Ocean cowboys
March 22, 2025 5:48 AM   Subscribe

Octopus spotted riding mako shark [YT].
posted by Mitheral (13 comments total) 13 users marked this as a favorite
"Finding Mako"
posted by chavenet at 6:00 AM on March 22 [1 favorite]

Having just read Children of Ruin I could not help but think there was some kind of evolutionary shenanigans going on
posted by Jon_Evil at 6:11 AM on March 22 [6 favorites]

Same brain, Jon_Evil. That's a great book series.

How does an octopus even end up on the back of a mako shark in the first place? Oh my god, do you think it jumped back there to escape from being eaten? And now it's got a tiger by the tail, as it were...
posted by Made of Star Stuff at 6:33 AM on March 22 [1 favorite]

That's the next SyFy Network movie sorted.
posted by adamrice at 9:17 AM on March 22 [2 favorites]

"Riding" or "clinging desperately onto"?
posted by Fuchsoid at 9:18 AM on March 22 [1 favorite]

In the early stages of learning to ride those are generally interchangeable.
posted by Mitheral at 9:21 AM on March 22 [7 favorites]

And how is the octopus even clinging on if sharks are so smooth?
posted by mephisjo at 10:02 AM on March 22 [2 favorites]

1. Mako sharks are my favorites.
2. Octopus are amazing.
3. WOW! Pretty cool!
posted by davidmsc at 10:45 AM on March 22

Would love to show up on the middle of somebody's 40K game with an army of space octopi riding flying, up-armored sharks (with lasers, of course).
posted by Smedly, Butlerian jihadi at 1:21 PM on March 22 [2 favorites]

Octopus: Behold my mighty steed!
Shark: got hat 😃
posted by Pastor of Muppets at 2:45 PM on March 22 [7 favorites]

Look, the gig economy is hard on everyone.
posted by the uncomplicated soups of my childhood at 5:03 PM on March 22 [6 favorites]

Is there nothing they can’t do?
posted by carmicha at 6:23 PM on March 22 [2 favorites]

Mako Tako!
posted by The Half Language Plant at 7:24 PM on March 22 [5 favorites]

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