Kid goes mad trying to log on to Unreal Tournament
August 2, 2006 7:14 AM   Subscribe

Angry German Kid We all have out bad days (YouTube video, NSFW German cursing, hysterical screaming, extreme keyboard abuse)
posted by persona non grata (55 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
"this little retard is the worst example of German people."

Oh, I can think of worse.
posted by brownpau at 7:19 AM on August 2, 2006

posted by cavalier at 7:21 AM on August 2, 2006

Seems to me that this either: A. a hoax in which somebody taped themselves acting like a spaz or B. an example of a very very disturbed human being that needs help.

Where, though, does the video come from? Was his cruel sister taping him sereptitiously?
posted by jaded at 7:22 AM on August 2, 2006

It's pretty obviously fake, I think. And a bad fake with bad acting.
posted by Joakim Ziegler at 7:23 AM on August 2, 2006

This is rather old and ubiquitous for the metafilter, is it not? Plus with the bad spelling and all, it's just a tad on the lame side.
posted by glenwood at 7:24 AM on August 2, 2006

He's acting. Nobody shrieks a narrative when they're angry. Not even Jerrys are that anal-retentive. And they certainly don't record it for your amusement.
posted by Mayor Curley at 7:24 AM on August 2, 2006

It's acting.
posted by riotgrrl69 at 7:25 AM on August 2, 2006

Jerrys? What's that?
posted by davebush at 7:30 AM on August 2, 2006

Eat your melted shit.
posted by MrZero at 7:31 AM on August 2, 2006

Wow, it certainly delivers what it promises.
posted by terpsichoria at 7:34 AM on August 2, 2006

I found this great video on youtube today. It's teh awesome!
posted by photoslob at 7:34 AM on August 2, 2006


I thought I would have more to say, but... I don't. Just... pathetic.
posted by drleary at 7:35 AM on August 2, 2006

If it's real, it's just plain sad. It's every bit as funny as watching an epileptic have a seizure.

If it's not real... it's a testament to the German capacity for lameness. Uberlame.
posted by ibmcginty at 7:41 AM on August 2, 2006

excellent fark material; mefi, not so much imho
posted by Heywood Mogroot at 7:45 AM on August 2, 2006

That reminds me of that guy in a cubicle that goes really mad over his computer: screams, kicks, slams, etc... Too lazy to dig the link up.
posted by NewBornHippy at 7:47 AM on August 2, 2006

I saw the "original", prior to the translated subtitles... I'd have to say, they simply reek of a desperate grab for mileage off this poor performance. "Quick start, yeah, here we go!..." What?

Anyway, you don't log on to Unreal Tournament.
posted by prostyle at 7:48 AM on August 2, 2006

Y'know, when America's Funniest Home Videos premiered, it was great because it was comprised of VHS clips that had been sitting in closets and on bookshelves across middle America. And then, as the show gained popularity and the monetary prizes increased, people began to submit staged videos and the show began to suck.

That's what's happening to YouTube. Bus Uncle was funny because it was real. This sucks because it's not.
posted by cribcage at 7:49 AM on August 2, 2006

MeFi: Best (german) crap of the Web?
posted by homodigitalis at 8:00 AM on August 2, 2006

That's a good call, cribcage. I loved that show, despite Bob Saget's relentless, determined unfunniness, when it came out when I was in 5th grade. I see those shows now and think what terrible taste I had back then. But your explanation of the show's gradual descent into suck makes a lot of sense.

My 7th grade Social Studies teacher said his daughter did something funny on her bike once, so they tried to get her to do it again; the result was a trip to the hospital.
posted by ibmcginty at 8:01 AM on August 2, 2006

Poor kid just needs a hug.
posted by Pastabagel at 8:01 AM on August 2, 2006

This guys has dialup and a 8086, this is clearly a commercial for an upgrade.
posted by NewBornHippy at 8:03 AM on August 2, 2006

This wasn't funny the first time around. What next? Star Wars kid on YouTube? All Your Base Are Belong To Us on YouTube?
posted by jack_mo at 8:12 AM on August 2, 2006

It scared my dog. Bad video, bad video.
posted by dness2 at 8:12 AM on August 2, 2006

"makes manic sound"

.. in case you were wondering if ALL German sounds like that.
posted by wfc123 at 8:16 AM on August 2, 2006

It's every bit as funny as watching an epileptic have a seizure.

Not funny. Art.

Like 'Epileptic Seizure Comparison' by Paul Sharits. This, I imagine, is a study in Tourette's or a scathing commentary on online gaming/youth-culture.
posted by slimepuppy at 8:18 AM on August 2, 2006

excellent fark material; mefi, not so much imho

This is too old for fark.
posted by ducksauce at 8:23 AM on August 2, 2006

I pity those of you who actually watched this video, and I thank you for taking the bullet for me. *sigh* What would the world be without suckers? ;^D
posted by squirrel at 8:27 AM on August 2, 2006

Eh, I vote not fake.

I like how he picks up the stray keycap and fumblingly puts it back. Like a guy roughing up his girlfriend and then, realizing he's caused actual damage, stops for a moment to lovingly straighten her hair.


