My Gosh! It's Getting to be a Rampant Problem!
December 23, 2004 12:44 PM   Subscribe

Suspicions of vote fraud strike Mozilla FireFox poll! You have to like a sense of humor.
posted by mmahaffie (21 comments total)
I have a sense of humor. I sensed no humor.
posted by eyeballkid at 12:48 PM on December 23, 2004

I've never liked a sense of humor.
posted by graventy at 1:26 PM on December 23, 2004

Get over it - you lost.
posted by freebird at 1:32 PM on December 23, 2004

the humor has a sarcastic ring to it. read closely.
posted by nearo at 1:35 PM on December 23, 2004

I liked it.
posted by u.n. owen at 1:58 PM on December 23, 2004

freebird: In a more accurate sense, we all lost.
posted by Freen at 2:00 PM on December 23, 2004

As my first Mefi post I would like to say there is nothing funny about this post.
posted by basicchannel at 2:09 PM on December 23, 2004

who cares? this is just sour grapes by the side that lost.
perhaps one day, in a vague sort of way, we should maybe sort of think about possibly investigating the voting process and the ties betwen the people who count the votes and the side that won.

but for now, you losers need to just deal with results. you must also never, ever, criticize or judge what is obviously the greatest voting system ever devised: anyone who does is an elitist who doesn't think people who disagree with them should vote. a few weeks before this poll, people were giving "the success of mozilla firefox" no chance to win. shows just how out of touch with the user base you guys are.
posted by lord_wolf at 2:11 PM on December 23, 2004

I think this was of insufficiently general interest for a FPP. Also I didn't get the joke. And I'm more interested in Firefox than most.
posted by Turtle at 2:20 PM on December 23, 2004

Jeez, what a bunch of grouches! I laughed out loud! And I NEEDED that laugh.
posted by TheStorm at 2:24 PM on December 23, 2004

I get just wasn't that funny.

Now, Don Rickles. HE's funny.

posted by RockCorpse at 2:40 PM on December 23, 2004

If you want FireFox comedy, this is FireFox comedy. (The apologetic sequel is also a laugh riot.)
posted by eyeballkid at 3:02 PM on December 23, 2004

Thanks, eyeballkid, those did get a chuckle out of me. Maybe I'm not a grouch after all!
posted by Turtle at 3:58 PM on December 23, 2004

I thought it was funny. Did I miss the bible verse that states that humour involving references to elections is forbidden?
posted by QIbHom at 4:18 PM on December 23, 2004

PLEASE! THAT WAS HILARIOUS. LIGHTEN UP! I will say, though, that it is ironic to me that the companies that manufacture electronic voting systems are Republican run with ties to the present administration. There is no independent review system to evaluate their accuracy. The only software review system is within the companies themselves. Also, almost all of the errors that have been found since the election are Kerry votes that "magically" got turned into Bush votes.
posted by friendob1 at 4:44 PM on December 23, 2004

Did I miss the bible verse that states that humour involving references to elections is forbidden?

Did I miss the comment in the thread where it says that humor involving elections is forbidden? What RockCorpse said about covers it.
posted by eyeballkid at 5:04 PM on December 23, 2004

I don't have to like anything.

But I have nothing at all against humorous links. Let me know when you find some!
posted by ticopelp at 6:21 PM on December 23, 2004

As a European I'd like to say how disappointed we are with America for letting this happen. We've learnt our lesson about electronic voting before.
posted by Navek Rednam at 10:46 PM on December 23, 2004

As an American, I'm not surprised that you're disappointed.
posted by Dizzy Bint at 12:02 AM on December 24, 2004

posted by caddis at 10:11 AM on December 24, 2004

Navek Rednam,

I understand Europe's disappointment in the Firefox Importance poll, and as an American, promise my utmost to make sure the Mozilla Foundation does not repeat their mistake.
posted by Bugbread at 4:11 AM on December 26, 2004 [1 favorite]

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