Yahoo's new BravoNation
December 21, 2007 9:53 PM   Subscribe

Yahoo's new BravoNation brings Xbox Live type achievements to the world outside of gaming. You can send or receive homemade awards from any user. They are banking on third party sites using their API to hand out bravo awards to people for doing various things. Our own waxpancake has the exclusive first look.
posted by riffola (21 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Sounds pretty ridiculous.

It has an API, but who would be simultaneously smart enough to write software that can integrate that API, and yet too dumb to write their own "Awards" system?
posted by delmoi at 10:18 PM on December 21, 2007

It's like an annoying facebook app with none of the benefits of having a facebook account.
posted by null terminated at 10:27 PM on December 21, 2007

First of all, can Fred Thompson have a round of applause?
posted by Poolio at 10:34 PM on December 21, 2007

Once it's open to the public, it'll turn into a cesspool like everything else on the internet.
posted by smackfu at 10:37 PM on December 21, 2007

[^] <-- oooo, open it!
posted by davejay at 11:08 PM on December 21, 2007

[ :P ] <-- oh, it's just some guy sticking out his tongue. BRAVO!
posted by davejay at 11:08 PM on December 21, 2007

Venture capitalists, I'm waiting.
posted by davejay at 11:09 PM on December 21, 2007

The internet finds another way to goatse innocent people.

[ * ]
posted by stavrogin at 11:37 PM on December 21, 2007 [1 favorite]

I think it's sweet and nice.

Even though I'm not sure what purpose it serves, really (:

Still, for some reason I want more Bravos.

posted by ambilevous at 11:44 PM on December 21, 2007

If I understand correctly, it's basically making life more like elementary school --- anyone can award anyone else a gold star?

I find it very strange.
posted by jayder at 11:59 PM on December 21, 2007

If I understand correctly, it's basically making life more like elementary school --- anyone can award anyone else a gold star?

I haven't peed my bed in three whole days.

i can haz moar bravoz?
posted by ryoshu at 1:06 AM on December 22, 2007

This will certainly win a Webby Award. Fame and riches will soon follow.
posted by Tacodog at 1:56 AM on December 22, 2007

I am really sick of these exclusive first looks at websites. Review it and tell me about when it is available please. A preview doesn't build buzz anymore. It builds "Oh yeah. Heard about that. Went to see it and couldn't use it. Moved on. Not giving up any more of my time".
posted by srboisvert at 2:22 AM on December 22, 2007 [1 favorite]

Surely this will halt Yahoo's terminal decline.
posted by influx at 2:52 AM on December 22, 2007

Actually, I'm rather hopeful that it'll accelerate it...
posted by wendell at 3:09 AM on December 22, 2007

You brought down Yahoo! 250 points!
posted by ersatz at 8:02 AM on December 22, 2007

Also, Bravoteer? D'Artagnan, you gotta get the Queen's jewels from Buckingham lest she be publicly shamed!
posted by ersatz at 8:09 AM on December 22, 2007

I got an invite from waxpancake from the preview yesterday; it certainly is a weird little system. I'm not sure where this is going to fit into the web; like null terminated said, it's very much like a facebook app.

delmoi, enjoy the award I sent you. It will undoubtedly be highly coveted.
posted by Remy at 10:08 AM on December 22, 2007

I never get awards. Or bravos. Or attaboys. Or prizes, honors or laureates. Or shout-outs at meet-ups. Or yahoos, yippees or yowzas. But I still have my self-esteem. I'm a precious little snowflake. And it's 88 degrees Fahrenheit.
posted by wendell at 1:19 PM on December 22, 2007

You brought down Yahoo! 250 points!
360º, surely.
posted by Karmakaze at 4:58 PM on December 22, 2007

Your input as a beta-tester is invaluable to us. Your suggestion will be examined.
posted by ersatz at 5:47 AM on December 23, 2007

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