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December 14, 2004 4:18 AM   Subscribe

Lego Beretta 9mm
posted by Orange Goblin (29 comments total)
dead already!
posted by cheaily at 4:37 AM on December 14, 2004

"Cool Site" Links! First I got linked on Fark.com, and then this page was chosen as Userfriendly.org's Link of the Day.
posted by trey at 4:38 AM on December 14, 2004

Otherwise known as "503 Service Unavailable:
The server has been placed offline by the operator. Please try again later."

Which likely means the slashdotters, somethingawfulgoons, madvillians, farksters, etc. likely swarmed upon the site.

My main point here, OG, is that I'm shocked. You've been here long enough to be able to turn a simple post like that into something interesting. y'know, maybe throw in some additional links to the Playmobil Armoury or such. But ya didn't . For shame.
posted by Smart Dalek at 4:40 AM on December 14, 2004

BarettaWorld is a ridiculous, ridiculous site.

Oh wait, they have an expose on "Ladies in Leather Gloves."

I stand corrected.
posted by tpl1212 at 5:22 AM on December 14, 2004

I wonder if LEGO could shut him down, e.g. for trademark or possibly design infringement.

(Did someone ask why LEGO might want to shut them down? For example, because they sell children's toys and might not want to be associated with people who sell handguns over the internet.)

I marvel at this guys block-putting-together prowess, though.
posted by sour cream at 5:47 AM on December 14, 2004

$53!? Rip off. Someone should make a creative commons assembly guide for this.
posted by pemdasi at 6:01 AM on December 14, 2004

"That is completely disturbing... great job!!"

"It's utterly amazing, you'd never think that such an innocent toy could become an almost deadly weapon."

posted by MrZero at 6:16 AM on December 14, 2004

While we're waiting: This guy builds small functioning model cars out of legos, including the Mad Max Interceptor MkII.

Legos: Is there anything they can't do?
posted by Ljubljana at 6:16 AM on December 14, 2004


I remember making a working model of a crossbow using lego.
posted by Jerub at 6:19 AM on December 14, 2004

That is pretty impressive, in a disturbing kind of way.

And he is basically charging $53 for the kit (i.e., the parts themselves)--he does make the actual plans available for free on the site, for use with a free software package.
posted by LairBob at 6:46 AM on December 14, 2004

no workie
posted by asianmack at 6:48 AM on December 14, 2004

Lair: That's what I get for skimming.
posted by pemdasi at 6:50 AM on December 14, 2004

503 Service Unavailable
The server has been placed offline by the operator. Please try again later.

posted by LunaticFringe at 7:22 AM on December 14, 2004

It's working all right now (strained tho).
posted by Zurishaddai at 7:29 AM on December 14, 2004

Working Lego models

The amount of details on some of these models is insane.
posted by Exad at 7:53 AM on December 14, 2004

Doesn't work for me, but this mirror does work.

The gun, however, does work, if I'm reading it right. That, combined with good looks, makes it pretty cool.
posted by cameleon at 8:47 AM on December 14, 2004

> Wanna know more?


> Want one?

Certainly not.
posted by NewBornHippy at 9:07 AM on December 14, 2004

Actually, it is just a model. Towards the bottom of the page:
"(Once again, no, the gun doesn't really shoot)"
posted by Sibrax at 9:17 AM on December 14, 2004

Well, I think it's cool (and wish I could get the MP5 page to load). Thanks Orange Goblin.
posted by Foosnark at 9:29 AM on December 14, 2004

While we're on the topic of controversial lego projects.
posted by BleachBypass at 9:57 AM on December 14, 2004

I built the lego machine gun that was floating around a while back. It used only lego pieces and a single elastic band, and managed a pretty impressive rate of fire (of course, you had to press it together every once in a while as the vibration tended to detach the pieces.)

Of course I improved on it, adding removable ammo clips, and a strengthened chamber.

So yeah, lego guns == cool.
posted by maledictory at 10:07 AM on December 14, 2004

Where I come from, all toy guns must have bright orange tips. If this joker isn't complying with such laws, where applicable, he could get into trouble for selling this online.
posted by scarabic at 10:26 AM on December 14, 2004

It's kind of neat in a morbid sort of rubbernecking past a bad accident kind of way.

Legos are cool and I'm continually amazed at what other folks have come up with.
posted by fenriq at 11:01 AM on December 14, 2004

try this direct link for the machinegun.
posted by zombiejesus at 12:47 PM on December 14, 2004

scarabic: he doesn't sell a toy gun. He sells a bag of preselected Lego blocks - which, as we all know, can be used to build anything you like - and an instruction sheet demonstrating one possible application of those blocks.
posted by Mars Saxman at 1:55 PM on December 14, 2004

and if you can get the plans for the H&K MP5 (i couldn't find them - nevermind that i can't get the mac version of the lego cad software to do anything), here's where you can get the 160 pieces of "black macaroni" you'll need for it (at 19¢ each).
posted by zombiejesus at 2:35 PM on December 14, 2004

How exactly did he arrive at that price? $53...
posted by TwelveTwo at 4:20 PM on December 14, 2004

sweet mother of christ. I followed one of the links, and discovered this: a working pneumatic V8 engine. LIke, with valves and everything.
posted by notsnot at 9:17 PM on December 14, 2004

A little late in the game to reply, but oh well:

I found the site through random browsing, and it was slow then - I don't think its on the front page of fark, slashdot, etc...its just slow. Also, Smart Darlek, if you explore the rest of the site, he has made more stuff - I could point this out, but why treat people like idiots? Everyone knows how to navigate a site. If you check my posting history, I generally post single links. Is this because I'm lazy? Perhaps. But posts dont need to have multiple links to be good, and other people have provided interesting diversions for those that want them. Finally - the Playmobil Armoury is...not that interesting.
posted by Orange Goblin at 5:06 AM on December 15, 2004

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