The darkside is so cute!
June 13, 2005 8:33 PM   Subscribe

The Dark Side Is The Best Sauce I'm not sure if the cartoonist has their own personal LiveJournal, but the one for the comic is rather adorable and funny. It's just a handful of strips thus far, and they're terribly spoilery for Star Wars: Episode III. But still worth a quick look.
posted by FunkyHelix (21 comments total)
The Emperor's New Comics? I see people commenting about comics, but I see no comics.
posted by spock at 8:38 PM on June 13, 2005

They're hosted on photobucket. Sometimes I can't see images hosted there, but I clean out my cookies and cache, then reload, and they're there. Might want to try that.
posted by FunkyHelix at 8:42 PM on June 13, 2005

This made me fall out of my chair.
posted by erebora at 8:50 PM on June 13, 2005

In a good way.
posted by erebora at 8:50 PM on June 13, 2005

Terribly spoilery is probably not a concern at this point.
but they are cute.
posted by me3dia at 8:54 PM on June 13, 2005

Lucas is going to be pissed that someone swiped his storyboards.
posted by Cyrano at 8:56 PM on June 13, 2005

These comics...too cute...

Terribly spoilery is probably not a concern at this point.
but they are cute.

Has spoilery ever been a problem? I mean, I haven't seen EpIII, but I deduced the story line after EpI.
posted by muddgirl at 9:05 PM on June 13, 2005

The art is cute, and I like the idea, but I found myself straining to find them funny, except for the Episode II retrospective which was dead-on.
posted by brain_drain at 9:06 PM on June 13, 2005

"but I found myself straining to find them funny" and straining to see them. meh!
posted by arse_hat at 9:40 PM on June 13, 2005

I almost threw something at the screen when "operation baby drop" went down.
posted by Jack Karaoke at 10:42 PM on June 13, 2005

I liked the comics and added iharthdarth to my fiends list. [/bandwagon]

posted by djeo at 10:56 PM on June 13, 2005

spoilery for Star Wars: Episode III

Wasn't Star Wars: A New Hope kind of spoilery for that?
posted by geekyguy at 11:01 PM on June 13, 2005

How poignant. Our little Vader is an Emo Vader. Darth Deep.

Can't you feel it in his "Nooooooooooooooooooooo?"
posted by sourwookie at 12:07 AM on June 14, 2005

posted by TwelveTwo at 1:37 AM on June 14, 2005

These are sooo cute!
posted by i_cola at 2:49 AM on June 14, 2005

posted by NinjaPirate at 4:31 AM on June 14, 2005

Seduced. Hah!
posted by Caviar at 6:13 AM on June 14, 2005

I got more from this little gaggle of cartoons than the movie itself. Nice link.
posted by The Ultimate Olympian at 6:36 AM on June 14, 2005

Aaaaw - little orphan Ani looks like a flying squirrel in the main logo - I want T-shirt. Is he doing them yet?
posted by Jon Mitchell at 6:41 AM on June 14, 2005


Pics don't load for me.
posted by delmoi at 7:22 AM on June 14, 2005

oh you have to click the 'comic' link


Also, heh
posted by delmoi at 7:24 AM on June 14, 2005

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