Gode Cookery
May 7, 2004 9:32 AM   Subscribe

Gode Cookery: Medieval & Renaissance food & cookery, and more.
posted by hama7 (8 comments total)
{thys is gode}
posted by headspace at 10:07 AM on May 7, 2004

And readith "The Closet of Sir Kenelme Digby Knight Opened" to not only gettd food and beir methods, but also tales of the tails he did have.
posted by rough ashlar at 10:32 AM on May 7, 2004

If Ye Olde Nerds had cut the fake-anachronistic spelling, I would have read more.

The main attraction of a Renaissance Fair isn't the 8 dollar turkey legs. It's buttcracks and modern eyeglasses sticking out of plastic platemail.
posted by Mayor Curley at 10:58 AM on May 7, 2004

I've actually used this site before as a good (pun resisted) source of woodblock print images.
posted by dirtylittlemonkey at 11:41 AM on May 7, 2004

If Ye Olde Nerds had cut the fake-anachronistic spelling, I would have read more.

Mayor Curley, please point me to one instance of fake anachronistic spelling on the site. Yes, certainly some of the spelling is different from modern spelling, but this site is a well-respected, well-established source for redacted and recreated medieval and renaissance cookery, and I've never seen them use cutesy spellings such as you suggest for any reason, despite having used them extensively for both research and preparation of historical foods.

When transcribing material from historical documents its often important in understanding the sense of the text to preserve the original spelling.

Anyhow, enough ranting.

Other great web resources for historical European foods include:

The Medieval/Renaissance Food Homepage
Cariadoc's Miscellany
Cindy Renfrow's Culinary & Brewing History Links

I'd also encourage anyone interested to check out the Big List of (primary source) Historical Culinary & Brewing Documents Online
posted by anastasiav at 1:06 PM on May 7, 2004


I have a photocopy of "The Closet of Sir Kenelme Digby Knight Opened" and the only difference on the cock-ale recipe on page 147 is a , rather than a ;.
posted by rough ashlar at 2:03 PM on May 7, 2004

Thanks for the excellent links, anastasiav. Much appreciated.
posted by hama7 at 2:21 PM on May 7, 2004

I'm not taking issue with the individual recipes, just the index page. I'm just saying that I'd prefer it if he said "Here are a bunch of recipes from historical sources" instead of "Welcome to Ye Olde Barne Shoppe." Like anastasia's last link-- now that's cool.

I once ate at this place once and loved it. Once we convinced the waiter to get out of character.
posted by Mayor Curley at 2:24 PM on May 7, 2004

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