Jeb Bush linked to Terror Flight School Owner, whose plane was also seized for Heroin Trafficking.
October 24, 2002 11:37 PM   Subscribe

Jeb Bush linked to Terror Flight School Owner, whose plane was also seized for Heroin Trafficking. How can it be that not only is the Bush family linked to the Bin Laden family, but they just happen to have been travelers on a Lear jet which was seized with a record amount of 30 pounds of heroin. The owner of the Lear jet coincidentally, pictured here with Florida Governor Jeb Bush (which had to be retrieved from Google's diligent cache system since the page has since been removed), also owns the school where the alleged WTC leader Mohammed Atta took flying lessons. Coincidence? Or did Bush Know?
posted by jackspace (42 comments total)
So I could not find one source cited in that first article....

And as for the Google cache, you have a photo of Jeb with some people who work for Discover Air, becouce Discover Air donated thier planes for the Jeb's use....

posted by Steve_at_Linnwood at 11:56 PM on October 24, 2002

Jeb is linked only because he did some endorsement photos? There's no other connection? That's the smoking gun?

I've seen some meddling kids build stronger cases.
posted by mathowie at 12:09 AM on October 25, 2002


"At the same time their planes were flying back and forth from Venezuela with illegal cargo Hilliard's charter service was also, unbelievably, being utilized at virtually no cost––despite the fact that rentals for Lear jets can run as high as $1,800 an hour––by Florida Governor Jeb Bush."

Not just promotional shots, an established relationship.

Though there is no reason to believe that Jeb would be aware of the drug trafficking occuring in other planes. More likely the owner of the air company was greasing any wheels he could and Jeb fell for it HL&S.
posted by krisjohn at 12:16 AM on October 25, 2002

But the DEA agents were armed with machine guns when they 'busted the company's Lear jet.'

Doesn't that make it clear enough? Jeb has his dirty paws all over the heroin smuggling business.
posted by shoos at 12:18 AM on October 25, 2002

oh, machine guns.... Now it makes perfect sense!
posted by Steve_at_Linnwood at 12:20 AM on October 25, 2002

Our beloved president and his brother, the leaders of the best nation in the world are innocent. The 911 terror was something that was needed in the name of our country. Just think about it, think about all that oil we will soon have for our future generations. I vote freedom, I vote democracy, I vote Bush ! Long live our president !
posted by bureaustyle at 12:22 AM on October 25, 2002

bureaustyle: so you have some more evidence? The Bushes aren't my personal favorites, but it would be nice to see something more convincing.
posted by shoos at 12:33 AM on October 25, 2002

I think you've been trolled, shoos.
posted by benh57 at 12:45 AM on October 25, 2002

shoos: evidence that we need more oil ? it's crystal clear to me, with enough oil (and busty blondes) for us, the peace will come to this world, I promise you

posted by bureaustyle at 12:45 AM on October 25, 2002

I'll bite again. Let's stay focused, bureastyle. This thread is about the heroin thing + Jeb Bush and terrorism/bin Laden family + GW Bush. Your ball.
posted by shoos at 12:56 AM on October 25, 2002

Of course
posted by tripitaka at 1:06 AM on October 25, 2002


I have found that, when it comes to the internet, sarcasm doesn't work well without one of the following: /sarcasm, "lol" or a nutty emoticon like ;)

Oddly enough, without one of the those, there are people who will read your "Our beloved president and his brother" statement above and agree with you whole-heartedly, not picking up on the fact that you are being facetious. (You are being facetious, aren't you?)

This has been a public service announcement. Now back to your regularly scheduled program.
posted by wsg at 1:10 AM on October 25, 2002

Wait, who was it that was agreeing wholeheartedly with (the literally interpreted version of) his statement? I'm lost here.
posted by shoos at 1:18 AM on October 25, 2002

Didn't the parlor game "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" teach anyone anything? We could connect the Pope to this, if we wanted. Let's get the Bushes for the very real crimes they've committed, for the hypocrisy, the lies, not for uncertain connections to slimeballs.

