A corporate MetaFilter?
January 15, 2001 8:06 AM Subscribe
Here's your damn coffee!
posted by dangerman at 8:14 AM on January 15, 2001
posted by costas at 8:27 AM on January 15, 2001
Yeah it looks pretty good.
posted by tiaka at 8:40 AM on January 15, 2001
posted by mathowie at 9:08 AM on January 15, 2001
1. When I click on the category icon on the left of each article, I expect to see the same page format with nothing but contents for that category. Instead, it just brings me to a crappy search results screen. =(
2. I don't like the gray bar on the bottom of each entry. The "read comments" link doesn't require a different colored background, and the filtering links could go just as well on the right side of the top gray table.
posted by ratbastard at 9:35 AM on January 15, 2001
posted by ericost at 9:44 AM on January 15, 2001
posted by tiaka at 9:52 AM on January 15, 2001
It seems the most important thing determining if I read a thread at plastic is whether or not the title appeals to me, and it's the hardest to read part of a post.
posted by mathowie at 9:54 AM on January 15, 2001
posted by Hankins at 10:08 AM on January 15, 2001
posted by dhartung at 11:22 AM on January 15, 2001
posted by tomorama at 11:32 AM on January 15, 2001
posted by captaincursor at 11:50 AM on January 15, 2001
Of course, it's only been up for half a day, so it may be a little too soon to tell. Hehe.
posted by waxpancake at 12:15 PM on January 15, 2001
posted by tiaka at 12:35 PM on January 15, 2001
Note that in order to be allowed to post articles, you need to be an editorial employee of a commercial content site: Spin, The New Republic, Inside, Movieline, Gamers.com, Modern Humorist, TeeVee, NetSlaves, Nerve, or Wired News.
They report, they decide. :-)
posted by aaron at 1:44 PM on January 15, 2001
posted by aaron at 2:01 PM on January 15, 2001
I don't mind The New Republic picking political links as much as I think it's odd for one publication to run each category. If that's the case, wouldn't these things do better as weblogs on each publisher's own site? If the plan is to build a super-brand from whole cloth out of content from a bunch of other things, Steve Baldwin of NetSlaves should give them all a presentation about Time Pathfinder.
posted by rcade at 2:16 PM on January 15, 2001
posted by Neale at 2:44 PM on January 15, 2001
posted by waxpancake at 4:19 PM on January 15, 2001
Yeah, right. How about "Plastic is slashdot minus the news for nerds and most of the stuff that matters." Honestly, I hope they work out the signal to noise problem and drop as much of the Suck attitude as possible, and that it becomes a great site to surf -- because hey, who doesn't like a great site? There are some smart people involved... but I'm not gonna get my hopes up.
posted by sudama at 4:25 PM on January 15, 2001
posted by lucien at 9:19 PM on January 15, 2001
posted by aaron at 9:48 PM on January 15, 2001
I'd like to see them take the technology further, not just replace an internal forum and call it a revolution in news, especially when that particular revolution already happened (thank you Slashdot).
Still, could turn out to be interesting.
posted by teradome at 10:20 PM on January 15, 2001
posted by sudama at 10:42 PM on January 15, 2001
It does go futher than Slashdot in that part of it relies on the real contributions of actual editors from other publications - not all of which are owned or associated with the main group from Automatic Media (Suck, Feed, and Alt.Culture).
Although that's important, it's going to be very important to step up and get some grassroots participation in there as well, beyond just posting. Posting is fine, but to get the Kiss Army you need something more.
Additionally, to call the contributing sites Big Web Media is a bit of a stretch. The pubs involved here are all small, they're pubs that went through (and survived) the first web crunch (this one is the second) - and learned how to run fast and lean. I would guess that if you added up the staffs of Feed, Suck, Automatic itself, Alt.Culture, and Plastic you'd come out to well under 100 people.
posted by mikel at 11:20 PM on January 15, 2001
plastic.com used to belong to a web development shop called Plastic, before razorfish absorbed them and they became razorfish sf. That was in 1997 I think.
posted by muta at 12:04 AM on January 16, 2001
posted by hijinx at 12:39 PM on January 16, 2001
posted by cCranium at 1:04 PM on January 16, 2001
posted by hijinx at 1:08 PM on January 16, 2001
Perhaps your name server hasn't been updated, and it's redirecting plastic.com somewhere else?
posted by cCranium at 1:44 PM on January 16, 2001
posted by hijinx at 1:54 PM on January 16, 2001
1. Netboy was the previous owner of Plastic.com, though we've owned it for almost half a year. Drop me a line if you continue to have trouble getting the proper page to load.
