Covergent irony,
March 23, 2001 3:22 AM   Subscribe

Covergent irony, perhaps, maybe intentional commentary. So the New York Times writes an article about the relationship between globalization and commercial messages, particularly the insertion of globalization itself into the commercials and advertisements. The headline: "Globalization on Film: Message in a Coca-Cola Can." Guess what was in the advertisement to the right of the story. Right: a Diet Coke advert. The ad rotates on re-load, so here's a screenshot, 36k.
posted by Mo Nickels (2 comments total)
A coincidence -- the ads on are placed according to some obscure algorithms. But a little freaky nonetheless.

I'm surprised to see the Diet Coke ad. I've been seeing vast numbers of house ads on the site. Not a healthy sign.

I'm thirsty now.
posted by davidfg at 6:38 PM on March 23, 2001

duuuude --- that's, like, SO freaky!

now quit bogarting, and pass the bong this way, willya?
posted by crunchland at 8:13 PM on March 23, 2001

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