And photographs of Jeb Bush with this guy prove nothing. I, too, can pay $1000 for a fundraising dinner and get my picture taken with any politician I want.
posted by Mo Nickels at 4:27 AM on October 25, 2002

OK, wait, so... Jeb was taking profits from the heroin deal to pay bin Laden to attack on 9/11 so George W. could complete his dad's mission in Iraq while simultaneously rallying the nation behind the president so they would forget about the botched election results from Jeb's Florida?

People believe this? Seriously?

No, really, this makes sense to some people?

You wacky Americans...

(and I love the baited wording of the post... "just happen to be"... "coincidentally" in italics for extra effect... and the whole Google thing, suggesting some nefarious reason the picture is no longer available. Brilliant work.)
posted by GhostintheMachine at 4:30 AM on October 25, 2002

Or maybe the Republicans are behind all the "Bush Knew" rumors so anyone who opposes him can be painted with the same extremist brush!

(I miss the X-Files. Seasons 2-4.)
posted by JoanArkham at 4:58 AM on October 25, 2002

Holy Shit! Mrs. Carter knew about all those dead children!
posted by thewittyname at 5:45 AM on October 25, 2002

It is again time to point out the strange lefty doublethink that seems to be able to reconcile Bush being a drooling idiot with Bush masterminding a complex plot involving killing thousands of his own citizens without getting caught.

Please choose one. (I lean towards idiot figurehead who knows nothing about anything, including 9/11.)
posted by Fabulon7 at 6:01 AM on October 25, 2002

You better watch out, jackspace. With all your clever sleuthing and rational analysis, you can be sure that you're on to something. Something big! And as soon as the diabolical, evil conspiracy (perhaps even Bush himself, since he seems to "know all") realizes that fact, you won't be safe anywhere. This very page itself will mysteriously "disappear" (replaced with the cryptic words "nothing to see here, move along..."). If I were you I'd go underground, quickly! Maybe some plastic surgery would be in order, too.
posted by pardonyou? at 6:50 AM on October 25, 2002

Not just promotional shots, an established relationship.-Krisjohn

the fact that jeb and kathryn were getting free rides on learjets that were also being used for serious drug smuggling is not exactly lefty doublethink... Could some of the status quo defenders in this thread actually address this point? I know it's harder to put down than the whole "having his photo taken with them doesn't mean he's linked in any way" argument, but it does seem like the more serious of the charges made in this article
posted by dorcas at 6:53 AM on October 25, 2002

I know it's early, but i re-read that first link and still cannot get what the article is saying or even eluding too. Bush links to Bin Laden family is no revelation. In the madcow link, it says al qaeda main export was heroin. I thought it was the opium poppy? anyone have any stuff on this heroin dealing.
posted by clavdivs at 7:09 AM on October 25, 2002

Sure the link is tenuous, but just about as tenuous as Saddam's link to Al-Quaida (based on the evidence the CIA has deigned to share). A senior Al-Quaida operative probably got medical assistance in Iraq, so now we have to topple Hussein in a bloody war. Are the troops going to stop by Florida on their way there?
posted by kfury at 7:24 AM on October 25, 2002

Do you know what heroin is made from?
Think about it, it will come to you.
Or were you under the impression that Al-Quaida was exporting bouquets?
posted by bas67 at 7:38 AM on October 25, 2002

Have you heard about all of the people who have Clinton connections that are DEAD?
posted by 2sheets at 9:48 AM on October 25, 2002

Idle curiosity here - how much, if at all, is the Bush/Bin Laden connection dwelled upon in the larger US media? (like.... Bush Snr scheduled to meet the Bin Laden seniors on Sept 11th - or did I dream that...?)
posted by klaatu at 9:51 AM on October 25, 2002

Do you know what heroin is made from

I thought it was the opium poppy? -clavdivs

umm, i thunk it through...Taliban+al qaeda=opium exports.

i was asking about heroin, the refined opium drug.

so i will say it slow for you
did al-qaeda refine the opium into heroin?

