Arthur Szyk
December 23, 2002 11:34 AM   Subscribe

Artist For Freedom! I'd never heard of Arthur Szyk before I came across him while doing random Google searches today. I really like his artwork! We had a post awhile back with poster art addressing the "current situation. I wonder what Mr. Szyk would've made of the times we live in?
posted by black8 (6 comments total)
If you typed in "szyk", you were truly searching randomly.

My father's a pretty gifted cartoonist, and Szyk is one of the artists that influenced him the most. Looking at some of the caricatures in your second link, I see a lot of little details that Dad..uh..."borrowed" from Szyk.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 11:56 AM on December 23, 2002

Tsk Tsk that's just bad form black8 :)

His art is indeed interesting. I liked the New York one.
posted by riffola at 12:03 PM on December 23, 2002

Bad Form...? I was actually looking for Bettie Page! (rowr!) those WW2 cartoons were awesome!
posted by black8 at 12:35 PM on December 23, 2002

As a kid, I had the book of Andersen's Fairy Tales illustrated by Szyk. Very disturbing.
posted by Ty Webb at 1:48 PM on December 23, 2002

I like him, and I haven't even looked at his stuff.
posted by Sxyzzx at 10:09 PM on December 23, 2002

That explains a lot, Ty! ; )
posted by black8 at 11:28 PM on December 23, 2002

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