Forget Robert Redford!
November 1, 2002 8:06 PM   Subscribe

Forget Robert Redford! Whispering is for babies, librarians and over-the-hill actors: these horses sing!
posted by Carlos Quevedo (9 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I like it!
posted by rushmc at 10:36 PM on November 1, 2002

Great link.
posted by josephtate at 10:39 PM on November 1, 2002

Excellent link
posted by riffola at 11:13 PM on November 1, 2002

That was fun.
posted by wsg at 12:19 AM on November 2, 2002

posted by hama7 at 4:17 AM on November 2, 2002

Is it just me, or did that sound tonally a bit like something Sigur Ros would do? With pure tones, of course; not singing cartoon horses.

That was excellent, any which way.
posted by notsnot at 4:46 AM on November 2, 2002

Is that all these horses do. what is the tie into Redford? I like harmonizing cartoon horses as much as the next hombre.
Redford was put on Nixons watchlist, No? I don't think he made it to the enemies list as complied by Nixon and Co.

'The Last Castle'-why is it that Redford is now playing repentant generals and "old school" Spooks from Operations? ('Spy Games') I like Redford ('Havana' was great) but it made me a little queasy to seem him 'die' before the American flag in his last 'act of righteousness'.
what a contrast to "Three Days of thew Condor". (gotta love Pollack.)
posted by clavdivs at 7:20 AM on November 2, 2002

Robert Redford directed and starred in the movie The Horse Whisperer
posted by riffola at 8:40 AM on November 2, 2002

great link, thanks! lots of fun.

re: sigur ros: my first thought was that they sounded like mum, at least if you click on the horse on the far right first.
posted by dobbs at 9:29 AM on November 2, 2002

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