April 17, 2001
11:32 AM   Subscribe

While it's good to know that the courts seem to be behind consumer privacy, I wonder about the executive branch's stance on privacy.
posted by fooljay (1 comment total)
From the article:
But the new administration has already signaled that it will not designate a single person to steer its privacy policy, instead leaving the job to staff members in various agencies.

This worries me. Many different people (from different agencies with different agendas) independently deciding on privacy policy will work just about as well as many different embankments making up a levee. It only takes one breach to make all else useless.

Yes, it's nice that there is even action on the Executive level, but if you have to have a group of people deciding on privacy policy, why not choose from this group and let them work together: Evan Hendricks, Beth Givens, Robert Ellis Smith, Lauren Weinstein , Marc Rotenberg, David L. Sobel, Andrew Shen, Deborah Pierce, Donna L. Hoffman and, for God's sake, Richard M. Smith.
posted by fooljay at 11:33 AM on April 17, 2001

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