New art from Juxtapoz
October 19, 2008 3:05 AM   Subscribe

Melted street signs, Art + Auction = Obama 08, Mr Brainwash's political satire, Amused Loon, Tyler Stout, and Robert Williams's Dream Detective video (parts 1, 2, 3, 4). All adds up to the latest art, courtesy of Juxtapoz magazine.
posted by internationalfeel (7 comments total)
Well, this art stuff is all good and well, but me & the Mrs. need something that matches the towels we've chosen for the guest bathroom.
posted by twoleftfeet at 3:51 AM on October 19, 2008

Art is now a matter of survival. Don't trust your savings to banks. Withdraw your money and invest it in art. Leave the dangerous, abstract stuff - money, one and zeroes - to the accountants and economists, and get stuck into the real world of pickled sheep and high concept.
posted by internationalfeel at 4:26 AM on October 19, 2008

Pickled sheep (read: Damien Hirst) are a lot more expensive than Juxtapoz-style art.

The magazine has gotten a lot better over the last ten years. It used to be almost exclusively cartoonish stoner faux-surrealism (don't get me wrong; I like that stuff). They've broadened their aesthetic horizons, and built a nice web page.
posted by kozad at 8:53 AM on October 19, 2008

god, I love Robert Williams.
posted by dozo at 9:22 AM on October 19, 2008

Cool post. I'd kind of forgotten about Juxtapox over the past half decade or so and here they've been growing up (in the best possible way) all that time.

The Jason Atomic sketches Sucklord vid is fun.
posted by philip-random at 9:51 AM on October 19, 2008

I liked this image from Flickr. It reminds me of a Halloween costume I made about 10 years ago.

I cut up a large flat plastic Fresnel lens into squares about 1 inch on each side. I rearranged the squares, turning some sideways and some backwards. I re-assembled the lot by sticking them together side by side with clear plastic tape. I attached the resulting surface onto a curved section of metal coat hanger wire. I attached the wire to a backwards-facing baseball cap, such that the randomized Fresnel lens formed a curved screen several inches in front of my face. This resulted in my face looking somewhat "pixelated".

I went as "the guy from the TV show "Cops" who didn't sign the release form".
posted by Tube at 10:32 AM on October 19, 2008

The magazine has gotten a lot better over the last ten years.

Is it still 90% ads? When I first started reading Juxtapoz the ad-to-article ratio wasn't too bad, but I noticed, around 2002 or so, that the content started sliding towards zero and the ad started taking over.
posted by lekvar at 12:46 PM on October 19, 2008

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