2. The combined staffs (editorial, tech, and business) for FEED, Suck, Altculture, and Plastic -- which is all of Automatic Media -- add up 29 people at last count. Plastic's staff is basically four people between programming and editorial. So while we have Big Media backers, and certainly are more corporate than many other web logs out there, we're still trying to run as small and feisty an operation as possible. Which is what FEED and Suck have always been about...
thanks again for the link and the good will.
posted by Sberlin at 6:05 PM on January 16, 2001
Just wanted to respond to the taking-credit-for-Slashdot comments: my expectation is that a good portion of any success we chance upon with Plastic is going to accrue directly to Malda and company, who certainly deserve it. All the talk about "new model for news" on Plastic isn't some attempt to take credit for Slashdot, it's an attempt to explain it to people who've never heard of Slashdot and really don't quite get what the idea behind Slash is all about. Don't lose sight of the fact that there are more of them than there are of us.
Because Slashdot really is a new model for news, even if a couple of years of existence makes it seem not-so-new to us. I'd go as far as saying that Slashdot is the most significant innovation in news that the web has offered, so much so that even talking about it strictly in terms of "news" does a disservice to the concept. I wish we could just say that Plastic is a pop culture Slashdot -- God knows, I try it every time -- but it's only our luckiest days that people know what we mean when we say that.
When that doesn't work, and "distributed weblog" gets the same blank stares, we're forced to start explaining from scratch, which is where all the hoohah comes in that makes us sound pretentious to those who don't need the remedial ed.
So rest assured that none of us are kidding ourselves about where our debts lie.
As for Plastic seeming so megacorporate, I know it might look that way -- and maybe looking that way isn't all that bad a thing, really -- but I'm not sure there are that many web projects that have made it 5+ years online like Feed and Suck without picking up at least a little corporate pallor. Regardless of what you think of Feed, Suck or Plastic, the least we deserve is a little credit for surviving online longer than just about anyone, with the goal not some Candyland IPO but to turn a completely justifiable love for the web into something more than a hobby, even if we enjoy it like people usually only enjoy hobbies. The price we pay for that may mean losing the right to paint ourselves as some kind of renegade publishers and being mistaken at times for corporate stooges, but risking that misinterpration is definitely worth it.
Ultimately, I just think we'd be crazy to not want to try doing something like Plastic. Slashdot and the zillions of other logs out there just made it look like too much fun for us to resist. If it doesn't work out -- though I have an anointed prayercloth right here that says it will -- it might look on the outside like a big corporation eating shit, but whether we succeed or fail, it'll really just be a handful of people trying like hell to get away with murder, same as it's always been. I think some of you know the feeling.
posted by joey@plastic.com at 7:27 PM on January 16, 2001
posted by aaron at 9:44 PM on January 16, 2001
posted by cCranium at 5:55 AM on January 17, 2001
posted by sudama at 9:54 AM on January 17, 2001
posted by sudama at 9:56 AM on January 17, 2001
(although karma points still feel like some kind of perverse scooby snack, if you know what i mean...)
posted by teradome at 12:06 PM on January 17, 2001
posted by baylink at 8:03 PM on January 17, 2001
I find myself pleasantly surprised buy the calibre of the writing both of the stories, and of the comments so far. Like Slashdot, and unlike, well, here, the stories are written long, which I consider to be a good thing (I've just started again to try and write longer on my log after an interlude of really short postings), and they're written pretty well, I think. I like editory with an attitude; that's the approach I try to take.
Having just become an independent contractor again, and since Road Runner goes in in a week, I expect my entries to get even longer and more annoying.
[Though I don't think I'll ever catch up with Etheel. :-)]
For the moment, though, more power to em. Though they *do* oughtta darken that blue just a touch.
posted by baylink at 8:20 PM on January 17, 2001
Sorry, Steve.
(If this damned entry box wasn't *a fixed size too big for my screen* it wouldn't have happened. Really. What's wrong with percentages, anyway?)
posted by baylink at 8:21 PM on January 17, 2001
posted by rodii at 8:49 PM on January 17, 2001
Though when I logged in today, I discovered I'd been given moderation powers despite still having no karma points whatsoever.
Now I just have to figure out if it's a recognition of my brilliance, or sheer pity on their part. ;)
posted by aaron at 10:16 PM on January 17, 2001
posted by m@ at 10:43 AM on January 25, 2002
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posted by MattD at 8:07 AM on January 15, 2001