Virtual church
May 13, 2004 6:15 AM   Subscribe

Church of fools No time for church? Like sleeping in on Sunday? Worship the virtual way with Church of fools. Wander the crypt and sanctuary, chatting with Ned Flanders looky-likey's. For real, and sponsored by the Methodist church. Shockwave required. via linkdup
posted by backOfYourMind (5 comments total)
And here I was thinking that Methodists had no sense of humour.
posted by backOfYourMind at 6:23 AM on May 13, 2004

I admit that I've already tried it out... I spent a couple minutes looking for the guns and grenades, and then gave up when I realized I couldn't even get anything out of the vending machines. The fact that somebody was shouting the Lord's Prayer over and over might have some significance, but I'm not sure what exactly. Had I not been one of the invisible worshippers, I could well have chimed in with an "Amen" with everybody else, I guess.

The graphics are pretty decent, though.
posted by codger at 7:18 AM on May 13, 2004

Ship of Fools is a great website... It's funny, I had heard about this new online church thing but had no idea it was realted to SoF. If you want a good peek into the brains of real thinking people of the Christian persuasion, check out the main site, Good stuff.
posted by lazywhinerkid at 10:43 AM on May 13, 2004

For example: Their "Fruitcake Zone"
posted by lazywhinerkid at 10:47 AM on May 13, 2004

Yes, I second lazywhinerkid's endorsement of Ship of Fools. It's the best Christian site on the Internet I've found. I'd suggest the Forum as the best part of the site. I always feel like suggesting it when people ask questions related to Christianity in AskMeFi. Do be warned that there is a huge Dead Horses section where people are posting on leviathans of threads about such topics homosexuality and biblical inerrancy, so it's probably best to check there before starting a discussion such as “So, what do Christians think about gays? And do you think everyone is going to hell?”.

And I always wonder whether Konolia posts there...
posted by Gnatcho at 3:44 PM on May 13, 2004

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