FOY: Bin Laden had a large percentage of shares in Sudans Gum Arabic industry at one time. whist not bouquets, the stuff in chewing gum is a pretty 'innocent' export.

look folks, The Bin Laden family and there construction firm has done much for Saudi Arabia in the area of construction. (Mecca and Medina refurbish) The Saudis put out two hits on OBL and the Bin Laden family has "turned their back on OBL.
Or were you under the impression that Al-Quaida...

I have a very good impression of these events.
do you?
posted by clavdivs at 10:00 AM on October 25, 2002

Yeah, right, the bin Laden family (oops, sorry, bin Ladin family) has "turned their back on OBL." That's why it's such a phenomenal coincidence that their official site was registered, one year in advance, to expire on the morning of September 11. Gosh, there sure are a lot of coincidences about this event.
posted by soyjoy at 10:18 AM on October 25, 2002

This article is just another one of the massive number of
9-11 coincidences and oddities that all of us must ignore or explain away....
posted by tranceformer at 10:26 AM on October 25, 2002

I think that Hopsicker's fault as a writer lies in his assumptions about the extent of the background knowledge his audience possesses about US Gov. and Bush family malfeasance. For example, if I pointed out that the Bush family has a LONG pedigree of sleazy, traitorous crime dating to, at least, Prescott Bush's Directorship of Union Banking Corp., the principle conduit through which the profits (slave labour profits) of the Nazi industrial war machine (of the immense Thysson industrial conglomerate) were laundered and that the future director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, had the job of hiding the money trail (The US Gov. seized Union under the "Traiting with the Enemies" act in '43 or '44.) and also that Allen Dulles (most certainly George Bush's mentor) later set up "Operation Paperclip", which brought Nazi scientists and SS intelligence officers to the US - in direct contervention of a Truman presidential order .........blah, blah, blah blah, blah....nothing to do with Jeb, necessarily. It wasn't HIS fault. I just suspect that he follows in this family tradition. Hard evidence? Sigh.......if there only were........I have to wonder about Jeb's declaration of martial law in Florida one week before Sept. 11, though....

Or if I mentioned the history of CIA drug smuggling (they admit to some of it, quite openly, in material posted on the CIA website), or the fact that they admitted (in congressional testimony) to comitting 100,000 serious crimes in foreign countries each year (they keep fucking RECORDS)..........People would probably dismiss it all out of hand, without spending a few hours delving into these particularly smelly cesspools of US secret government history. Oh well, you can lead a horse to water, but..........
posted by troutfishing at 10:26 AM on October 25, 2002

Condescending, maybe, but really, folks.......THIMK (as my Russian language teacher used to say in high school. "m" is "n" in cyrillic)
posted by troutfishing at 10:31 AM on October 25, 2002

It is again time to point out the strange lefty doublethink that seems to be able to reconcile Bush being a drooling idiot with Bush masterminding a complex plot involving killing thousands of his own citizens without getting caught.

I, for one, welcome our current drooling mastermind overlord.
posted by Steve_at_Linnwood at 10:31 AM on October 25, 2002

sorry, I had to do it...
posted by Steve_at_Linnwood at 10:32 AM on October 25, 2002

For example:

1) the fighter squadron assigned to protect the Pentagon on Sept 11, happened to be under secret service command that day. (from

2) Remember those people selling American Airlines and United stock and others short in the week before 9-11? Remember when the media announced the investigation? Whatever happened with that?

Nothing to see here folks...
posted by tranceformer at 10:33 AM on October 25, 2002

1) the fighter squadron assigned to protect the Pentagon on Sept 11, happened to be under secret service command that day. (from

Well where were they? Seems to me that a plane managed to hit the Pentagon on Sept 11... Last I checked I wasn't that hard for our pilots to hit a big, relatively slow moving, target like a 747....
posted by Steve_at_Linnwood at 10:40 AM on October 25, 2002

It is again time to point out the strange lefty doublethink that seems to be able to reconcile Bush being a drooling idiot with Bush masterminding a complex plot involving killing thousands of his own citizens without getting caught.

