favorite]

Thanks, GrumpyBear69, I love your condescension. Please, tell us how to always perform perfectly all the time.
posted by DeepSeaHaggis at 2:06 PM on February 23 [4 favorites]

Please, tell us how to always perform perfectly all the time.

"I don't understand why my story How, Where, and When I'm Going to Murder Linda Lavin got me banned from the Linda Lavin Fan Forum!"
posted by mittens at 2:56 PM on February 23 [3 favorites]

Mod note: One comment removed. Please don't try to escalate things, even in jest. Everyone is on edge, no need to give pushes, and comedy doesn't always translate well to others.

To the rest of the thread, there's no need to escalate things for real. If everyone could take a breather and come back with fresh perspectives that would be good for cooling the thread off, thanks!
posted by Brandon Blatcher (staff) at 3:07 PM on February 23 [3 favorites]

And like, now there's THREE of them doing Nazi salutes ...

I hate that we live in a day and age where I have to ask this, but is there another source for this?

CPAC live streamed the whole thing. Bannon's gesture was at the end of his speech. However close to a Nazi salute that was, the speech was a lot more fascist. It was right after the crazed Elon interview with the chainsaw and sunglasses. Did you know he found $500 billion a year in entitement program fraud out of $7 trillion a year in spending? I didn't even know that was possible.

The 9 AM timestamp on the third guy means that it's someone you've never heard of, in this case Eduardo Verástegui. I didn't waste my time finding the moment in the CPAC feed, but I think that's more of a "my heart goes out" gesture.
posted by netowl at 3:13 PM on February 23 [4 favorites]

Thanks, GrumpyBear69, I love your condescension. Please, tell us how to always perform perfectly all the time.

I just don't want people getting disappeared or jailed because they are angry. It is a felony to threaten the president or vice president, and has been for a long time, and I'd put good money on that being extended to other members of the cabinet. And, like, clearly Rep. Garcia wasn't doing that, but when you use verbiage like "actual weapons" it creates wiggle room for creative interpretations by bad actors like Martin. I'm also sure Garcia will be fine because he's in government, but the rest of us would do well to steer clear of that very specific flame.
posted by grumpybear69 at 3:32 PM on February 23 [4 favorites]

Members of Congress are constitutionally protected from prosecution for anything they say in performance of their congressional duties.

I find it hard to believe any grand jury would indict, but Martin is using this as a threat, and he will continue to use it so long as it is successful. So Garcia should tell him to pound sand.
posted by suelac at 6:36 PM on February 23 [4 favorites]

Glad to know Hegseth didn't give an actual Nazi salute, thanks for the fact check netowl.

My mother thinks the specific reason for replacing those military commanders and the military attorneys who uphold the military's code of ethics is to pave the way for using the military against protestors.
posted by subdee at 7:44 PM on February 23 [12 favorites]

Yeah I can’t give this republican CPAC dude the benefit of the doubt at all. “That’s why I’m going to join the Elon Musk and President Trump’s movement. My heart goes out to all of you!”.

That was a dog whistle if ever I saw one!
posted by TwoWordReview at 9:29 PM on February 23 [6 favorites]

Letters from an American, February 22, 2025 - "Trump has purged the country's military leadership."[1]
The purge of military leaders wasn’t the only news last night. Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth indicated he intends to fire the judge advocates general, or JAGs—the military lawyers who administer the military code of justice—for the Army, Navy, and Air Force. “Among many other things it’s the military lawyers who determine what is a legal order and what’s not,” Talking Points Memo’s Marshall pointed out.[2] “If you’re planning to give illegal orders they are an obvious obstacle.” “Now that Trump has captured the intelligence services, the Justice Department, and the FBI,” military specialist Tom Nichols wrote in The Atlantic, “the military is the last piece he needs to establish the foundations for authoritarian control of the U.S. government.”[3]


Hegseth refused to say he would abide by the Geneva Conventions. He refused to condemn torture.

This idea that modern warfare requires torture shines a harsh light on Trump’s January 29 order to the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security to prepare a 30,000-bed detention facility at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to detain migrants Trump called "the worst criminal illegal aliens threatening the American people.” Rather than simply deporting them, he said, “Some of them are so bad we don't even trust the countries to hold them because we don't want them coming back, so we're going to send them out to Guantanamo.”

Now it appears the White House is moving even beyond turning the military into cowboys with unlimited powers. On Thursday the White House posted on X a 40-second video that purported to be of migrants, in shackles and chains, faceless as the chains clank, with the caption “ASMR: Illegal Alien Deportation Flight.” As Andrew Egger explained in The Bulwark, ASMR videos use audio cues to create feelings of relaxation and euphoria, or “tingles.”[4]

No longer is the cruelty of utter domination a necessity for safety, it appears. Now it is a form of sensual pleasure for its own sake. As Jeff Sharlet wrote in Scenes from a Slow Civil War: “Listen to this, the White House is saying. This will make you feel good.”[5] It is, he points out, “a bondage video” in which “[t]he sound of other people’s pain is the intended pleasure.”[6]

Elon Musk posted over the video: “Haha wow,” with an emoji of a troll and a gold medal.

While MAGA seems to have turned an American icon into the basis for a fascist fantasy, President Theodore Roosevelt, who took office in 1901 after the assassination of President William McKinley, had actually worked as a cowboy and deliberately applied what he believed to be the values of the American West to the country as a whole. He insisted that all Americans must have a “Square Deal”—the equal protection of the laws—that the government must clean up the cities, protect the environment, provide education and healthcare, and stop the wealthy from controlling the government.

And, when Roosevelt learned that American soldiers had engaged in torture in the Philippines, he deplored those acts.[7] He promised that “determined and unswerving effort” was “being made, to find out every instance of barbarity on the part of our troops, to punish those guilty of it, and to take, if possible, even stronger measures than have already been taken to minimize or prevent the occurrence of all such acts in the future.”
posted by kliuless at 10:10 PM on February 23 [10 favorites]

Maintaining a moral high ground is not without value, but if this latest election has taught us anything, it's that the American public respects the actual high ground—who has punched and kicked their way to power, means be damned—a lot more than the moral one.

The thing is, they can have both if they could just grow a spine. It appears that almost everyone who could stand up and use their actual power to shine a light on what's really happening has just decided to hide and wait for it all to blow over. Politicians are elected to represent the people - that's their actual and only job. I can only guess they are all assuming Trump will fall on his arse at some point because someone else will take the risk of blocking him. But he's learned the lesson from his first term that he just needs to move fast and unpredictably enough to present a moving target and he can do whatever he wants. The way things are going, by the time any politician decides enough is enough, the damage will be irreparable.
posted by dg at 10:18 PM on February 23 [11 favorites]

The Distinguished Competition offers "Lex Loser."
I resent that.
posted by Alexander J. Luthor at 11:33 AM on February 25 [4 favorites]

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