Rutabagas, Artichokes, Kiwis, Oh My!
June 2, 2008 7:04 PM   Subscribe

FruitAndVeggieGuru – everything you need to know about the delicious fruits and vegetables you enjoy. Answers about how to lower your cholesterol or how to prepare asparagus. You’ll find loads of background and variety information, nutrition specifics, serving sizes, preparation ideas and care and handling tips.
posted by netbros (18 comments total) 11 users marked this as a favorite
This strikes me as kind of an advertisement.
posted by nightchrome at 7:10 PM on June 2, 2008

The site is a product of Vance Publishing's Food360 division, which brings you Swine Practitioner and Citrus + Vegetable Magazine ("Profitable Strategies for Florida Growers").
posted by BT at 7:35 PM on June 2, 2008

NC: It's a conspiracy.
posted by IronLizard at 8:19 PM on June 2, 2008

Uh-huh. Does that make the information less useful somehow?
posted by netbros at 8:20 PM on June 2, 2008

No, but it makes it something I'd rather not see here.
posted by nightchrome at 8:26 PM on June 2, 2008

I like to know about things, especially vegan-friendly things. Yay!
posted by turgid dahlia at 8:30 PM on June 2, 2008

Um...yes? A summary of the pluses and minuses of organic food as created by an agribusiness marketing publication is not, in my book, all that useful.
posted by BT at 8:38 PM on June 2, 2008

Swine Practitioner? Damn. That's the best name they could find for their magazine?
posted by flapjax at midnite at 8:45 PM on June 2, 2008

If you know of a site that details pluses and minuses of organic food in a non-biased way, that would be more useful to those reading this information.
posted by netbros at 8:53 PM on June 2, 2008 [1 favorite]

I'm afraid it doesn't answer my biggest question about asparagus: how to consume it without turning your every bodily fluid into a noxious concoction the mere smell of which can knock out a gas-masked Marine at thirty paces.

Forgetting to mention that you've eaten asparagus in the past month when receiving oral sex should be grounds for criminal proceedings and/or divorce.
posted by MrVisible at 9:05 PM on June 2, 2008 [1 favorite]

If you know of a site that details pluses and minuses of organic food in a non-biased way, that would be more useful to those reading this information.

Hey, netbros, don't get too defensive... people are gonna snark when there's a Pepsi-ish Blue-esque post, there's just no getting around that.
posted by flapjax at midnite at 9:06 PM on June 2, 2008

BT, the section on organics is a lot more even-handed than most I've seen.
posted by lekvar at 9:06 PM on June 2, 2008

Nice, detailed information about foods I like, and not asking me to buy anything. I'm not seeing the Pepsi Blue here. Of course they're biased. Toward fruit and veggies, yay! Plus, they even give you the nutrition info on produce, something you might be hard pressed to learn, say, at the checkout counter.
posted by owhydididoit at 9:30 PM on June 2, 2008

The trouble with fruit and vegetables is that if you search you'll find they have bugs in them, to wit:

A critical error has occurred.
EXECUTE permission denied on object 'func_GetLatestPCCIDByFeedID', database 'CCMS', owner 'dbo'.
posted by tellurian at 9:44 PM on June 2, 2008

Permission denying is a cooking method somewhere between sauteeing and braising. Also, you don't have func_GetLatestPCCIDByFeedID in your pantry? What kind of cook are you?
posted by BrotherCaine at 10:56 PM on June 2, 2008

The site is clueless when it comes to Belgian Endive, AKA "witloof" AKA "chicory". You can search on chicory (French) or endive, but not witloof (Dutch). But, the results show they don't know what to do with it (they say to just use it like curly endive). But hey, it's American.

Also got an error when trying to view a recipe for Swiss chard.

Could be a useful site, thanks for the post. But they really need to improve the mess.
posted by Goofyy at 12:00 AM on June 3, 2008

Sorry if I was too reflexively critical. I disliked the industry-generated PR aspect of this, but that doesn't mean it can't be useful. It's good to know where eating advice comes from, is all.
posted by BT at 6:14 AM on June 3, 2008

He's no Produce Pete.
posted by rokusan at 1:30 PM on June 3, 2008

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