I'm so tired of this meme. It's not hard to reconcile this at all:
GW: Hey, Dick, what just happened? Are we at war or something?
Dick: Don't worry about it, George, it's under control.
GW: Did we know this was gonna happen?
Dick: Uh... no. We had no idea. Absolutely no idea. Never in a million years.
GW: Phew. OK, then. That's a relief. OK, gotta get back to these schoolkids.
Dick: Right. You do that.

posted by soyjoy at 11:02 AM on October 25, 2002

The USA has been headed by crime families for many years. There are a lot of deaths associated with the Clinton family. The Bush family has been corrupt for eons. Dunno anything about Jimmy, other than he was probably a good li'l puppet for other forces; and Nixon himself was a crook. The Kennedys, despite being regarded as America's royalty, comes from a nasty background.

Ordinary honest joe-on-the-street folk don't get to become President. It takes a lot of power and money -- and you don't get that kind of power and money without corruption and crime.
posted by five fresh fish at 11:47 AM on October 25, 2002

One assumption that people make is that when you have something less-than-supportive to say about Bush, you are somehow a full-blown Clinton-ite. While I certainly would rather have stained dresses being the talk of the town than several thousand people killed (we talk about the people who died in the attacks on September 11th, but we really don't talk about the body count on the other side of the hammer), I can say that when Clinton was in office, I also complained about his antics. In fact, I took my vote elsewhere.

Perhaps the problem is we tend to reduce things down to dualities instead of looking at things as more inter-connected. OF COURSE Clinton has a trail of blood a mile long. So why even bring him up? He's not in office now! Sheesh! It's your duty as an American to question authority, including YOUR OWN. Are you afraid to think the President and family could possibly be as corrupt as the article I linked suggests?

Right now we are seeing the biggest upheaval of our rights since the Red Scare. We have a President in office who has sent people to prison for doing things he and his family walk away scott-free from. And frankly, Clinton is a petty thief in comparison to the Bush dynasty.

If you're not scared, you're not paying attention.
posted by jackspace at 2:34 PM on October 25, 2002

Clinton is a petty thief in comparison to the Bush dynasty

Ask Mark Rich about that...
posted by Steve_at_Linnwood at 3:44 PM on October 25, 2002

They're all thieves. They've all been associated with someone getting snuffed. They're all corrupt.

They are all equally evil, and the American public needs to wake up to that fact.

It is time to demand change.
posted by five fresh fish at 4:01 PM on October 25, 2002

You can demand change all you like; doesn't mean you're going to get any.
posted by kindall at 5:09 PM on October 25, 2002

Agreed, you can demand change all you want, and not get any. Or you can sit complacently and not have any change. But what's the fun in that? And besides, you don't catch fish if you don't have a line in the water. The surest way to NOT change anything is to not even bother.

I tend to think you don't truly believe "You can demand change all you like; doesn't mean you're going to get any." or else you wouldn't have even bothered posting that.

So tomorrow, I'm pulling on my old dress green uniform from when I was in the army (I am a Gulf War 1 vet) and I am grabbing my sign, and I am headed to the peace march because when I was in the f***ing Gulf War, the only thing that gave me any sense of hope was the fact that people back here in the USA were exercising their right to freedom of assembly. And no, individually, we're not going to change the world. And you can be a cynic (which is often just another word for someone who has a lot of hot air but lacks the drive to get out of their easy chair and actually TRY) and insist things won't change. But not until I'm dead and gone will I give up TRYing.

Troll on that! hehehehehehe
posted by jackspace at 7:06 PM on October 25, 2002

You can demand change all you like; doesn't mean you're going to get any.

Reminds me of my film school teacher's comments on L.A. Confidential. He said conspiracy theories and, in a broader sense, cynicism, support the status quo; if we believe there's nothing we can do to change things, then we will do nothing.
posted by faustessa at 2:21 AM on October 26, 2002

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