You got your peanut butter in my chocolate website!
January 16, 2004 2:10 PM   Subscribe

Made my day, so I'll play: Be sure to take the poll, and enter the Revelation chat! (it's hatemongering, so it's totally safe for the workplace, straight or gay)
posted by WolfDaddy at 2:18 PM on January 16, 2004

this is a test link, right matt?

that's just jacked up.
posted by psychotic_venom at 2:22 PM on January 16, 2004

Hopefully this won't confuse Michael Jackson's lawyers. Too much.
posted by tapeguy at 2:23 PM on January 16, 2004

My brain hurts.
posted by sklero at 2:28 PM on January 16, 2004

You'd think that, after having one of his posts deleted today, this mathowie guy would give up already.
posted by eyeballkid at 2:32 PM on January 16, 2004

Oh man, the one is great, next to a bible verse are photos of ripped young men. Awesome.
posted by mathowie at 2:36 PM on January 16, 2004

oh god... I shouldn't be viewing this at this at work.
posted by angry modem at 2:42 PM on January 16, 2004

If you want to play along, here's the interface for creating new remixes.
posted by waxpancake at 2:51 PM on January 16, 2004

Microsoft meets Jesus.
posted by sfenders at 2:52 PM on January 16, 2004

I'm so conflicted.
posted by SiW at 2:53 PM on January 16, 2004

Ebony and ivory?
posted by mr_crash_davis at 2:56 PM on January 16, 2004

posted by the fire you left me at 2:57 PM on January 16, 2004


Little Green Filter?
posted by mr_crash_davis at 2:59 PM on January 16, 2004

Talking Points Report?


The Drudge Memo?
posted by jacobsee at 3:05 PM on January 16, 2004


posted by jacobsee at 3:08 PM on January 16, 2004

I kinda prefer TimeFilter. MetaFilter, only with shrill ranting instead of, er...
posted by lbergstr at 3:31 PM on January 16, 2004

posted by Danf at 3:41 PM on January 16, 2004

I've always wanted a Plastic BrainJar.
posted by Smart Dalek at 3:41 PM on January 16, 2004

Wow, the whitehouse mixed with the onion seems oddly appropriate.
posted by phatboy at 3:48 PM on January 16, 2004

The White House meets Alex Jones
posted by webratta at 4:27 PM on January 16, 2004

It had to be done...
posted by dazed_one at 5:08 PM on January 16, 2004

Very funny, very cool stuff.
posted by davidmsc at 5:11 PM on January 16, 2004

This is too cool.
posted by Orange Goblin at 5:28 PM on January 16, 2004

Die Puny CNN
posted by sfenders at 6:19 PM on January 16, 2004

for music geeks
posted by victors at 6:33 PM on January 16, 2004

This is, without a doubt, one of the coolest things I've ever seen!
posted by soundofsuburbia at 6:36 PM on January 16, 2004

posted by mathowie at 7:33 PM on January 16, 2004

Now, Metacube is hands-down the coolest thing I've seen this week.

Dilute! Dilute! OK!
posted by adamgreenfield at 8:02 PM on January 16, 2004

Savage Santorum
posted by homunculus at 8:05 PM on January 16, 2004

"Error: Failed to retrieve headers"

posted by homunculus at 8:31 PM on January 16, 2004

uh, i tried that too...
posted by adamgreenfield at 8:35 PM on January 16, 2004

NewsFilter redux!
posted by cbrody at 8:42 PM on January 16, 2004

Man, I can't believe Penny Arcade let IGN buy them out.
posted by cortex at 8:57 PM on January 16, 2004

Teehee! Great post!
posted by MiguelCardoso at 9:05 PM on January 16, 2004

Wow the 700 Club is really progressive.
posted by CrazyJub at 9:16 PM on January 16, 2004

adamgreenfield, fortunately the mirrors still work (NSFW!)
posted by homunculus at 9:26 PM on January 16, 2004

posted by victors at 10:05 PM on January 16, 2004

And the monkey shall lay down with the ... well, with the something, anyway.
posted by yhbc at 10:15 PM on January 16, 2004

posted by pmurray63 at 10:58 PM on January 16, 2004

skallas meets rebeccablood...
posted by Lynsey at 11:10 PM on January 16, 2004

And the monkey shall lay down with the ... well, with the something, anyway.

[singing] Will the circle
Be unbroken
By and by Lord, by and by...[/singing]
posted by arto at 3:25 AM on January 17, 2004

Can i get the whole internet in metafilter style?
posted by FidelDonson at 3:29 AM on January 17, 2004

posted by DaRiLo at 3:33 AM on January 17, 2004

Spot the difference (heh)

Monsanto Fesses up.
posted by Blue Stone at 3:34 AM on January 17, 2004

Following phatboy's lead above, Free mixed w/ The Onion is also delicious.
posted by palancik at 5:10 PM on January 17, 2004

Man, John Cage woulda gone apeshit over this stuff - this is "chance" humor at its best! phatboy, I don't know what that whitehouse/onion page looked like when you did it, but at least now it's a riot of found gags - "Sponsors: By His Father" and overall header "Headlights caught in deer" as applied to George W. - that's found comedy gold, man!
posted by soyjoy at 7:18 PM on January 17, 2004

what a fabu find. :) Thanks Matt. Much amusement will be had.
posted by dejah420 at 6:42 AM on January 20, 2004

Fark this.
posted by psmealey at 8:44 PM on January 24, 2004

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