Don't make me say it again!
posted by scheptech at 8:34 AM on August 2, 2006

i vote fake because when he gets to play what he wants to play, he doesn't calm down a bit ... it's all hysteria, even when he's shooting his enemies

that and his constant struggle to avoid a shit-eating grin
posted by pyramid termite at 8:40 AM on August 2, 2006

But, really, why was it taking do long for Unreal Tournament to load.

posted by Astro Zombie at 8:41 AM on August 2, 2006

Oh, I can think of worse.

Except that little retard isn't actually German...
posted by afx237vi at 8:56 AM on August 2, 2006

I can't find the link right now but, apparently, this is this kid's shtick. He has more videos of him freaking out in various places. If it wasn't so shitty I'd track them down.
posted by basicchannel at 8:56 AM on August 2, 2006

Obligatory snark about single link youtube posts. Specific snark about the crappy quality and shelf life of this particular post.
posted by doctor_negative at 8:57 AM on August 2, 2006

Ah well, live and learn. I thought it was funny if a bit suspicious. Then again, I am retarded und ich sprech ein bischen Deutsch.
posted by persona non grata at 8:59 AM on August 2, 2006

The use of "retard" as an insult has become far too common. It's wrong.
posted by davebush at 9:05 AM on August 2, 2006

If this thread doesn't win "best post of the day," I say the selection process is RIGGED!
posted by crunchland at 9:12 AM on August 2, 2006

posted by muckster at 9:26 AM on August 2, 2006

This shit is old. OLD.
posted by 2sheets at 10:16 AM on August 2, 2006

Hey, there's an amusing video with a kid swinging a pretend lighsabre around too... yes, this is a bit old. Still utterly terrifying though.
posted by greycap at 10:17 AM on August 2, 2006

Here's what it would sound like if the kid sang for Dillenger Escape Plan.
posted by skullbee at 10:28 AM on August 2, 2006 [1 favorite]

The use of "retard" as an insult has become far too common. It's wrong.

It's a harsh world out there.
posted by Dark Messiah at 10:49 AM on August 2, 2006

it's fake. this and that is the inspiration apparently. but I think the copy is more hilarious than the original in this case.
posted by namagomi at 11:14 AM on August 2, 2006

brownpau: Hitler was born in Austria. =)

This is ridiculous. This video ruined my day. Bad form.
posted by triolus at 12:01 PM on August 2, 2006

The use of "retard" as an insult has become far too common. It's wrong.

Really. It's totally lame. A complete gyp.
posted by Astro Zombie at 12:09 PM on August 2, 2006

"Anyway, you don't log on to Unreal Tournament."

Mmm, but if you're playing online multiplayer, and there are modified maps, skins and rules etc, there can be some time consuming downloads between games, even if you've just played on a particular server. If he has a grudge against a particular team or player, he might be slightly worked up. If he has a habit of getting worked up at the computer, is it beyond the realms of possibility that he was filmed by a sibling? Don't get me wrong - my first thought was "this is a fake", but there are some bastards about, and maybe this once they caught one on camera. It's not impossible.
posted by nthdegx at 2:03 PM on August 2, 2006

That's 2/100 of my promised YouTube vendetta. Stay tuned, folks! ;-)
posted by persona non grata at 3:40 PM on August 2, 2006

This was exposed on Digg as fake- not dugg, in this case.
posted by moonbird at 4:50 PM on August 2, 2006

Bob Saget's funny stuff is NSFTV.
posted by whimsicalnymph at 7:24 PM on August 2, 2006

posted by mrgrimm at 10:32 PM on August 2, 2006

In a similar vein (I think this has been posted before) - kid freaks out at his mother without realising his mic is on. It's the fact that the characters lip-sync that makes it great.
posted by greycap at 11:34 PM on August 2, 2006

Really. It's totally lame. A complete gyp.

posted by missbossy at 12:17 AM on August 3, 2006

Oh my god, Nintendo 64!

(quite old, but less than the german kid video)
posted by darkripper at 3:15 AM on August 3, 2006

I didn't think this was fake until i saw it with translation.
his piece of shit keyboard looked disposable, and it was ridiculous how much he pounded on it while it still loaded.

at some point he seemed to crack up at his efforts.
I'm not saying that he was in control for the whole filming, but he definately went into that clip knowing he was going to lose is shit.

the thing which terrified me the most from this clip, and the alleged inspiration, is what the hell would anyone else in the house think, hearing it?

In a real fight, that kid's lack of skill would leave him bloodied, and lessoned. As it is, he doesn't even have the strength to kick hard enough to knock off the roll-on deoderant placed on top of it.

posted by Busithoth at 7:52 AM on August 3, 2006

Flagged as lame.
posted by Mister_A at 9:08 AM on August 3, 2006

The link skullbee posted has justified not only this FPP, but all of existence.

Whoever made that mashup should get a medal of some kind!

Absolutely amazing.
posted by slimepuppy at 9:20 AM on August 3, 2006

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