April 7, 2001
4:50 PM   Subscribe

Important stuff to keep track of on the net, number 18873 in series: the Female Celebrity Smoking List. Ever wondered what movies [insert actress here] smoked in? Did she smoke in real life? What brand? Can you verfiy that "Barry McKenzie Holds His Own"* is a non-cigarette smoking movie? Ever find yourself musing about whether "banana-to-penis is an easier analogy than cigarette-to-penis"? Then you're in luck.
*Which is, not to fork my own thread, a movie starring two guys** named Barry.
**One in drag
posted by rodii (2 comments total)
Thanks for the link - turns out that there is a whole "support" site for all of us smokers, with links to plenty of other smoker-solidarity sites.
posted by davidmsc at 6:09 PM on April 7, 2001

mmm, natalie portman, naked and smoking.

wait, what am i doing, this isn't slashdot.
posted by titboy at 7:15 PM on April 7, 2001

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